Editor’s Note: Below is an article designed to help folks with a warning, yet… what is this article really saying? Fear about visiting NYC, Fear regarding escalating violence, Fear about being in our world right now!

No doubt about it, all of the points made are true for those in a 3D world where our societal chaos indicates a new societal structure is arising. As a scientist, I Am aware that chaos reorganizes at a higher level.

So…go to NYC if the need arises. Be safe and smart while there, and intend a positive experience while visiting NYC, and then, BE in…

Quantum Joy!


For over a year I have been warning readers of this website and listeners to my radio show to STAY AWAY FROM NEW YORK CITY because the crime is so widespread, brazen, and violent. Below, two videos of about one minute each, showing you the latest.

We begin with this: Just another day in New York City’s safest subway system, where innocent people are being harassed and assaulted.

But the mayor wants you to ride the subway instead of driving, to save the environment.

Then, at night, this is a neighborhood uptown.  Look at what they do when cars are caught mid-block by a traffic light, and vehicles stopped ahead of them:

UPDATE – Sunday, May 29  1:36 PM EDT —

Yesterday, ANOTHER situation, on a public street, in broad daylight. Look:

THIS is what takes place each and every day in New York City.  And worse.   Armed robberies at gunpoint are taking place in the open, on crowded Manhattan streets.  Unprovoked beatings of people who are merely walking down streets.  Brazen shoot-outs between rival gangs.

New York City does not seem safe to me — at all.   I say that as someone who has lived in this region almost all my life.

AVOID NEW YORK CITY AT ALL COSTS. It is dangerous here.

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