Kat Anonup Update: The Movie is Almost Over! ~ MARCH 21, 2022


Submitted on March 20, 2022

Enclose a marvelous summary of what we already know, but it’s succinctly put and is a thrill to read.


Posted by The Sacred Blue Tent Channel

Secretary of Military & Head of the Provisional Military Government 
of the United States! 
To my colleagues from Bulgaria: 
I understand from your comments that there has been 
a great fever and commotion in Bulgaria 
regarding the visit of the US Secretary of Military. , 
concerns that this man will force Bulgaria into war with Russia. 
I bet many of you joined in later 
and still believe the Media that the United States 
has a new government headed by the

Briefly: US elections on November 3, 2020
were won by President Donald Trump in all 50 states. 

The Deep State tried to fake them 
& the Media reported that Joe B. he has won them over. 
BUT! The official ballot was electronic watermarked, 
which the counterfeiters were unaware of.
So every vote cast for President Trump 
was recorded on a quantum server 
& the fate of each ballot is known. 

The Military Alliance, which stands behind President Trump, 
decided to show people how deeply corrupt 
all government institutions are & since then, 
we’ve been watching a movie
that really aims 
to open our eyes & wake us up so this never happens again. 
So, on January 20, 2021. at 12:00 noon 
the United States was taken over by a military government 
led by Secretary of Military General Christopher Miller 
& Commander-in-Chief, the lawfully elected President Donald Trump.

Until the November 2020 elections. 
General Cr. Miller was Director of the National Counter-Terrorism Service,
a student of General Michael Flynn. 

The role of the fake joe b is played by three actors 


Also, his entire “crew” is a cast selected by President Trump’s team.
All his ministers are actors whose actions have no legal value.

Including this fake military minister who visits Bulgaria 
& causes such a fuss – Lloyd Austin. 
All these actors are talking & doing 
as President Trump and the White Hat Military 
are telling them to do. 

This whole show is about waking people up 
& doing a lot of work behind the scenes. 

The White House, Capitol & all federal buildings in D.C. 
have been empty & closed as of January 20, 2021. 

These people have never set foot there, 
nor have they any access to the Pentagon! 

They are ACTORS ! Hold on to that! 
President Vladimir Putin is currently shattering 
the last remnants of the New World Order.
They are allies & collaborators with President Trump.
Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the US Army is President Trump! 

He would never send U.S. troops against any nation on the planet! 
So there is no reason to fear American soldiers. 
Here in Greece, people are looking forward to them 
for the second year as liberators from the junta. 
There will be no world war! 
Russia & the United States 
have been allies in all wars so far. 

It’s all just propaganda from the last remnants of globalism. 
The new global Alliance of White Hats 
controls the situation of the entire planet.

Soon it will all be over! In a few days’ time!

Everything is under control! 

Bulgarian political leaders are controlled by Soros,

& are following orders
from the World Economic Forum in Davos 
via Brussels headquarters. 

This movie is going to end. 
The man who will appear in Bulgaria as a Military Minister 
is not such a man, but an actor from the People’s Awakening Team. 
His actions have no legal value. 
Probably the rulers in Bulgaria themselves do not know this.

We are witnessing the most incredible movie 
in the history of mankind with Biblical script. 
What is coming is so wonderful 
that our suffering mind can hardly contain it! 
At any moment the movie will end
& everything will fall into place.

Learn more

We have another clean up – Taiwan. 
There, the work will be done by Chinese President Xi Jinping, 
and this operation will begin at any moment.

Then all the fuss will head towards him 
and he will be declared the biggest villain! 
The last pre-death screams of globalism! 
Remember the uproar against President Trump 
from all the tv and newspapers and what a “villain” he was! 

These three leaders – Trump, Putin & Xi Jinping 
have saved Humanity
from the death grip of globalism!

So let’s get positive & send positive energy 
to the brave warriors fighting for our freedom! 

Replace fear with Light and Bright thoughts! 
There is nothing to be afraid of!

The Sacred Blue Tent Channel

Q The Storm Rider
TAIWAN is not innocent
Major human trafficking network
in the middle of the N & S China Seas, Philippine Sea,
Indonesia → AU
TAIWAN has been the hub of human trafficking, sex trade
into China for 100s of years & recently
Organ harvesting NETWORKS..
is what nightmares are made of


Kat IstheSea3 @katisthesea3 

Kat: It is my understanding that ALL CURRENCY
actual notes, coins & digital
will be gold & precious metal backed in the QFS.
Most of our currency is digital now anyway.
You can’t transfer millions of dollars in actual bills & coins.
Well you could, but it would a huge bundle! 


Zeros out credit card, mortgage & other bank debt

Abolishes income tax & IRS

Reinstates Title of Nobility amendment

Creates new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency 
backed by gold, silver, platinum & precious metals.

Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records 
as chattel property bonds by the US Dept of Transportation.

Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System 
in alignment with Constitutional Law.

Eliminates the Fed.

Restores financial privacy.

Establishes global peace Releases GINORMOUS sums of money for humanitarian purposes
Releases 6k patents of suppressed Tech, healing, Tesla, etc.




Ron Giles perfectly explained how gold-backed works:

Kat IstheSea3 @katisthesea3

Truly, God Wins & The Best Is Yet To Come, as we have known all along. But now we are almost there. Nearly there.

There is going to be such a CELEBRATION in CREATION once the devil & his depraved army are sent to eternal oblivion where they can NEVER EVER EVER exist again. And so it is.

With blessings of Peace, Health, Happiness & Abundance Unceasing,

This is Kat, over & out




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