Military Tribunal Sentences Sonia Sotomayor to Death ~ March 10, 2022


Former Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor was sentenced to hang by the neck until dead after a military commission at Guantanamo Bay found the Obama-appointee guilty of treason and betraying her oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States.

On Monday, March 7, the Deep State Justice had her day in court and found herself answerable to the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps and the Office of Military Commissions. Their offices, with help from the U.S. Marine Corps, helped adjudicate her fate.

At GITMO’s south courtroom, Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall recited the charges against Sotomayor: Treason, aiding and abetting the enemy, crimes against humanity, domestic terrorism, falsifying public records, money laundering, bribery, espionage, and sedition, several of which are punishable via gassing, firing squad, beheading, lethal injection, electrocution, or hanging.  The “White Hat” partition has relied on hanging the condemned, with a few exceptions.

Appearing without counsel, a pugnacious Sotomayor chose to defend herself, saying in an opening statement that she, a Supreme Court Justice with 40 years of legal experience, didn’t need a lawyer to advocate on her behalf. Instead, she told the 3-officer panel that she had absolute and irrevocable immunity from prosecution. Her station as a SCJ, she said, exempted her from being held to account for statements made while on or off the bench, and shielded her against unrighteous and unlawful assaults on her character and work ethic. President Obama, she added boisterously, had promised her protection for life.

Vice Adm. Crandall swiveled his head. “Do you see Obama here? I hope we see him here soon, but he’s not here right now. Maybe you don’t understand where you are. This is a military commission, not your chambers. You have no rights here,” he said.

He put her in her place. Her energetic niggling suddenly turned to quiet murmurs of discontent.

Vice Adm. Crandall showed the panel a dozen emails Sotomayor had written to Dr. Anthony Fauci, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, and members of the illegitimate Biden administration on 6 January, two days before she’d blatantly lied at a congressional hearing on Covid-19. There, Sotomayor claimed over 100,000 children were “hospitalized in intensive care and dying of Covid,” a statement later refuted by even her most loyal Deep State allies.

He went on: “This wasn’t a misspoken mistake, an error. Her emails prove she intended to amplify Covid fear by whimsically manufacturing a number in her head. Do you know how many minors on that date, across the whole country, were actually hospitalized and confirmed as having Covid?”

He held up seven fingers. “That’s right, seven. Seven in all United States. And do you know how many were in critical condition? The answer is none, zero.”

In emails to Deep State friends, Sotomayor wrote: “I’ll do everything in my power to ensure the current mandates stay in place. I have authority to enforce belief. The actual number of sick doesn’t matter. What matters is that we, the caretakers of the U.S., get everyone on board with mandates and make them stop questioning why we’re enforcing vaccinations. I’m a SCJ, and my word has weight. The greater number of people we say are sick, the more we’ll be believed.”

Vice Adm. Crandall paced around the courtroom, reading slowly from the email, giving each word its owed space: “…the more we’ll be believed. Who exactly is we? You? Fauci? Walensky? Biden? Obama? The Covid fraud is over, but you, like your associates, will bear the burden of your crimes.”

“Naive man, what’s over is only over because we want it that way. Covid is coming back with a bang. Just wait until after midterms. Win or lose, there’ll be a Covid resurgence like you can’t even imagine,” Sotomayor hissed.

Vice Adm. Crandall smiled. “This commission appreciates your candor. You just freely and without coercion implicated yourself in criminal conspiracy. I was prepared to spend a few days here, entering into evidence a mountain of financial records showing the bribes you accepted to promote Covid fear. That no longer seems necessary, Mrs. Sotomayor.”

“I’m a supreme court justice; address me by title,” Sotomayor said.

“The only title you have here is that of detainee,” Vice Adm. Crandall replied.

The panel swiftly affirmed the admiral’s declaration, and ruled that Sotomayor be hanged for high treason.

A date of execution is scheduled for 28 March.

Correction: I have fixed instances where we misstated Crandall’s rank. He is now a Vice Admiral.

14 thoughts on “Military Tribunal Sentences Sonia Sotomayor to Death ~ March 10, 2022



    1. Ted Cruz is Puerto Rican? Rubio? Thought Marco was from Cuba….Whatever, you are so right about the number of “parasitic bastards” that somehow have gotten into the highest levels of our govt and they don’t give a quack about us. p.s.-I don’t agree with your assumption on Cruz….

  2. If this is true and i’ll hav to reserve opinion on this since so much of Baxter’s reports on RRN never seem to see the light of day elsewhere……however I still love RRN (Real Raw News), it like a tabloid of trashy reading. Still if this is true and damn if it doesn’t sound legit, I hope they have a strong rope for Sonia as she is a weighty woman. Vice Admiral Crandall plays his part do damned well, he never gets flustered or at a loss for just the right words…..Oddly, Sotomayor looks different…she’s a pudgy woman and in the pic with Obama she looks years younger and more youthful. Could she be someone else with a mask? A clone? Something rings so wrong about her feeble utterance on the number of children dying in hospitals of covid…how could she be so inept? She Ivy League trained so she cant be a dumbass, how could she make such a statement without checking her facts? I’m just not sure we’ve got the original SC Justice Sotomayor… many fakes and frauds everywhere….

  3. But if you had been there, you would have said, “I realize you just did what you did to help the rest of us get to the understandings we need, so it’s all good ~ and I love you.” Right?

    1. No I wouldnt have said that at all. I would have rejoiced that a witch like her with all the gifts she was given in life, chose to express them by spitting in her fellow man’s face. I would have been happy to see her extracted from this world where she can visit that Ginsburg woman and together they can see the damage theyve done to our world.

      1. My friend, you weren’t the one asked. The question was put to Rose because to a recent comment of mine affirming one of her posts on forgiveness I was corrected by her publicly ~ to more forgiveness.

        I’m asking now whether such a correction holds true, in her tautology, across the board.

        Myself, while I can understand and even commend the workings of deserved karma (I’m being stalked at the moment), I try under even the most appalling circumstances to remember that every perpetrator is also a victim.

        Let there be peace between us all ~ but you’re entitled to any reaction you like. The question was for Rose, based on past commentary of her own.

        I hope this clears up any misunderstanding, and that you have a lovely day.

  4. I now see that my comment was indeed inserted by WordPress beneath strawberry’s. When I posted it, there were as yet no other comments on this post. Again, I hope this clears up misunderstanding.

  5. Well, my friends…those whose souls agreed to play the role of “the dark” in this movie on Earth (Obama, Hillary, Bush(es), etc.etc.) are now being removed with punishment for their Earthly personas. For me, this means that those of “dark riles” have played their own role with such intense fervor and success…I must applaud them! Not their evil deeds, but the magnificence of their performance.

    Certain of the dark have been driven by dark off-world entities. These will not only have their public Earthly personas punished, but their souls will be negated and added to the pure pool from which new souls are derived.

    1. As far as I am concerned ‘roles played’ or not, this is war. We must defend ourselves and in the paths I have followed, it is imperative that we do so. The ‘turn the other cheek’ philosophy that supposedly Jesus said, I do not believe. Much about Jesus has been fabricated by the same entities that have lied to us for centuries…..I also don’t believe the so called ‘holy books’ or scriptures are accurate and from my research, they have ALL been re-written and edited by the same cult of beings that want to take over the planet and kill most of us.

      1. You will enjoy very much, then, the posts glorying in the sniveling misery of these dark souls ~ and by doing so, you place yourself exactly on their level. So be it. Amen.

      2. Believe what you want. We all have different understandings of reality which NONE of us can prove either way. Yes, I will not enjoy the dark souls demise but I will enjoy the better air and freedom with those infestations gone. You can turn the other cheek but not me, I give them justice, not forgiveness. NEMA

      3. I’ve been both carelessly read by you and subsequently misquoted.

        In addition, your rant is inconsistent ~ both internally, and to its predecessor.

        I hope you feel that you’ve given this jumble of feelings a good airing, because further commentary from you on this subject will be consigned by me to my waste file unread.

        Please have a peaceful day.

  6. This gives us the opportunity to learn and grow within our own BEings. This was the mission of the Christ…to have us remember we are far more than we have been taught on this Earth! Your consciousness…based on your heart thought and communicated through your mental “mind” IS they key for KNOWing Your Own Magnificence!

    Those of the dark are magnificent for causing Earthly distress which gives us all the opportunity to recognize Who We Are. For some…this is a situation of “No Pain…No Gain”…yet…Love is ALWAYS here at all times meaning that ALL will come to this realization on their own souls pace.

    All of our jobs here is to “take advantage” of BEing on Earth to live love, enjoy love, love love, BE love, and grow in love. Change your heart and…change your world!

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