DIMENSIONAL WORLD ~ December 13, 2021


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There are no words which can exactly express Divine Realities because those Realities exist in the higher dimensional worlds, the worlds of four or more dimensions.

A fourth-dimensional idea can be expressed in this three-dimensional world only by a symbol, analogy or allegory which manifests something of the qualities of the Reality that is being presented for our comprehension. This is why I use films to explain these complex multi-dimensional concepts.

As an example you can think of our consciousness as a Rose. The number and beauty of the qualities unfold like petals and the perfume of the life mark definite stages in the manifestation of the Divine Rose within. Some roses, like Souls, are more advanced than others and manifest in greater beauty and perfection, and exhale a greater quantity and a rarer quality of perfume.

Many Souls who are still on the lower rungs of the ladder of evolution, and whose lessons lie largely in the material world, are like the rose bush which has yet put forth only leaves and thorns.

Such need the storms and lessons of the outer life to teach them that intellectual attainments and worldy successes alone are mere leaves and thorns, no matter how brilliant, pointed and shining, are not the ultimate attainment or blossom of life.

Many such are now realizing this and are beginning to put forth buds, although as yet there is little understanding that a blossom is forming, and no conception of the beauty and perfume of that which is to come. Yet if they keep striving to assimilate the experiences of life, their bud will surely come to bloom in due season.

For all advanced roses reach their richness and beauty of perfection only after repeated pruning, many bitter experiences and the constant attention of a wise gardener. As wild roses require many masses of blossoms to fill the air with perfume and many seasons to transform them into roses of greater beauty and perfection, so do the blossoming of simple human virtues among the ignorant masses of mankind bring joy and happiness to many.

Only as we open our higher faculties and begin to bloom spiritually, can we really express the beauty of the indwelling Soul or exhale the perfume, which is its spiritual essence. Instead of thinking how small we are, of how many faults we have, of how few our number is, let us remember how great we are within, how strong we are, how loving we are! Then let us utilize that strength and manifest that love.

Right now the outer world is seeking to drain our life and take our petals with negative thoughts, limited realities and the manipulation of our consciousness.

Due to our ignorance we cannot discern the negativity and limitation due to the human ego. The outside is just a reflection of the limitation and lies we allow in the mind. Which is inherited, unasked and forced upon us from birth to control, manipulate and deceive our energy until we discipline ourselves.

I created a new esoteric symbolism film about the Marvel film Shang-Chi to help others discipline their own ego. It is not only a powerful but moving film but highly symbolic of releasing our identification with the ego limited self. This knowledge and process of transcending to the highest levels of enlightenment is one of letting go of the identification of a personal self, Me.

My intention with this film is to help you to learn to become more aware of yourself and transcend your identification with the ego limited self. The undoing of the identification of the ego self is the primary focus of spiritual evolution and is the enigma that has baffled even the most intelligent minds of history.

As one comes to understand the true nature of the mind, one becomes less controlled to the effect of its inner workings and better positioned to transcend to one’s identification with it.

A spiritual teaching is awareness, that when you gain an extraordinary amount of awareness, you see things in a different way.


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