Past proves Future/Future proves past – November 27, 2021


Editor’s Note: Roseramblesdotorg is now on Telegram at Thanks!


Illustration: Henry Wong

Editor’s Note: Yes, my friends…our individual past/ present/future moments are all happening right NOW (No Other Way)! The past is remembered NOW, the future is planned NOW.

Our lives are based on nothing but our own perspective, our own personal “point of view”, and in this regard all can be changed depending on your perspective.

How to change your future? Simply “collapse the wave”. How to collapse the wave of your future? Place whatever it is you prefer (What is it you desire?) into your personal field by stating this out loud, and/or thinking about your desire, and/or BEing how you desire.

Remember, you are the only one in charge of you! Yes, indeed, this IS “Law of Attraction.”We could also talk about micro-tubules located in the umpteenth micro-scale of any and all matter and that is the stuff of Quantum…oh, there is that word again!

I recommend reading reading, Holodynamics, by Vernon Woolf, Ph. D. which describes how to develop and manage your personal power. The up shot from all this? Learning how to revel in, and maintain BEing in…

Quantum Joy!


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