Extra Terrestrial Groups Supporting Humanity and The Shift ~ October 30, 2021


Editor’s Note: Roserambles is now on Telegram! Please join my channel at: https://t.me/roserambles1.


There are many evolved species out there who are working to come close at these times and work with humanity’s evolutionary process. For example:

– The Andromedans: who shape reality by observing and actualising the flows of sacred geometry and numerology around which realities crystalises.
– The Arcturians: quirky, humorous and highly erudite beings, who are encouraging  alignment with natural technologies, the planetary stargates for example, that will be instrumental in Earth’s great realigning process.
– The Pleiadians: with the love and empathy to be able to feel other sentient beings as themselves. They flow like the dolphin, creating with joy, inquisitiveness and vibrancy. They’re completely transparent with integrity.

Why are they not readily visible to humanity? To some extent they are, but not necessarily with 3D eyes. Crucially they are respecting the Universal Law of Free Will – the inalienable right of each soul to self determine as it emerges from the source. And so it’s not about overriding your reality; not taking away your sovereignty by blinding you with science or even love. There’s encouragement to realise truth for yourself, to experience the love of self. And it’s challenging right now, because the Intervention is hell bent on blocking humanity’s connection beyond the 3D/4D layer, in which there are many dissonant  and distracting frequencies.

You also have species that were of the intervention that are now realigning and supporting Humanity’s liberation through the shift…

– The Annunaki: who were the original architects of the “matrix” in which we live. From the Sirius constellation they suffered the tremendous breakdown of their population there and sought then to reconstitute it. They are masters of energy technology and are very strong at creation on the intellectual plane.

– The Reptilians: who’ve been around on the earth since primordial times. They are fiercely reslient and warrior like, able to thrive as a pack in the harshest of environments. Their modus has been to infuse the human mind and control it with fear. But now plenty are realigning and supporting humanity emerge from physical control into weaving 3D reality from the quantum field.

So the situation is complex and confusing in the 3D/4D layer. But when you witness the synchronisitc effects of the quantum field you realise there’s a spectacular “pulling through” going on. That the karmic construct of the shadowstate is destabilising. This is caused by the convergence of the grand cosmic cycles, but also by the Benevolents (Annuaki, Andromedans and Arcturians) busily removing the blocking technologies in the 4D layer. The planetary Stargates are opening, witnessed in the recent triggering of the Volcanoes, so there’s now a releasing flow of the pent up energies of the lock down.

3 thoughts on “Extra Terrestrial Groups Supporting Humanity and The Shift ~ October 30, 2021

  1. These are ALL fallen angels. There’s no such thing as aliens. These are human hybrids.


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