Greetings Cosmic Awakened Wayshowers of Shambhala of the Pure Land ~ October 22, 2021


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We are navigating in between worlds, we travel between the linear and spatial/ nonlinear timelines to bring both into the coherence of the neutral still center zone of zero point to Quantum Leap into the New Earth.

Today we have another Galactic Activation Portal on the Mayan Calendar. This makes two GAPs in a row, doubling the power of this portal. This is the divine Spark that causes the Catalyst for the Ignition of our Ascension Propulsion System. On the Tzolkin today is Kin 51 Blue Crystal Monkey, a Day of Fun and Divine Magick. The Celebration is the Joy and Happiness we bring to this realm. We achieve transcendence through our stillness coupled with our communication to transmit and inspire all along the Way.

We also are in a 21:21 Portal today of the 33 of Divine Mastery. This is the double trinity of Heaven upon Earth. We are in the final phases of this Great Transformation in the Alchemy of our Immortal Self into the physical. We are merging all timelines within all DNA codes of Eternal Life in this emergence of our Krystal Rainbow Plasma Light Bodies of the New Earth.

We are Christened in this Celestial Dedication to our Ancestors, our Tribes and to those that transitioned before us. As we connect and realize our Unity and Oneness with our Source God Creator we become the Co-Creators of the New Golden Age of Enlightenment. We Light it all up with our Bliss and Love to assist Gaia and all her children in the upliftment in this Ascension Process into 5D and beyond.

Shine on Brilliant Diamond Light Beings of the Glorious Way. I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life…A’Ho!

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