Carolyn 144 GODCODE ~ Sept. 21, 2021


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Blessed Full Moon Family 🙏🏻. Illumination around legal matters and contracts are creating positive changes today. Masculine energies are being triggered to release the remaining bonds that are preventing supporting the Feminine’s natural abundant nature.

This process began in April 2021, stopping growth and movement forward, to focus on healing and purifying the seed point of these imbalances and traps. A new perspective for the Masculine is surfacing due to triggers and purges that have been forcing a death and transformation process. Valuable lessons are learned, freeing you to enter your unified field of consciousness and wholeness.

The Equinox cycle we are completing has freed us from loops of relationships based on temptation and lack. You have used your Masculine determination to take action in leaving these repeated patterns that were seeded from Atlantean times. Completion to your ascension through only accepting the best, setting boundaries, saying no, and passing every initiation is here. Congratulations 🎊

Love and loyalty is the new Way with the new / renewed partners, friends, Soul Family, and Tribe. Continue aligning with these relationships that have the same core values as you.

🕊 Love Carolyn


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