Today we celebrate the Nativity of the Virgin Mother Mary of the Sacred Waters ~ Sept. 9, 2021


The Virgin Mother is a Universal symbol for the Purity and Divinity of the Sacred Feminine energy of the Great Mother Aspect of God Source. She is the Womb of Creation, the great Void to make all things possible. The Creator and Creation. The Holy waters, physical matter  and the compassion of Pure Awareness. She is the symbol of Love and Kindness. Feel her embrace all around you now. She holds you until the waters become calm and the storm passes. We anchor in this Love and Bliss into the crystalline Core of Pachamama. We are the Sacred Vessels that contain the Power of the Holy Spirit in the depths of our beingness. Our Pure Essence glows with the Bright Virtue of our Highest Light.

This is it!

The Great Transformation into the Stellar Shining Ones of Heavens League of Protectors. Something Sacred this Way has Arrived. We come to bring peace to the Land. With the Love of our Mother Earth and all her children we lift you into the Glory of the Halls of Amenti. The mirror of the Diamond Cosmic Mind has been polished to perfection to reflect everything in its perfect state of Pure Consciousness. No world of hindrance as all moves into the Harmony of the Circle of Life. The Sacred Hoop with the Heavenly White Fire in the Center is fully in place and on mission with Ground Crew Surrounding her with wings of Rainbow Platinum Light!

We have some very intense and powerful energies flowing into the field in this Now.  Our Solaris is flashing off many intense waves now with a C8 and C6 flare today from Sunspot 2866. These are preparing us for the 9/9 Galactic Portal tomorrow and the 911 Redemption Rise for this weekend. As i looked into the setting Sun today and upon closing my eyes i saw the neural network of the Universe, and it was magnificent. All is coming to Light, All is flowing into alignment with our Rapture into the Christ Conscious Wayshowers we have trained for millenia to embody and transmit. Our Royal Crowns of the New Light is Open and Activated. The Halo Codes are downloading from the 7th Heaven of 9D in this now moment. Let your Lovelight glow for the whole world to see Angels of the NEw Jahrushalem…A’Ho!!

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