Everyone’s All Over The Place ~ April 25, 2021

Everyone’s all over the place and that’s normal for where we are now with the Ascension Process and Separation of Worlds shift and what’s happening because of them. It is definitely a personal test for most and another clear indicator that the Ascension Process is happening very fast now, is fully in the physical finally and everybody is all over the place because of it.

The first clue I repeatedly gave in my 2020 articles was that we had entered a very NEW, different and vastly higher frequency level and phase of the evolutionary ascension was my term Phase 2 of the Ascension Process, and that it had begun fully physically with the start of January 2020. The second clue I gave multiple times in multiple articles since then was my term the Divine Cease & Desist Order that began at the same time.

Right out of the January 1, 2020 New Year’s Day gates I intensely felt and perceived these NEW Phase 2 ascension shift energies steadfastly doing their utmost to get every Volunteer, every First Everythinger fully conscious of the fact that we had abruptly shifted from Phase 1 of the Ascension Process (1998–1999 through the end of December 2019) into Phase 2. That meant all sorts of very big and important mandatory changes were quickly unfolding for everyone, ready willing or not from New Year’s Day 2020 forward.

Remember Tom Kenyon’s channeled Hathors term ‘Chaotic Nodes’?  We’re still smack in the middle of many, many of them in 2021 and will be all year. In so many ways these numerous ‘Chaotic Nodes’ are like numerous freeway offramps to numerous other ascending and descending Earth worlds.

If you believe that every negative happening on Earth is wholly created and caused by Team Dark humans and non-humans then that is the Chaotic Node offramp you’ve taken. If you believe that Team Dark humans and non-humans are more powerful than Divine Source then that is the Chaotic Node offramp you’ve taken. If you believe that pandemics and vaccinations are Team Dark creations then that is the Chaotic Node offramp you’ve taken. If you are more focused on creating another online ascension product to sell at your website than you are of living the Ascension Process then that is the Chaotic Node offramp you’ve taken. If you still believe the Earth needs you to constantly attend to, reinforce, groom and maintain its NEW grids then that is the Chaotic Node offramp you’ve taken. If you believe that one ascension teacher/writer is the only person with correct ascension information then that is the Chaotic Node offramp you’ve taken. If you believe that some person, group, church, religious leader, new age guru, political leader or ET is your savior and personal director of your consciousness then that is the Chaotic Node offramp you’ve taken. If you believe that knowing about ascension code names, quantum descriptions and DNA news updates are more important than what’s happening in your heart and body then that is the Chaotic Node offramp you’ve taken.

Phase 1 of the Ascension Process needed many ascension teachers/writers to write as much as they could about all things ascension. Phase 2 does not necessarily. Some of the ascension information being written now is actually more of a personal test for each reader, not that it was intentionally written to do that by the author. Is it honestly important? Is it honestly helpful to you and your current personal Ascension Process? Is it honestly necessary in Phase 2? Is it honestly true, accurate information? Is it incorrect or distorted information? Is it someone’s ego needing to impress readers? Phase 2 tests in discernment. Tests in honest personal higher awareness. Phase 2 tests in how well is your HighHeart honestly functioning now? Tests in how much have you evolved from an entirely external focus and reliance on other people? Tests on how much has your evolutionary focus and reliance shifted inward, internally within yourself for your own information aka LIGHT?

These ‘Chaotic Nodes’ we’re in now are like energetic sorting devices for ascending humanity. The Chaotic Node offramp to an Earth world that you currently believe in is where you are finding yourself. Because this is a very large aspect of the Separation of Worlds, I strongly suggest you get real honest and real conscious with yourself about what you believe, what and who you believe is and still credit as all-powerful such as Team Dark, patriarchal human elite, or anyone else you deem is all-knowing of the Light or the dark. What and who you believe has the answers to this Phase 2 chaos because that is frequency and reality you are drawn to now in this shift Separation sorting phase. Chaotic Nodes numerous reality offramps and everyone’s personal choices. Are your limited beliefs and continued external focus worth such a huge spiritual and physical gamble now during this rare time of compressed evolution? If so then by all means have at it. If not however then get yourself aware of your beliefs and where you continue to aim your thoughts and emotions for that is the Chaotic Node’ offramp you’ve taken, intentionally or unintentionally.

Don’t let yourself become sidelined or hijacked or mentally or emotionally derailed by any of these ‘Chaotic Nodes’ to the point that your focus is on any of them more than it is on your personal Ascension Process. Yes they’re happening and will continue to but that does not mean you can’t continue to vibrationally override (ascend) them and stay focused, Working on and Consciously Creating Intending the ascending Earth world reality that you honestly want to exist on today, tomorrow, next year and so on. It eventually manifests physically because we already are it internally now. That is unless you get distracted, duped, derailed or start doubting that you honestly have the ability to manifest your personally designed NEW Earth. It’s all about frequencies and how well each of us can embody and maintain the current highest of them to be where each of us honestly wants to be.

There are SO many astonishing NEW higher energies being delivered now—that of course require our instantly embodying them which is why the 2021 physical pain levels have been off the ascension chart—and much of it by newly involved higher beings and Angelics. Steady incremental energy stairsteps up higher and higher. Each new group of these beings and Angelics steps in to do their parts in administering the specific energies they’re responsibly for delivering for the universal Ascension Process when it’s energetically appropriate for each of them to do so and not a minute before. It’s almost beyond words the vast beauty of it, of them, of how profound the current 2021 levels of energetic evolutionary change really are. We’ve got the chaos, the numerous sorting Chaotic Nodes we’re traveling through which is exactly what’s been happening for a long time now while simultaneously continuously embodying more and more NEW higher energies from more NEW higher participants at higher dimensions and Light levels.

What I personally find hard and painful physically and emotionally about this is that both are happening at the same time and I’ve always acutely felt both levels. I know many of you can relate. It’s beyond strange to be in the midst of so much chaos, confusion, hustling by many people, outright lying by others, severe delusions etc. while at the same time increasingly embodying more higher NEW energies that continually alters and uplifts you body and soul. At times I’m both miserable, frustrated, bored and vibrationally higher and more free than ever before physically with growing Higher Awareness of how close the final Separation actually is now simultaneously while continually embodying more and ascending higher. Both daily and this low/high, high/low business of still being within range of both happens for me multiple times every day and night. Again, I know some of you can relate. The strain of both still being within range of each other is for me at times unbearable. What do I do about it? I embody the latest as quickly and completely as my body safely can and I continue to intentionally literally push the old lower everything and everyone out of my ascending Earth world and reality. They cannot keep me in theirs and I won’t allow them in mine. To enter mine one must be the same frequency internally and those people aren’t anywhere near that. Internal frequency. Personal choice. Personal focus. Personal intent. And all of it yours and yours alone. That’s the “magic formula”. Becoming increasingly energetically sovereign personally, individually is an absolute prerequisite for life on ascended NEW Earth.

I know it’s been hard, extra painful, extra exhausting, extra isolating in the physical and that further mandatory changes within each of us will continue all year. At first glance all that seems like something might be “wrong” but actually it means we’re MUCH closer to the Separation of Worlds and full shift than we’re fully aware of yet. Some of us feel it and how close it is. Others continue telling their favorite reality stories and/or reading other’s favorite reality stories. I continue to suggest that you get yourself body, mind, heart and soul where you want you to be and forget about all the many ‘Chaotic Nodes’ sorting offramps that others are still interested in. This phase won’t last forever so use it wisely now and for your highest and greatest good.

Denise Le Fay

April 25, 2021

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