EQUINOX EXPANSION ~ March 23, 2021

Light Assimilation

Can you feel the Higher Light Assimilation?

A process of ebbs and flows, clearing – grounding – integrating the Higher Light Version of You.

The Divine Blue Print Matrix I am told to perceive this like a film of light integrating in my field.

Amplified and Awakening To reach this level of Higher Light Purity requires Total Light Balance… Physical – Light Body Equilibrium For each physical cell has its role in reaching higher level awareness for the continual process of Higher Light Assimilation.

It is ultimately a synthesis of all you are, as your Ancient DNA Light Lineage fully integrates and expands into your True Light Mission in this Timeline.

To be gentle with the releasing of energies that do not serve you. As you release unwanted frequencies within yourself.

Like a wound it will release and heal, be replaced with beautiful light frequencies.

To ground on Mother Gaia to assist the Light Assimilation process.

BE in forests amongst Pure Light Beings. BE with the great Boulders, rock beings Connect & play with Crystalline Beings As we Collectively ride the Great Expansion Light Wave.

Know you are doing wonderfully well 🙏

With Love & Blessings Dear Family ❤

In Global Unity ❤🙏❤

The Arcturians & Karen Lithika


Thank you beloved Artist of Light 🙏

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