Major Upgrades As Cosmic Energetics Surge! ~ February 23, 2021

Cosmic frequencies began to build over the weekend of Saturday, February 20, 2021 and Sunday, February 21, 2021, on the heels of the planet Mercury moving into direct motion, although its post-shadow has yet to continue to activate until March 16, 2021.

Solar winds are traveling at approximately 562 km/s (kilometers per second), and as a reminder, normal wind speeds have been calculated to be between 300 and 400 km/s.

These winds are pushing forth a coronal mass ejection of plasma particles of ionization (radiation), and neutron counts are rated as being “high” and have been for the past several years as this phenomena reaches what has been labeled as “a space age high” by world scientists.

One of the most trusted observatories is the one in Oulu, Finland which monitors daily neutron levels.

Each cosmic “dance” seems to bring with it a specific focus on the chakras (“Wheels of LIGHT”) of the physical vessel and their various organs, glands, muscles, tissues, cells, molecules, atoms, etc., and upgrades in these chakra systems occur accordingly.

We can know of the particular upgrades in two ways:

1.) via tuning-in to the Higher Self, i.e, the Soul—the Divine Absolute when the cosmic frequencies begin to surge, and

2.) through the “LIGHT Activation Symptoms” that people report around the world.

Consequently, the current upgrades are being felt in the head (aches, dizziness, foggy thinking), in the sinuses (stuffiness, clogging, lots of mucus being released), the heart (rapid rhythms, irregular beats), and the solar plexus (digestive issues, bloating).

Fatigue is also ongoing as the upgrades occur.

The main chakras being centered upon currently are the numbers “7”, “6”, “4”, and “3”.

Here are the specific areas being “LIGHTED”: central nervous system, brain, pineal gland, pituitary gland, cerebral cortex, endocrine system, lymphatics, circulatory system, thymus, heart, pancreas, stomach, and the entire metabolic system.

The colors for the chakra numbers mentioned are:

#6= dark sapphire blue,
#4=green or pink, and
#3= yellow.

There are people who are experiencing activations to other parts of their physical, mental, and emotional “selves” predicated upon various life experiences which must be cleansed and cleared; however, the areas discussed are the main ones for collective humanity.

On the level of science, photons and electrons are moving through space at the speed of light and into the Sun of our galaxy and on to our planet causing disturbances which can manifest as strong weather patterns as well as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, which, of course, affect human creation, animals, and plant life.

The Vibrational Frequency of the planet (“Schumann Resonance”, “Power”) moves up and down as the occurrences in space pulsate.

On a spiritual level, however, which is the most important to consider, LIGHT is being sent by SOURCE from a “beyondness” that we cannot comprehend—like the energy of SHIVA (“The Transformer”) who destroys disharmony and gives healing, protection, and success while balancing our elements (earth, air, fire, water, ether) and from the energy of NARAYANA (“The Sustainer”) who provides calming, soothing, anxiety-releasing vibrations so that we sustain our connection to SOURCE for the reception of blessings, and BRAHMA (“The Expander”) who is continually creating and thus expanding.

These three main aspects of the DIVINE ABSOLUTE (the original “Trinity”) have been gestated and birthed by MAHADEVI (“Great Shining One”)–the DIVINE MOTHER—SOURCE!

Although this most recent cosmic LIGHT surge is being discussed from a Vedic perspective, if an exegesis is conducted of the many holy books of the planet, it will be gleaned that in varying ways, the same teaching is given.

Vedic holy texts, however, do indeed give detailed teachings that some others do not regarding the mysteries of the cosmos.

Shiva Shakti

Cosmic Energetics Surge!

It is, thus, worth humanity’s efforts to engage in studying the holy books, histories, languages, and spiritual sciences of other than the religious and cultural frameworks that he or she may have been raised with and governed by and still are holding onto in this current space/time.

Such studies allow the collective to come together in appreciation and respect for all people and to realize that, although some manipulation has certainly been done relative to the written experiences of humanity, there is a mystical SOURCE FREQUENCY moving throughout all sacred scriptures that cannot be negated–only discovered by diligence.

SOURCE LIGHT will constantly surge throughout this year of 2021 and in the coming years of future time lines as Earth/Gaia—known by numerous names in many languages—is continually in reception of greater LIGHT, faster vibrations, and the clearing and cleansing of the planetary electromagnetic fields (inner core, outer shields, and expansive spheres—atmosphere, stratosphere, ionosphere, etc.).

Also, the Vernal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the Autumnal Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere begins on March 20, 2021.

The portal to these equinoxes opened on the day that Mercury had its first full day of direct motion— Sunday, February 21st.

This final week of February 2021 may be intense with upgrading LIGHT, so advice from Spiritual Scientists is to rest, hydrate, eat organically, and employ sacred spiritual and natural tools for nurturance.

Whether an individual works for him or herself or outside of the home, special devotion must be given to consciousness elevation.

So, people must plan their schedules with SOURCE as the primary focus, and not the worldly push, pull, and prodding to constantly do, do, and do even more (this is what has caused a disruption in the flow of LIGHT to cellular records and has caused subsequent disharmonious thoughts, feelings, words, and actions).

As Yeshua told his disciples who had been traveling and teaching with him for many weeks: “Come apart with me for a while, and get some rest.”

Intensified Vibrational Frequencies equal Elevated Oscillations of Energy, and both of these equal an Accelerated Life Force—the “Prana” and the “Ankh” of the ancient advanced civilizations whose knowledge is still with us.

We need only pray and meditate for guidance.

So, as we consult our HOLY BIBLE, or TORAH, or HOLY QU’RAN, or BHAGAVAD GITA, or MAHABHARATA, or UPANISHADS, or GAYAN, or BUDDHIST SUTRAS, or GALUN LATI (“Great Spirit” of the Native Americans), or the vast numbers of scriptures read in written form or read in the movements of Nature, let us remember that it is all SOURCE, and we are “ITS” lineage in the form of material presences which are being purified and upgraded.

We are being healed, balanced, and “lighted”. The LIGHT will not cease. The upgrades are continuous.

Let us certainly take care of our earthly obligations to family, community, career positions, etc.

However, our first obligation is to SOURCE for it is the DIVINE ABSOLUTE that gives us the capabilities to accomplish all that we do.

Besides upgrading our physical vessels, SOURCE is also blessing us with knowledge and the wisdom to apply it properly; and thus, we are also being “tutored” in the correct usage of our free will.

SOURCE is the ultimate Guru, Yogi, Yogini, Minister, Imam, Rabbi, Rabbini, Teacher, Spiritual Guide, Sensai, Coach, Personal Trainer, High Priest, High Priestess, and Guardian Angel. “IT” is the “ALL”.

Its vibrations are in everything good that we can conceive of and in everything that we are not even aware of existing.

It has many names and forms but is above them all.

The languages that we use to speak of the ALL do not truly do justice.

Let us bow down and seek refuge in INFINITE BEING.


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