Commence Stage 2 of The VIOLET Light… ~ January 22, 2021

As I sat in meditation at 21:21hrs on the 21st day of the 21st year of the 21st Century 3;3;3 ( Energy of NEW CREATION),I was shown a vision of The Temple Of Wisdom of the Blue Ray Frequency on Sirius, where many of us work/ teach as Masters and Teachers during our Earth Dream Time Mentoring ,Teaching as well as Learning (if you see any of your mentors in your dream time , its because you were literally in Class in the higher realms!!!). I was Shown 7 Masters gathered around the 7th Ray: The Violet Flame. The message was simple. Stage 2 To Commence Now…..

Some facts First. Sirius is the dispenser of the Blue ray for Earth. As I have mentioned numerous times the Blue ray (Masculine ray of God’s Will Power and Protection) holds at its core the Magenta Ray of the Divine Feminine, hence its the Shiv Shakti (masculine +Femimine ) ray of Union. Mix Blue and Magenta…what do you get….. VIOLET!!!!

The Violet Ray is often seen in the Auras of the Blue ray Individuals who are here for a reason. There are a certain group of TimeTraveller Souls who are here from the Future on The Command of the Highest Sources of Light to effect a change in the Trajectory of Earth in the Past ( our Now As we know it) as grave catastrophe, not only for the universe but the multiverse, was/is in store if Earth continued on its Present / past Trajectory.

These TimeTravellers and their Forces of Light Workers are Here Now, working tirelessly on Stage 1 – TRANSMUTATION The Message was, that a critical mass has been reached in terms of Transmutation of Energies , one of the Primary features of the Ray 7 of The VIOLET Ray which was essential to break the chains of The Patriarchal Vice Grip on Gaia and her Sentient beings which has been perpetrated for thousand of years due to Cult Indoctrination of Dark masquerading as Light repeated lifetime after lifetime on loop……. (Pls read that again)

AND Now we are ready for Stage 2- FREEDOM, SOVEREIGNTY and SELF MASTERY!!!!!

The Violet Flame is The Bridge To The New Golden Earth of The Aquarius Age. While Transmutation Will Still BE an agenda, focus Now shifts To the Establishment of Freedom and Sovereignty without which Self mastery is Simply not possible . The opposite of Self Mastery is Puppet Hood which is how Patriarchal Control was established via False Light Cult Indoctrination. So that is why Freedom and Sovereignty are to be the Focus Now that the efforts of Transmutation have caused a substantial break in the Patriarchal Cords that have kept Gaia and her sentient beings captive and far removed from Freedom and Sovereignty.

Phase 2 Comenses Now!!!!

Remember I said Blue+ Magenta = Violet. Think of it in terms of a Kundalini Rising and Awakening…..For that Is EXACTLY what IT IS!!!. Those Wayshowers and Mentors assisting with this work will necessarily need to achieve this INNER UNION of the Blue (masculine) and Magenta(feminine). This catapults their energy to another Plane of CREATION. They will Now be able to CREATE / Build The Higher Timeline that we have been working towards, a Timeline of Grace, Kindness, Compassion, Integrity, Courage and Humility in accordance with God’s Will and Ma’at’s Principles on Balanced Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Foundational Pillars grounded in Freedom and Sovereign.

I had mentioned earlier that on 11/1 we had crossed the bridge into the new TimeLine. I had also mentioned repeated strange synchronicities that indicated a Tower Moment for Distorted Patriarchal Energy. The Cords of this deadly energy have been severed to a critical degree and Now On to Stage 2 ; establishing Freedom and Sovereignty. ( it’s important to understand that is a “shift” in Focus..meaning we will still continue with Transmutation work as Patriarchal Energy is deeply entrenched into our collective consciousness , But we will Now begin the REAL work we came for…COCREATION and MANIFESTATION of a New Age. Third Eye and Throat are In Focus Now getting upgrades for the same !!!)

Full Moon in Leo on Jan 28/29 will carry the necessary Push To Seal The Deal!!

Interestingly, noticed the various hues of Violet on display during the Jan 20 USA Inauguration ceremony!?!?!

Be Light ,InLight ,InJoy

✨ Gratitude To Artist Unknown #VioletRay#BlueRay#MagentaRay#Sirius#Creation#manifestation#sovereignty#Freedom#patriarchy#transmutation#union#kundalini#bridge#foundation…/commence-stage…/

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