Symbols, Geometry, LIGHT Expansion ~ January 5, 2021

New Light Age


As the New Light Spectrum permeates your crystalline Light Field.

Be open to the necessary changes, notice your Light Way, your daily connections, the written words, the patterns and symbols, visual cues.

Pay close attention to light language, symbols and paintings.

Know everything around you is upgrading, awakening to a new awareness, a new light synthesis.

Feel into the initial desire to view and uptake the energy of a word, symbol or pattern.

Become more connected to the mental stimulus you are feeling, and realise this is integrating with your light field.

To realise you are awakening to the expansion of different aspects of you, integrated at a Higher Light Level, integrating into the now.

Know your Eyes are a doorway of Light To see your eyes as multidimensional – connecting this construct to your third eye vision.

Enabling you to receive, process and integrate more that is occurring.

See new ways, opportunities to view your reality ❤

Awaken to the Expansion of you. As your internal and external stimulus join, expand and unite.

Enabling a wider expansive view of your reality, unlocking many stories of your past, future.

To see crop circles and geometry with new Light Eyes, to feel and view your world in a new Light Spectrum.

As the Universe becomes your Universe❤

Sending waves of Light 🙏

The Arcturians & Karen Lithika❤

Thank you Star Beings❤

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