~ Abigail Wainwright ~ July 12, 2020

Editor’s Note: The message below is a great one for those seeking information on how to make a “pause” in a life becoming increasingly more and more discordant. Many “spiritual” sites focus on Love/Light/Divinity/Empowerment which is absolutely the “truth of the matter.”

Yes, this article speaks to measures for “how to” reach the heights of spiritual thinking. The key ingredient here? Slow down, take a break from your routine life, and then practice Self-Love. Combining Quiet with Self-Love opens doors into another way of feeling and BEing necessary for these times.

Open your Magnificent Heart, then realize just how Great you truly Are, and then BE in…

Quantum Joy!


This year you may have felt more intense release & exhaustion than ever.
Sometimes you may feel like you’re dying as the pain within your physical & etheric bodies are felt & in a sense it is just as it is a rebirth. It seems as though all is falling apart emotionally & physically.

You’re going through an intense cleansing of all karmic patterns that have been held within a collapsing system. You’re releasing old stagnant energy from literally eons of lifetimes.
The message is about self love, inner retreat & nurturing. We are changing & moving into higher. It takes adjusting to this higher frequency.

Switch off the overused, hardened, analytical mind & move into softer, gentle ways of the heart.
There’s already enough going on that’s harsh & aggressive, so being gentle is of great importance.

Run a bath, curl up with a book, listen to healing music, watch a good movie, give yourself pampering, meditate, get out in nature & breathe fresh air.
These will assist you in letting go & to be rather than resist & causing greater discomfort.

You’re not alone.
All of humanity, the animals, the earth, universe, galaxy & cosmos are going through this intense release & upgrade into higher ways of being.
You have support from the higher realms whether you are aware of their existence or not. For every discomfort, it’s a step closer in releasing all the old energy for good.
Focus on being in the Now, this moment for this is your power.
Within the Now you feel if what you’re experiencing is conditioned patterns that need to be let go of, or if you’re simply going up an octave & feeling the denseness of the collective 3D earth transitioning into 5D.
Your body communicates to you in amazing ways so listen to the inner messages.

You’re becoming increasingly sensitive; so it’s only natural you’re feeling the affects of the planetary shifts.
This is a sign that you’re evolving & ‘tuned’ into the higher vibrations.
Let go of fears about what may be happening.
Surrender as you’re emerging as your true self.
This is a divine moment on earth.
You’re loved & honored for all you are & all you do.
Send light to your heart as you open to the higher dimensions.

2 thoughts on “~ Abigail Wainwright ~ July 12, 2020

  1. But….WHEN will the good stuff come, and what WILL it be?

    NO ONE is giving the answer to THAT.

    These damned ascension symptoms, I lost the WHOLE of my 30’s….I lost TEN YEARS OF MY LIFE to this…instead of enjoying life, I had to put up with these symptoms…..

  2. Thank you for sharing this! 😉💜👌 I follow Abigail on Instagram. She’s such a Beautiful Soul. Bless her and her journey. Much love. 💖🌈💎✨

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