Angels Whispers 444 ~ May 8, 2020

Last Full Supermoon In 2020 Brings Powerful Scorpio Protective & Healing Energies
The cycle is inevitable. The loop continues. Things that begin have to come to an end someday. But that doesn’t make endings bad.

It only makes endings more significant because, with each ending, you get new beginnings, with more opportunities knocking at your door.
All things bad can be detoxified and cleansed out your soul and mind, and it prepares your body for the next eclipse.

The Supermoon, expected on May 7th, will be the last and final Supermoon of the year in Scorpio.
This can be a time of exploration and opportunities.

This Full Moon will guide us towards understanding and admiration of endings.
To usher us through this path, we have Sabian Symbols that profoundly aid in our journey of soul-searching and introspection.

Life is but a journey we undertake to understand the self, examine our soul, and strive towards self-transformation. Each of such Sabian Symbols carries intuitive wisdom that has the potential to guide us in this lifelong journey.

The May Supermoon falls at 17° of Scorpio and the message it contains in Sabian terms is: “Woods Rich in Autumn Coloring.”
Most of our lives can be explained better if we understand them through metaphors in nature. The autumn forest shows the splendor of nature.

It’s a time when nature unfolds its beauty and richness before we move into the next phase of winter. However hard we try we cannot prevent the coming of winter, the shedding of leaves.
But, rather than looking at autumn as a time of death, we can choose to look at it as a time when mother nature sheds the leaves to fertilize the soil to allow new birth and fresh beginnings in the months to follow.

Endings tend to carry a pain with it that can be translated as the difficulty to let go. We doubt the calm that we deserve after a long battle or a constant conflict.
But when endings are near, when all is said and done, when there is nothing more to do, that is when you can find comfort; a two-pronged comfort.

One, where you know that there is nothing more that can be done, and another, where you feel the comfort of opening yourself up to the possibility of a fresh beginning.

There is beauty to be found in endings, a lesson to be learned, and cleansing to be done for a rejuvenated beginning. An end is only a beginning in disguise. It is an illusion that makes us grieve, but if we really open our eyes, we’ll see that the New Moon comes only to make way for the Full Moon to bloom in the night sky.

We need to let go of all things that once were. But as Rumi puts it, “everything you love comes around in another form.” So try to reach the place where you surrender, but with a promise of a fresh start, a new beginning.

This Scorpio Supermoon will help us untie the strings that tie us down and hold us back. We will become extra-sensitive but only to realize our emotions to the fullest. This will help us break the shackles of confinement to make space for new dreams and possibilities.

This Supermoon signifies transformation, to shed the skin before putting on a new one, to start again, to give ourselves the confidence to make change happen.

On the 7th therefore, allow yourself to bask in your emotions, find beauty in past struggles, and honor them just like autumn allows the forests to unfold its true beauty before preparing for the next beginning.
@Cosmic collage

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