Transformation, Death and Revelation: January Events ~ January 21, 2020

Editor’s Note: Ah! Emotions are running high this week from our inner transformative moments. This is to be expected after our luminous change during January 11-13 as emotional bodies grapple with ourselves while searching for a place of rest even as our core BEing is placidly observing…

Higher frequency energies held within change everything in our world, yet also bring internal calmness located underneath unceasing questions. Read more below about the spiritual details of massive change within. For me, in my NOW…it’s just a matter of becoming that “observer” while all things settle, leaving me to BE…



By Sandra Walter

Blessings Beloveds ~

I AM in the midst of a strong transformation, and held peacefully in the Heart of Source at this moment. I feel most of us are experiencing these shifts in our Embodiment phase. Deep shares in this week’s online events.

If you feel like you’re coming apart, weeping as if in heartbreak, or experiencing death of the old self (quite physical for many), then the light is supporting your transformation. Be with it. Love it. Create with it. Don’t compare journeys. Honor your unique experience for Source, as Source. Pure Source consciousness connection is stronger than ever as the veils disperse; let it in.

These are vibrant energies shifting electro-magnetic functions of our physical realms as we have known them. As always, the etheric creation becomes physicalized, revealing the already fully functioning New Earth realms. The higher realities will *land* and overwrite the old at several points this year. We just went through one of them.

We begin to self-realize, which dismantles inapplicable versions and creations of Self. Perception changes. Light Signature changes. Geometries shift. Diamond-Solar Heart openings. Brain rewiring. Lightbody changes. DNA changes. This is deep jump-time transformation.  The death-to-resurrection template can also feel like a physical experience during this passage.

Divine Mother frequencies are powerful. Remember the intensity of Divine Love is our Co-Creator; use it wisely. All of our Creator skills are amplified to assist with sorting out timeline choice. Amplified subconscious, thoughts, actions, words, emotions. These help the Higher Self choose the right timeline experience for you in this Now. We receive what we can handle; the Divine DNA is designed for this process.

Everything shifted with the Eclipse passage and new stargate opening mid-January. People are realizing (after 8 years) that 3D and 4D are technically gone. Expect more of that conversation to spread, as people witness the quite literal dismantling of the old realities.

These new stargates changed the Gate and Grid systems, so the palpable experience of Gaia’s ascended realities (5D and beyond) is revealed.

I have insights and experiences to share on what this year provides for us. Join us for these live online events with Q&A, or watch the replays:

Thursday, January 23 at 2pm PST on Quantum Conversations with Lauren Galey. Join live or listen/watch the replay HERE.

Saturday, January 25 at 10am PST for our annual in-depth online webinar on what 2020 reveals for our Ascension. Details HERE

SUNday January 26: SUNday Unity Meditations at 5:11AM, 8;11AM & 11:11AM PST. Offline, in the field of Unity consciousness. Details, time converters and graphics for sharing at

Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,


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