So Here We Are at the 12:12:12 Portal ~ December 13, 2019

by Pars Kutay

Powerful Waves are coming in. . .

Powerful Diamond Light Code energies are streaming through today to prepare us for the Major Shifts that are coming as we move towards the Solstice (21:12).

As the Portal of Evolution for the culmination of this year of Mastery opens on December 12, there is a completion of the 12 strands of DNA leading to full Balance, Mastery and Completion within the 13 strands upholding our NEW Human body Energy Template.

Mastery of the Light Body Consciousness brings us into NEW Awareness for who we truly are as we are Awakening in the Evolution of the NEW HUman blended with the Divine.

Within this completion, a platform has been created that will allow us to transcend polarities to a more exalted level of creative Unity Consciousness. This NEW Energy platform anchors within us being as the 12/12/12 Gateway opens.

As we expand our ability to receive, this Force will be filling our High Heart with the Christed Light, offering us a NEW way of perceiving the world and our place within it. As we let the energy expand into our Energy System, a profound NEW level of Divine connection occurs within us.

The Gateway of 12/12/12 demonstrates the Avatar consciousness within us, Awakening with all the connecting links being activated for the Divine Template of our NEW Humanity stepping forward into life.

Remember that this is an Evolution in Consciousness, and that it is a process occurring within the Evolution of blending the Divine with the HUman. There is an acceleration in our Cellular Structure that may Not be obvious to our human mind immediately. However, do not doubt the process that is occurring… and remember that WE are a part of the Awakening of Consciousness on the planet as we also Awaken to our SOUL’s most Divine Reality.

This is the unification of NEW Life accelerating within us. It is another link in the Web of Light all around the planet that is gathering NOW to assist our Ascension into Higher Frequencies.

At the 12/12/12 Gateway, there is an opportunity to unite our SOUL with those BEings on many realms who are providing the baseline for the structures of NEW Dimensional Freedom on the Earth.

There is rejoicing as the Codes for the Christed Light are Magnified and radiated through all Creation and our High Heart is Empowered by Unity Consciousness.

Divine Blessings are descending on us on this 12:12:12 Gateway. The Angelic number frequencies suggest that the Great Mother is pouring out manifest Blessings on us as we enter into the energy of the “9”… Sacred Union or the merger between our Higher SELF / SOUL and our Physical Being.


Take Good Care of your SELVES at this time. . . and have a Wonderful Empowering flow with these powerful Energies. 


with LOVE 
Pars Kutay

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