The “News” ~ October 14, 2019

The “News”

Editor’s Note: Finally…someone tells it like it is…slow down, go inside, and just BE! It’s ok to stay aware and be safe. It’s ok to watch the chaos and madness of your world around you, but it’s not ok to join the maelstrom of whirling discontent.

Remember, it is our job to maintain our own Light as the skies around us darken. Know that your mission is to BE the Light in a world of darkness, and BE…



I see so many obsessing over all these spiritual news. It’s always about the new “energy forecasts”, the latest channelings, the latest predictions for the future… I mean… I see why it may be appealing to some who may be desperate for good news, to those who are waiting for external circumstances to change, in order for them to be capable of Enjoying their Existence.

I see the point. “Oh yeah look! The magnetic pole just shifted position, something grand is about to happen on the planet!”. Come on… Something grand is already happening within your being. But you always forget to allow it, because you’re focused on very distracting, natural, but external occurrings.

You do not need energy forecasts, no energy beyond your own is capable of affecting you, when you choose so. You do not have to waste your Breath of Awareness into incubating endless spiritual knowledge, news, forecasts, channelings, horoscopes…

If you are ready, it’s time to relax beyond all of this.

It’s time to stop waiting for the world to change.

It is time, to assume Your Mastery.

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