Kevin Spacey and Jeffrey Epstein Under the Law Enforcement Microscope Again: Epstein Arrested! Canada Also Moving on Pedos ~ July 7, 2019

Editor’s Note: Yes, our financial slavery makes Planet Earth a nightmare to live on…unless you are part of the 1% who bend the laws to your will, or…just ignore them and global public the public is not happy at all about this fact.

However, once you publicize horrendous crimes of passion, “dark passion” (committed by most of the 1% )which mutilates, maims, and murders innocent children (and woman) who cannot defend themselves…well, then you’ve created a mob of the 99% who want not only blood, but the downfall of criminals and all of their systems of abuse.

NOW the “Plan” will begin to unroll “on purpose”, so stay tuned, grab that popcorn, and be…



The BIG story is Jeffrey Epstein… but let’s begin with this.

Actor Kevin Spacey quizzed by Met cops over six more sexual assault claims

Updated: 6 Jul 2019, 17:58

ACTOR Kevin Spacey has been questioned by Scotland Yard detectives about sex assault allegations.

The officers travelled to the US to interview the star under caution.

Read the rest of the article…

Article and video from Fox News…

Kevin Spacey questioned by Scotland Yard over assault allegations

It’s all over Twitter… Epstein arrested.

Epstein has been arrested.
We got him.

Judgment Day.

— EyeTheSpy (@TrueEyeTheSpy) July 7, 2019

People young and old, rich and poor; are going to start dropping like flies over the Epstein case.
You still have No Idea how massively big it is.

— EyeTheSpy (@TrueEyeTheSpy) July 7, 2019

Read the article on Fox and watch the video…

Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein arrested and charged with sex trafficking

Canadian alt news analyst Frank Vaughan provides the background for those unaware of this pedo Jeffrey Epstein and his very prominent “elite” friends and the connection to the massive, global pedophile/pedovore and sex trafficking problem.

He also explains why President Trump is not someone we roll into the shocking number of politicians and celebrities involved in these horrific, illegal practices. He doesn’t mention that President Trump has taken many steps to dismantle the planet-wide web of corruption and immoral behaviour involving the sex trafficking of children, including the freezing of their assets.

The procuring, buying, selling, and grooming of children explains so much of what is unfolding in society today. It has to stop. We’ve just begun pulling the thread on this tawdry sweater but it’s all coming unravelled much faster now.

VIDEO RED ALERT: Jeffrey Epstein

There is also this related article… discernment always. Thanks, L.

Trump Ignites “Sex Crime Firebomb” To Incinerate “Deep State” Operatives—Including Hillary Clinton  

Epstein Island (Little Saint James Island) Satanic Temple

QAnon woke up many to the pedophile/pedovore problem. Thanks, J.

Excerpt from Q drop 133…

‘…Epstein Island.
What is a temple?
What occurs at a temple?
…Vladmir Putin: “The New World Order Worships Satan.”‘

Q drop 999 on 3rd April 2018…

‘Why is Epstein spending 29mm to bury the tunnels underneath his temple on Epstein Island?
Phones were allowed in.
These people are stupid.’

Q Drop 1055 on 6th April 2018 features a photo of Bill Clinton and Rachel Chandler on a plane…

‘Epstein’s plane.
Who is she?
Follow friends.
Friends lead to others.
Open source.’

(I believe Q revealed that the moniker “Rachel Chandler” is used for multiple people and is an industry term for “child handler”.)

Q drop 3133 on 20th March 2019 features another photo of Bill Clinton, linked to Rachel Chandler and Epstein Island.

And Q drop 3140 also on 20th March 2019…

‘Epstein Island dungeon (beneath the temple).
Sex and torture rooms.
Openly flaunt across social media?

Hey @HillaryClinton… Is Billy boy nervous tonight?


— StormWatcher (@damartin32) July 7, 2019

Kevin Annett – Field Secretary ITCCS

And also up in the North 40… (why do I see virtually no one else in the alternative news community talking about this except Thomas Williams?)

This operation has seized on the “genocide” aspect of the crimes, but it will be revealed that the murder is related to pedophilia.

… a Press Conference is scheduled for Monday morning with the ITCCS. Summonses have been issued for Crime Minister Justin Trudeau, members of the RCMP, and others regarding the genocide of the native people of the Republic of Kanata (Canada) which is ultimately about sexual-based homicides and snuff films—which is related to a bust in Toronto recently of years worth of footage streamed 24/7 for ten years which we covered this past week.

Further evidence of the recently discovered mass graves will be revealed at a special press conference and gathering on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Canada on Monday, July 8 at 10 am. The ITDC has asked that UN Peacekeepers be present at this event to protect its public spokespeople, including ITDC Field Secretary Kevin Annett.  Source

These sickos are going down.  ~ BP

Mass Graves of Indigenous Women and Children uncovered in British Columbia; United Nations asked to send Peacekeepers and Forensic Specialists as Trudeau and other leaders summoned to appear before Genocide Tribunal

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