It’s Bridge Crossing Time ~ March 25, 2019

By: Denise


The first phase Pathpaving is done, done and all done, as is the main cleaning and clearing out the old lower 3D patriarchal stuff and junk. Others can continue doing that at the levels they’re currently at now if that’s what they want to do, but for those of you who know in your HighHeart and soul that it’s time for you to move on to the next level because you’ve been Embodying the NEW codes in 2018, and much more so in 2019, and understand how important it is that you/me/we do exactly that now.

This is a hot topic, as it very well should be, because it’s such a rare and profound event and you’re here now and the first to physically Embody the NEW Earth core energies, the NEW Crystalline DNA, all of the NEW templates, blueprints and energies for Earth, humans and all life on NEW Earth. You first Embody them so that the rest of humanity that’s willing to evolve can back to full Source intended Divine original design. No more old negative alien distortions, no more disconnected human DNA, no more vile control and lock-down devices, no more constant vital energy thefts by parasitic aliens and other energetically ravenous monsters, and no more old lower Earth world. This is why you don’t want to and are no longer needed to Pathpave by clearing and cleaning and trying to gingerly persuade other people to step out of the old negative darkness and insanity and up into the evolutionary Light and true freedom.

These NEW crystalline triangle Trinity DNA codes (not old Expired lower dual Duality), plus all the other NEW energies and waves of energies are all delivering the NEW templates and NEW DNA for NEW humans on NEW Earth and everywhere else. This started in 2018, slowly at first as is always the case, and those of us that were aligned with the Sun and had been and continue Embodying the NEW solar energy transmissions repeatedly saw with open eyes the Sun solar flashing and flickering Light. I’ve seen them with my physical open eyes every day for much of 2018 and I’m still seeing it today. I see the solar flickering Light most easily when I physically, not clairvoyantly, look at my white ceilings inside my house. When I started seeing this last year I first thought it was a light-bulb in a lamp that was flickering but when I look directly at the lamp or lamps they never flicker. This flashing and flickering Light I and many of you have been physically seeing and clairvoyantly Seeing is you completely aligned with the Sun and solar Light energies and you have Embodied them. In other words, you are a human on Earth whose Embodied—carries and transmits—the same energies that the Sun does. This whole thing about the Solar Flash “event” is yet another very misunderstood aspect of the Ascension and Embodiment Processes. Heck, I thought what I was seeing inside my house were bad light-bulbs in my lamps when in fact it’s been me producing this Light flickering and flashing inside all along.

Now, lets be very clear and honest about this next part because it’s important. There cannot be a growing number of incarnate humans (Volunteers, First Everythingers, Starseeds etc.) on Earth Embodying NEW Divine DNA, be energetically aligned with the Sun and all it’s transmitting, be fully connected to the NEW Crystalline Earth core, Embodying the NEW codes/templates/blueprints etc. and not have that fact automatically in turn alter external physical reality. The more you/me/we Embody these things, the bigger and faster the Separation of Worlds is happening. We are the “event” because we’re Embodying everything that needs to be so that the “event” can and will happen externally.

As highfalutin as that may sound everyone needs to know that it now feels and is far more strange, weird and seriously peculiar than any of us would have imagined! I’m experiencing moments that are very nice, smooth, private, calm, empowered and beautiful beyond words. I’m also experiencing the total opposite and having moments and longer periods where it feels like my house, with me in it, are free-falling through space and that is perfectly “normal” for what’s happening now. I’ve also been experiencing periods where I feel like I’m disintegrating, dispersing throughout space, remaining more together and falling through space, losing all touch with the old world and reality (Separation of Worlds) which is absolutely wonderful, hearing the strangest of sounds, feeling like I’ve never felt before and having a knowing that all this and much more is normal for where we’re at within this process now.

For your entertainment. For the past two nights in a row I’ve been awakened around 1:00–1:30AM or so, and then again around 4:00–5:00AM, by a very loud sound that to me sounds completely physical. I’m asleep in my bed when suddenly I’m wakened by the loud sounds of a big plastic trash bin (ours here have two wheels on the back of it to push or pull it around) being rolled down the sidewalk right behind my house. I wake up all pissed off at the bleeding idiot whose rolling a big trash bin down the freaking sidewalk at 1–1:30AM. I lay there in my bed in the dark listening for any sound at all and I hear nothing other than the sounds of the moving trash bin. Then a few minutes later I physically hear—all this sounds 100% physical to me—the sounds of a bull/cow moving around and knocking the trash bin around. WTF?! A cow or bull at 1:30AM in the city either in my next door neighbors backyard banging around trash bins or on the sidewalk directly behind my house doing so? I was awakened again by what sounded like hooves trotting down the sidewalk right behind me at 5:00AM this morning followed by more moving trash bin sounds. Seriously? OMG how much more weird can it get? Where the hell am I actually? I sense I shouldn’t even ask at this point but hang on tight and ride this NEW transitional business out and do my best to not get weird myself about how deeply strange it occasionally gets.

We’re not back there in old negative land, nor are we fully yet in NEW Earth land either but in some truly inconceivable in-between transitional place, space and state of being. Much or all of 2019 may be this and more so everyone be ready for a very NEW and different ascension Embodiment adventure as we transition through these Divine evolutionary changes. 


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