Mother Mary Warns About The Upcoming Changes ~ March 20, 2019

Mother Mary says, dear heart, I am Mother Mary. I come today with important news. The Divine has decreed that the land of America is about to experience a big release and cleansing. The reason I have come today is to inform the souls in America that caution is needed. Be prepared, big changes are coming.

Besides the warning signs Gaia has given to the planet, we, the Divine have decided to, again, come forward, and tell you the news. The planet is about to experience yet, another round of clearing. This time the center is in the land of America, and the ocean waters will go through tremendous changes. Human lives are going to be impacted. Regardless what kind of landscape or geography in which you live, and the waters you are near by, just know that the land of America is going to have tremendous changes, including inland and the ocean fronts.

That being said, what we, the Divine, have detected is that the inland is going to have much milder changes. It is the ocean fronts where the changes will be most impactful, and human lives will be deeply affected. We, the Divine have decided to inform you dear ones in the hope that you prepare thyself, and let the humanity know that the changes are coming.

How are the changes going to be manifested you may ask? From the Divine perspective, changes can happen in many ways. Especially the inland regions, it can be natural changes or man made destruction. Divine has made it clear that man made disasters are not allowed. And only the Natural disasters can be brought to the planet because of Gaia’s ascension and planetary changes. That being said, I do want to remind the land of America that there is absolutely no reason, and it is absolutely forbidden to start any form of killings. Wars are no longer an option. It does not matter where the wars and killings are being carried out. No more bloodshed, period.

In order for the Divine and the company of heaven, to come and help, we, the Divine, sincerely ask that you and humanity treat the planet with respect, stop the nonsense of killings and let Gaia’s release happen, so that together, we heal the planet and we heal humanity.

I love you dear heart, I am Mother Mary. In the upcoming days and weeks, you will see the planet going through another round of releasing and cleansing. No matter where you are in the land of America, and how much the damage may be, just stay calm and let the release happen. Know Gaia needs the healing and humanity has to learn to respect the planet and work with the ascension process. Together, with the help from Divine and the company of heaven, together, we help the planet and humanity, make this beautiful planet a paradise again, and make the planetary ascension a success. I love you dear heart, I am Mother Mary. So it is.


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