A Pleiadian Message ~ February 10, 2019

Editor’s Note: This is an “automatic writing” message that I received at 1900 on Sunday, Feb. 10. This is the first message from the Pleiadians I have ever received and is listed below. Please read this message, let it speak to your heart, and be…



Hello, We are the Pleiadians and have come into your presence to answer questions you may have about your current situation here on Earth. Many of you, humanity that is, are very tired and so very ready for a change in the current geo-political environment in which you dwell…tired of the constant struggle for survival and, more importantly… tired of living without joy in your foreseeable lives.

We seek to help you understand that you current plight is NOT FOREVER. In fact, relief is about to occur quite “soon”…sooner that you realize or expect. NOW is the time we ask that each of you lift your heads, and look deeply into your hearts for your own personal answers. Waves of energy envelop this entirety of your planet with the purest essence of LOVE. Can you feel this in your NOW?

If not, merely look about you and observe the massive changes that ARE occurring in your news and workplaces. Are these not happening as “signs and signals” that “something in afoot”? Expect these waves of pure LOVE to continue with ever increasing frequency causing more and more darkness to leave your world opining the door for you to experience delights and joy you did not realize that, in fact, are you birthright simply because you ARE…life has caused you to exist…to BE!

We are the Pleiadians and we are with you as each heart opens. All you need to “do” is to ask us to help you in our NOW as events unfold on Earth. Simply ask…we are here for each of you to help you in this hour of need. We love each of you for taking on this challenge that will cause a ripple of change throughout the Universe.

The Pleiadians

3 thoughts on “A Pleiadian Message ~ February 10, 2019

  1. Great job Cindy
    I am very grateful for all the love and info you share.
    I don’t subscribe much to anyone else and I deeply appreciate all you share
    In Light

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