New Moon in Sagittarius, December 7th, 2018 ~ Cause and Effect ~ December 3, 2018

via: L’Aura Pleiadian

On December 7th, 2018, at 3:20am AST ~ we have a powerful New Moon in Sagittarius ~ New Beginning ~ new phase…along with the ending of Mercury Retrograde also, on December 6th. YAY!! 

I will go a little into the aspects of this New Moon and explain a little on cause and effect.

There are many Astrologers describing this New Moon as one of the most sinister New Moons.

Every person is uniquely impacted according to their life plan, blueprint and frequency level.

What appears as negative, is often the releasing of past life memories, and the clearing of our subconscious mind and that of mass consciousness.

When we clear the energetic impulses held as our memories, we begin to see clearly, how our thoughts were playing out in the background of our awareness, unaware. WE then begin to become conscious of our thoughts, and we begin to think differently, and our reality changes.

The cause of all things is our Origin. It is the impact we have and are holding within our own awareness as Light Beings. As we change, things change. As our thoughts change, our reality changes. As our Heart awakens, we awaken to a magical world filled with love, no matter WHAT is taking place externally.

The changes that take place externally are the RESULT of our inner landscape changing. The changes in the world are the result of our ORIGINS ~ Original LIGHT ~ shifting the inner awareness of every being. It is important to understand this, so that we are always pointing the finger towards ourselves. Our own consciousness and to recognize that change happens within us ~ first.

The reason I am sharing this with you, is it is important to really understand this, especially now, because as the frequencies increase and more things unfold on the world’s stage, we can stay present and be aware, to always bring it back to the cause and effect within ourselves. Which is the only thing we are responsible for. We cannot force change on others.

Having made all of that clear. This New Moon in Sagittarius has some powerful influences from Mars and Neptune. New Moons in themselves, are always an energetic new beginnings. The impact of this New Moon will last till the January 5th 2019 ~ New Moon and Solar Eclipse.

Shortly before the New Moon we have Mercury Retrograde, for some of you that will be a relief. Shortly after the New Moon we have Mars Conjunct Neptune.

If fears and fearful thoughts are playing a role in the cause and effect of your reality, fear may be something that becomes highlighted for YOU, to experience it as it clears energetically from your DNA memory.

Observing neutrally, anything that comes up, allows you to be united with the Presence of you, which is the Light Origin of you, which dissolves things through its Presence and Light.

Aggression and anger may show up on the world stage and news, understand also, that this too is part of the clearing process.

When the energetic charges of these subconscious memories are released, through the Higher Light Frequencies, we truly have a new beginning, as our thoughts shift, feelings shift, our Aura shifts, and then the EFFECT, our external world MATCHES the internal changes. This effect, includes our bodies as well. This Presence and Original Light, is our eternal self, which is ageless, which has access to limitless energy and abundance. WE become that, as we become new in our minds, our hearts, our thoughts and emotions and LIVE only as that neutral observer, and Divine Presence.

The effects take care of themselves. There is no need to get caught up in the external and to lose focus, of WHERE the changes really ARE taking place.

To be part of this entire shift, we still FOCUS on what we do have control of, only ourselves. Our own thoughts, our own feelings. Our own awareness and focus of that awareness.

The New Moon is Square Neptune ~ here there is a potential, if not living through the neutrality and Harmony of our Origins to feel weak physically. Instead of focusing on boosting the body externally, we can refocus on CONNECTING and being unified with our eternal ACCESS of limitless joy, energy, and youthfulness. Cause ~ our own inner STATES of consciousness. Effect, the impact that has on our bodies, reality and life, including those around us.

Fixed star Ras Algethi ~ may bring up (For those releasing the programming of 3D) a ruthlessness for power. Or we may see that on the world stage and news. What to do? Focus on pointing that arrow and finger at ourselves. Are we free from these behaviours? Are we neutrally witnessing this or getting caught up in it? Are we dependent on the world out there to be the sign of our Evolution, or ARE we doing our part ~ cleaning up our own act. And living through the highest aspect of our Origins as WE can consciously?

What is it? Can you keep bringing it back to you ~ where the cause of your reality is?

If you have reached the state of neutrality and observer, and live as your Presence, you already know how everything dissolves in that Presence. When we witness others, again, go into that state, practice this if it is new to you.

Bringing it back to You. Focus on being neutral of Being the Cause of all the change you desire. It is within you. It is the natural state of Being, our Original Light. We are bringing it back home, into our awareness. This ONLY takes place, each person, within themselves.

So here we are NOW ~ on the verge of our own inner breakthrough and as we experience ours, others experience theirs, next thing we know, everyone has cleaned up their inner space of consciousness and then we all see and celebrate the effect.

The cause is within, each person within themselves. Celebrate all that comes up as the process, remain neutral in your observing, taking the STANCE of the Eternal Presence ~ a Divine Being, and then, all miracles are YOURS in that Presence. As You live, so you ARE, all Now, in Love, forever. And so it is, Divine Beings, all awakening as eternal Beings of Light. Our celebrated Origin. Our Original Light, and So It Is.


One thought on “New Moon in Sagittarius, December 7th, 2018 ~ Cause and Effect ~ December 3, 2018

  1. “What appears as negative, is often the releasing of past life memories” – I have read a few times now that this period is a time of arising Karma. That past life issues are just begging to be dug up and resolved right now. Thank you for this reminder – I have some work to do 🙂

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