LoveHasWon Astrology Update~9.9 Portal & New Moon in Virgo: Activation of the New Paradigm ~ Septmeber 7, 2018

By Archeia Aurora 

The New Moon in Virgo occurs on September 9th in 17 degrees Virgo. The Sun and Mercury will also be in Virgo so there is an emphasis on the essence of purity. Virgo is pure in all forms. Pure of heart, pure of spirit, and pure of body. Virgo truly represents the divine essence within us all; Christ consciousness. They are precise, whole beings who love to be in service to others. The flip side to Virgo can be if they become caught in the lower aspects like criticism, judgment, and over analyzation. 

This Moon will be trining Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, helping to anchor in our pure essence into our physical manifestation. Pluto is a powerful planet that will be assisting us in exponential transformation. With Pluto, it usually requires a release of something, and with the trine, this release will be less painful and seamless.

 With Uranus in Taurus, this completes the Grand Earth Trine in effect around this full moon. The Earth signs are grounded and masters of manifestation. We are truly bringing heaven to Earth now. Jupiter in Scorpio will also be sextiling Pluto, expanding our full capabilities and mastery. This Moon is truly a portal into the new paradigm. 

The Moon will also be square to Neptune which can go one of two ways depending on your consciousness. If you are living in higher consciousness, this aspect brings imagination, creativity, and vision. We will begin to anchor in our co-creative powers in building New Earth. It also opens up our inituitive gifts and etheric connection. If one is living in lower consciousness, this can cause confusion and illusion that will require clarity. The veils are so thin now and those living in the mind will be unable to fathom or comprehend these higher energies. 

Venus will also be switching signs on the same day, transiting from airy and light Libra to deep and penetrative Scorpio. Venus rules how we love and what we value and Scorpio accepts nothing less than real and true. We must re-evalute what we value, as superficial and fake no longer serve us. 

Finally, the 9-9 portal will occur on the same day as the New Moon, the ultimate completion. The number 9 in Numerology encompasses all of the previous numbers. 9 is the culmination of all. Mother’s entire numerology contains the number 9’s, as she is the Alpha and the Omega. The 9-9 portal signifies the end of the old paradigm, of the pain and suffering, the EGO, and the darkness. This portal will carry us into the Light and the new paradigm. Nothing will be the same after this date, as we can only move forward in our evolution. 

In loving service to Mother of all Creation, 

Archeia Aurora


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