The Trap Is Set, Now Comes The Foreshadowing, Think Mirror ~ August 27, 2018

Editor’s Note: This is, imho, an extremely important video to watch. View this..and you will understand whe, and…



Cohen’s lawyer finally admits that his story was not real. Trump continues with dropping his breadcrumbs about Clinton, Comey and the rest. This is foreshadowing of what is to come. The feud between Session and Trump continues to keep all eyes of what is really going on. The news media continues to call McCain a hero and they lashed out at Trump for not keeping the flag at half staff. Q is letting us know that it is almost show-time and everything that we are seeing is foreshadowing of what is to come, think mirror. The push to get the last deep state paid mercenary army is happening right now, once they are removed from Idlib the troops will be coming home.

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