Mother Mary ~ Divine’s Decision on Ascension and The Latest War ~ April 21, 2018

By Linda Li

Mother Mary says, dear heart, I am Mother Mary. I come today with important news. Divine has decreed that the current situation on the planet requires all of our attention. We have just been through a tough patch lately, and now we have arrived at a place where we need to pick up the pieces and keep going. In other words, planetary ascension reached a rocky path recently. Divine had to reevaluate the situation and came to a conclusion that even though things got out of hands from time to time, the bottom line is that Gaia is at a better place and humanity has awakened en masse. So, after the evaluation, Divine has decided to change the rules here and there, and adjust the speed a little bit, and now we are back on track, continuing the Divine work.

I love you dear heart, I am Mother Mary. On the ascension path, we often encounter happenings which are not expected and may detour our direction and ascension path. When that happens, Divine just has to sit down and figure out what happened, who was or were the party or parties responsible for the happenings. And determine the consequences that soul or group of souls need to bear, and lessons to learn and then we move on. That is the case here, lately, we had a group of individuals who acted with 3D mentality, defied the Divine laws and acted against the Divine will by starting wars against humanity. As result, we had to collect these souls, taught them a lesson and then we moved on. So now, we are back on our agenda, continue the ascension efforts. Gaia is on board with us. She has forgiven those souls. She wants those souls to continue the path so that humanity’s ascension has minimal interruption. That is what is happening behind the scenes. And it is what is happening at energetic levels. Now we have come out of it and keep moving forward.

In terms of how we can pick up the pieces. Divine has decreed that all individuals who were involved in the latest wars, have to pay a price for their actions. Divine has individually carved out a lesson for each and everyone of them so that their soul can learn the lesson, gain the wisdom that soul needed. As for how much there is in the lesson, is it enough for each soul in this lifetime to learn? Divine has agreed with these souls that they can learn their lessons continuously after this life ended. Because the life lesson is individual, we can not anticipate how long it will take and how the lessons are going to play out. The only thing we need to share is that these individuals have to learn the lessons, gain the wisdom and move on from the past. That is the message I am sharing.

I love you dear ones. Since we have done the evaluation process, now we are going to continue the work. You and I, are going to continue our work together, we bring Divine agenda forward. In terms of what is next to do, what I envision is to push for the final agenda. In other words, we are actually so close to the end result. What we need now is just a little more effort and our agenda will be achieved. It is just that close dear heart. I know some of our light workers have been discouraged by recent development and thought we may have to go back to the square one. That is not the case dear heart. Yes, we have encountered difficulties. But that is normal. That is what we have expected. Sometimes, Human beings do things out of impulse and that is because humans have all sorts of emotions and ego games. That is why we are here. That is why I am here. I am here to guide and lead in the hope that we have a smoother path. So, don’t be discouraged dear heart. We have been here before, and we always managed to move on from it and we always learned something from setbacks. That is the case here. We learned the lessons and we move on now. So, pick yourself up, dust off the discouragement.

Let’s move forward, get our agenda going. Divine has given us the green light. Ascension of the masses is imminent. So, roll up the sleeves dear ones, come with me, let’s go home together. You and I, together, we bring humanity and Gaia home. I love you, I am Mother Mary. So it is.


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