Full Planetary Ascension Underway ~ Testimonials ~ July 26, 2017

By Mother of All Creation

Since 2007 We have been creating incredible connections, answering deep questions about what is really happening on the planet in very simple and easy to understand terms. The Awakening Session also accelerates your awakening as we guide you on your path towards divine intelligence and share in the energies of expansion. We are having lots of “Oh My God!” moments as we “come online” into our true being.

In addition we help you remember your part of the Divine Mission. We assist you into full consciousness, Heaven consciousness, connection to the God within, conscious awareness, joy and happiness. We will also assist you in being present in the moment of now so that you can get to the experience of the magic of Creation. The Services we provide are nothing compared to psychology or psychiatry. We focus on the Soul, your journey on the Path of Truth, of LOVE. Each session is based on the uniqueness of the individual, since each being is Unique we find different points of clarity among all. We are highly trained in human consciousness and will give you tools to help yourself gain your power back and help others.

Below are some Testimonials from Lightworkers of their experiences after having our unique and loving Spiritual Intuitive Healing Session:

(Book Your Session Here)

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