Our New ReBirth Has Commenced ~ Higher Frequency and Vibration ~ May 31, 2017

Anastacia-Blue Beyond – Our NEW RE-BIRTH HAS COMMENCED – 1st June 2017

Welcome to June!

Very high frequency pitch all through the night (here in Australia) and morning.

The energy is HERE, the energy HAS ARRIVED – our new RE-BIRTH in a higher frequency and vibration.

Time to take a ‘break’ from how we ‘did’ things in the past – For those Blue Rays and forerunners.

As this has been slowly coming into play over the recent weeks as I have been adjusting to this myself. 

Pulling back and pulling back..wave and layer after layer for those who energies are called at the forefront of humanity and the astrals and multi-dimensions!

We no longer ‘need’ to have our energy ‘doing’ so much as we have in the past.

We were not able to ‘help this’ as this was part of who we are, in all we are.

Many have not understood ‘us’ or our role to play in the ‘grand scheme of things’.

It is a time of BALANCING and ADJUSTING.

Balancing and adjusting the ‘whole’ of us…Spirit and Soul.

There is the balancing and adjusting in our ‘family ties’ as well.

Those who we have soul contracts with.

As we are ‘helping’ them as they are ‘helping’ us.

The ‘family unit’…as there has been oh so very much to this.

As there has been a ‘heightened’ energy of those who have an imbalance of ones logic/thoughts and their creative/intuitive ‘sides’. Hence many have been displaying heightened ‘bi-polar’ tendencies recently.

It is not judging those close to us (or others) as we are really reflecting back our judgement and all, of ourselves, through those souls..when one comes from Unconditional Love and Universal True Love one can see and feel this.

Take the focus off ones family/others.

Australian Bush Flower essence – Bottlebrush came up and one can tap this into their crown chakra:

‘To get back to a state of sensitivity towards others, regardless of one’s own load. Invariably the perspective then becomes balanced and more opportunities open up for sharing responsibilities or being mutually supportive and encouraging’.

As always stay true to your own truth and have your boundaries or create new ones for whatever they are or are needing to be to keep one ‘safe’.

Keep one’s protection ‘up’ in the human and Spirit as remember so much ‘goes on’ in the Astrals and multi-dimensions.

Balance, balance, balance and integration.

Of a New Re-Birth…which is a new re-birth of our creativity of something ‘new’ for us that was previously ‘blocked’ before.

As often, the ‘block’ can be ourselves.

We need to love and accept us for ALL WE ARE, all of our facets.

And look to ‘see’ where this is being reflected back to us from others and those close to us.

For us to find a VERY NEW us.

As we create as we go, each golden brick at a time.

And as always I am right here with you.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty


Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer/Oracle

Ascended Earth Master

Blue Ray Elder

In 6D human embodiment

Anastacia is a Rainbow Bridge as a Pioneer/Trailblazer and WaySeer in linking our Soul to our Spirit, through our emotions.

All she shares is by experiencing first hand in being very REAL and then sharing Energy Real-Time Updates of Humanities Ascension as it comes through. Master Divine 11:11 Healings are available. *New* Universal healings available from June.

Anastacia had a vision as a child when Christ came to her and lifted her up…and more recently was gifted her Spiritual Soul, when Christ came to her again as their palms touched with Rainbow energy….so she is able to see all that occurs in the Astrals and Multi-Dimensions in having two souls, double the information and insights 11:11. Having cleared her vessel from Spirit to Soul by going through the Abyss and back to be a clear vessel of ‘ Supreme’ Divine Light, coming from Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty and Realness. Anastacia is Australian and was ‘tasked’ by Spirit to be part of teaching and leading Australia’s Ascension in linking our Spirit to our Soul, through our Emotions, as part of her role here as well. She has written many articles over the years and has been going within for 22 years, so much of what humanity is feeling and going through, she has already been through, in being in 5D for 7 years and in 6D for 2 yrs, while still experiencing her and Humanities Ascension as an Ascended Earth Master


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