Energy Report: First Quarter 2017 ~ April 10, 2017


In this everything is NEW time of 2017, it has taken me four months to finally do an energy report- which I meant to do at the end of January! lol!

I managed to do a video and thought I would try to write a quick synapse as well.

Hope you enjoy it!***

In a way having three months of this new world energy makes it easier for me to begin to grasp this new grid system which we, the Heart Collective, are now fully energetically anchored to as a soul group.

This means that interfered duality of the 3rd, (earth plains) and 4th, (galactic plains) has been collapsed by the forerunners who are now fully anchored in the 5th and higher, where “Heaven on Earth” is indeed a multidimensional world from which all dimensions can be seen and experienced.

This new earth grid is outside of space and time and it is not linear.

It is like being inside a giant ball. It is incredibly easy to be stuck in a loop very quickly if not in the heart…

Also the Portals in the 5dplus dimensions move, they are not fixed like in the 1-4 densities.Only the Heart Portal can guide you to them. No piggybacking off of another soul…Didn’t see that coming hehehehehe!

The month of December brought the Heart Collective the experience of being Reborn, the energies of the Christ Consciousness amplified the experience of being born into the NEW Earth. Many actually had a “birth canal” experience, but ALL in the Heart did indeed fully separate from descension timelines at the Cosmic Reset of 1/1/2017.

This new world allows full embodiment for all, so those that choose to quantum jump from a descension timeline to an ascension timeline can do so without physically dying and once again forgetting all learned in the past life.

In turn, all knowledge and gifts acquired in the ascended “past life” are fully accessible in this Now. This is embodiment.

January began the 00:00 SOURCE Cosmic Reset which completely separated ascension and descension timelines energetically. Finally!! The Forerunners, as a soul group, quantum jumped at the same time and fully anchored into ascension timelines, releasing all their energy from all duality carbon matrices and anchoring to the crystalline higher dimensional grids. Never done before as a soul group, Way to go! This in turn cleared all dna blood interference seven generations forward and back, clearing all human bloodlines from outside interference which kept them from personal ascension. Now hose that wish to exit the karmic cycle can no longer be kept against their will in this dimension.

January was the first month of the first chakra anchoring to the new world. The root chakra to anchor a home still remains but now the Heart chakra has expanded and added to it in this new expanded chakra system. January saw a huge increase in heart chakra issues and in the area of the Heart and Home.

February amplified the energy of 2, the twins. Relationships, the second chakra, with the new High Heart chakra fully activated throughout the entire spinal column. All false twins were released and all illusions were seen. To say Hearts are being broken is an understatement as Source Evolutionary Energies continue to amplify and experiences can be extreme. Twins are still an aspect of mirroring, of separateness. Many confuse their twin souls with their Divine Partner. Big Difference. We have infinite twin souls all playing different roles in duality with us. Soul Family. Mirrors.

We have ONE Divine Partner. Hieros gamos. Oneness.

March told us what to do. With enormous force. Slammed us out of wherever we were stuck. And then the solar eclipse, which almost killed all of us in one way or another, slammed us the other way and made us face our mortality along with any illusion left from the 3d or 4d. Of human matrix programming.. Again. Massive Heart Chakra activations continue as we once again evolve into a new planetary chakra/grid system.

March also began the full activation and remembering of all forerunner soul missions involving ascension disclosure timelines and the preparation of galactic ambassadors as they begin to  remember their galactic contracts and step into their ambassadorship status.

April is the month to seed all new creations…April showers bring May flowers…so stay in your heart and do not lose faith for all is divinely perfect as your manifestations are finally about to be physically seen.

The new world is in front of our eyes, but we are newborns who are learning to see multidimensionally once again. We need time for our new vision to clear. Activations will occur very quickly now as the last of the second wavers activate and all walk-ins remember their galactic missions in preparation for huemanities global awakening.

All support systems are now firmly in place as all prepare for global awakening.

And so it is.

In Light and Love and Joyful Service.



Follow your Heart♥Shine Your Light

****I hope that my report helps maybe to understand these amazing energies.This will be my last posting on this website as I feel it is time for me to move to something new.

And so I have. : )

Please join me in my new website:, as I begin a new chapter in my life. The website has spiritual tools to assist in anchoring to the higher grids and fully experience multidimensional living fully centered in the Heart. I am now finishing things up and I am very excited to do something brand new for me.

It will be up and running this week hopefully!

As for now, know that everything feels inside out, backwards and upside down and that THATis actually a good thing. Because it is. Welcome to the higher dimensional crystalline grids. Everything done in the higher dimensions is inside out,backwards and upside down. Manifestation occurs by letting go… and our Heart is the only fuel of our Creations. If a creation is not founded in love it will not manifest. oh well, too bad…so sad lol!

I send my love to All!

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