The Passing of a Paradigm – The Great Division and Disclosure ~ Nov. 9, 2016


The Passing of a Paradigm – The Great Division and Disclosure.

I received this message weeks ago, but I am posting it after our voting has closed, because this article is not about a singular election. I know this article may ruffle some feathers, so I am going to say this nicely… If you post angry, ugly, political comments, conspiracy theory, or any fear mongering, they will be taken down. It is not the point of this article, nor will they be relevant. I am asking you to see these world events and our personal events as clues to our evolution.

The Passing of a Paradigm. The Great Division and Disclosure.

For decades, we have prepared for where we are right now. And if we feel torn in half in more ways than we can count, then we are a part of a great divide between worlds. Anxiousness, anxiety, overly passionate, mixed with profound apathy are a part of everyone’s daily experience these days. We are ready for it to be OVER already, and this encompasses more than you think (If you dare… Read more…).

We are being asked to let go of our expectations of anything continuing as what we perceive as normal. The old material world was created from frequencies and belief systems that no longer apply! This will be our new flow … to embrace the continual and sometimes shocking changes. We must remember that no experience or earned wisdom is ever lost, and that they have helped us arrive to where we are right now. Any constructs and programs that are based in truth and natural law will always remain, and morph into new and higher frequencies and expressions.

We have cleared out most of the barriers to our inner truth, and we have transduced reality and spirituality down to one core decision. There are two clear sides now on how to make any decision. We can choose what our material world (ego) supports, or we can choose what our hearts (love) support. These two are further apart than ever before. There is a huge detachment, a cosmic unanchoring, from the old material world among a huge mass of the population. Global apathy is gripping us in a tight hold that we can’t seem to break free from. We might think we are giving up on changing our world for the better, but what if we are letting go of what is not true to make room for what is?

I do not like to get political, but for today it is a good analogy for what is going on in our cosmic evolution. So please don’t post angry political comments on this post, because you will miss the point of this message. The point is … are we literally voting (physically and spiritually) to collapse the old world paradigms so a new world can be born.

A few clues…
In the UK, most people didn’t know how to vote on Brexit. Yet… a majority said they DID vote for succession from the EU. Yet, when it was all said and done, they were shocked when it actually succeeded! And now they want a do over. What? And the UK is not even vaguely prepared on how this will play out for them. So what happened? Did England’s citizens vote for something they didn’t want? … Or did they? Are they voting to let go of old Earth paradigms.

The same issue is happening here in the USA. We have two main candidates, and no one seems to want either one, at least in my circles. No one knows how to vote, and most people say that they will vote for one, because they don’t want the other. It isn’t a vote when you vote to avoid something. This only neutralizes our creative energy. We sit back in a weird, confusing detachment, and we have allowed these events to happen.

Another clue is the question why real quality people are not attracted to the job of running a country. Out of millions of smart people worldwide, has it really come to this? Is it because these jobs are becoming obsolete and not supported by the future ahead of us? Just think about it.

Going through the motions of what we use to be passionate about is also a big clue to what we might be letting go of. Are we becoming, numb, anesthetized and simply waiting it out? This pervasive feeling of drudgery and plodding through what was once exciting and passionate is a huge clue that we could be pulling our energy out of old archaic systems. Does it mean that the old way of governing a country and planet is not as important to us as it once was? Is it now obsolete? Is something new beginning to take its place?

It is becoming clear that we (most who are still reading this now) are letting go, and allowing the self destruction of the constructs of an old paradigm by simply standing back and allowing it to happen; like cutting the string to a balloon that we do not want anymore. Are we allowing an implosion to take place? Choosing nothing, even the lesser of the two, is a vote to fully enter the void between worlds and travel toward an alternate reality. Those of us who are looking impartially (a.k.a. witnessing), with eyes wide open, can see that even ones who appear to be unconscious are actually helping us let go of the old world paradigms. Like I have said in the past, we may have arrived from different places, but we are in the same boat now, together as one.

These huge changes, wobbling in the very structure of our society’s foundation, are huge clues to what is happening WITHIN US now. For most, the energy has been freaking insane! It is like someone opened the pen and let a heard of wild mustangs out! The etheric duck tape is off our true voices, and we are unleashed, bigger and wilder. We are completely unprepared for this new, wild west world. We are letting go of the past, but we are still fighting to throw all caution to the wind, and really let go.

In our personal lives, we are torn between what appears to be practical, provable, and material, to what our heart and soul yearns to be true. It is getting harder to choose any path at this point, and yet magic is beginning to happen from many perspectives and many paths all at once. Humanity has a lot of irons in the fire so to speak. There is a matrix of possibility in front of us. We are now standing firmly on the first foundation stone in a new cycle of time. Say good-bye to linear time and creation.

The temporary whiplash effect.
I find my consciousness continually going to multiple places where anything is possible, and then whiplashed back into the current reality of limitation. We need to ask ourselves “Are we dreamers, or creators?” Do we let our dreams die and face what we think is still reality, or do we give a final big push to birth this new world. It is feeling very tangible now. We need to move past mere imagining into fully creating as living masters.

This great divide has been coming for decades and most evidently to most people since 2013. The only place I feel the Earth is holding any equilibrium for a new evolution is in the world’s sacred sites, the ley lines, the dragon lines, the serpent lines, etc…. It is becoming apparent that these places will hold firm through this shift as they have through many other shifts prior to this time. No wonder we love to be in these sacred places.

Rebooting a huge cycle of time, like this 104,000 year cycle of the maya calendars, is new to us all. We didn’t get a guidebook, or an owner’s manual to this new cycle. We have no idea if we are making the right choices or where this is leading. We only have our heart to listen to, and, even with that, it doesn’t seam practical or even familiar. It might take decades for us to see the results of what is happeing RIGHT NOW. Evolution uses massive cycles of time so that life can evolve with it. And up to now, we usually don’t live long enough to see the outcome of these shifts.

Have we now grown this strong?
Are we ready to vote for the last veils to be removed that have kept us from collective global truth, and are we voting (allowing) others to do this heavy work for us? Yes we are! If we truly want all the darkness to be revealed and have full disclosure, who would be willing to step up and do that job for us? Are you following me here? Only a person fueled by ego, power and a total loss of a moral compass would walk into this job. God bless them.

And you might think “Oh no, I didn’t want to vote for that like the Brits did.” But what did we expect when we asked for truth to be unveiled in a world that is still quite asleep? Was your vote wrong? No! On the other side of this temporary chaos and global mess, these unconscious ones are unveiling to us all the hidden lies. Don’t they know we can see this happening? They are blinded by their heavy purpose to dissolve this world, and they don’t see that the world’s camera is on them right now, and we see the truth!

The acceleration of duality is astonishing, nearly comical, and it is leaving us simply dumbfounded. We are seeing a HUGE rise in the victim versus the aggressor. We are seeing this in global politics, violence, racial divisions, record breaking weather patterns, Earth changes and solar events. All of these events are giving us just what we asked for! They are helping us to finally achieve full disclosure of truth and the resolution to all the lies that we have been fed. The children’s story about the emperor has no clothes has come to life.

We want those that we vote into power to be intelligent and honorable. If we had better more impeccable and honorable choices, we might have voted for them. Thus we might have stayed in the dark, and the lies and power mongering could have continued. So what we have in front of us is a choice to accept these court jesters in our lives. We must support them in their process to unveil to the entire world all the skeletons in the global closet! And then we can be done with it. So now we can understand why no intelligent and awake person would want the heavy job of dissolving out of date constructs and programming. (Again God bless them all) When you think about it, we are pretty clever for allowing others to do this hard work, so we can all reap the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow … A new world.

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