Energy Update ~ Just for October, Let Go: Lots of Little Shifts and Changes ~ October 11, 2016


By Anastacia

Blue Beyond – Just for October let go – Lots of Little Shifts and Changes = Overall Big Change/s – 11th October 2016
I will share with you what was shared with me – We need to stop asking for assistance for two weeks or let’s say for the rest of October –  To let go and be gentle on yourself.

To have a ‘break’ from asking…to let go and allow Spirit to provide what we are needing, the way we are needing, for our Souls Divine Journey.

To allow ourselves to enjoy this time of balance and integration with the peace and freedom of knowing we are so very loved…and as we do this, it allows us to feel and ‘hear’ what Spirit and our Soul is wanting to let us know.

While this balance is going on we can be ‘interfering’ if we are asking repeatedly over and over right now.

For us to ‘get out of our own way’ and to not push and to have patience…to ‘let go’…just for a little while…just for rest of this month – one may be surprised as to how freeing this is.

To enable a NEW way of balance with the transition we are in, as we are needing to let go of the old subconscious way/s.

In doing so, we need to create a little space to allow this to ‘arise’ and for the guidance to ‘come through’.

Yet we also need to be very aware at the same time of what is no longer ‘working’ for us as well.

There are so many changes yet these changes are (can be) subtle and small, yet very big in the long run as well, when we put all of these facets together which makes up the ‘whole’ of our lives.

Picture a pendulum…and as we clear the old the pendulum goes back a little, like scraping away the dust of the old….and then forward a little into the new, clearing a new space as well.

And as we clear more of the old, the pendulum swings back a little more, to then a little more forward in the new of equal, say ‘distance’.

The more we do this, in clearing the ‘old’,  the more the pendulum swings back and forth for a NEW BALANCE…as the swing expands further each time, bit by bit.

This is unable to be done all at once, as this is so much bigger than us.

We are not able to do the ‘whole’ of us all at once!

This is the strengthening of the NEW us coming through.

What has also been occurring lately…
You may find yourself driving and then suddenly go another way than what you usually go…only to may or may not realise or find out later there was some reason you were ‘guided’ to go another way.

This re-direction is very symbolic and significant as to how we are changing paths, in little ways.

Other things are occurring as well, as things are very criss-crossed…as we may put something down and then find we didn’t put it where we felt we did…we may want to write one thing and write another….or we left something on to cook which we thought we turned off but left it on….and on and on in lots of little areas and ways.

We are needing to ‘pay attention’ to what is going on…to stand (or sit) back a little to allow a broader ‘viewing’ or feeling of what is actually really going on, as there is a lot going on all the time.

Hiding in the ‘old’ of living subconsciously will do just that, it will keep us in the old and we can feel like we are self-combusting in a way of not being able to ‘fit’ into the old anymore.

This can come out as extreme head pressure and more in the body depending on what we are each transmuting or healing in our physical bodies…and many have been feeling like they were ‘imploding’ recently…and very nearly didn’t ‘make it’

As this is so big, this is taking souls out…and remember their souls chose to experience what they are, so stand back and allow what they are needing to experience, no matter how painful this may be, as yes we need to grieve, yet we need to come up and back as there is a bigger picture going on for them and for us.


Our New energy is greater than the ‘old mould’ now….and we need to live consciously, allowing time and space in allowing ourselves to expand, by not pushing, as in doing that, we only push against ourselves.

In being gentle on ourselves…in allowing ourselves peace and freedom for just a little while, we can say ‘just for October’ I am going to take a step back from all and no longer ask and ask…and to trust that we have and are being heard…to allow the Divine and our Angels and guides to bring forth what is the new for us.

Yet it is up to us to LISTEN and FEEL what this is.

And this can only happen, when we create that space and take the pressure off ourselves.

So ‘just for October’ let go of asking, realise we are in an extreme balancing and integration that is of many facets as not all can be done at once.

And remember to be gentle gentle gentle on yourself.

Much Love and Divine Blessings
Ascension Guide/Teacher
Multi-Dimensional Ancient Earth Master

Anastacia takes on clients for 1:1 sessions. For further information or to book in, please contact at:

Anastacia is a Rainbow Bridge in linking our Soul to our Spirit of 6D and 8D -through our Emotions of the Divine – sharing from experiencing energies herself and feeling the energies through her two souls (human and spirit) as they come to our planet. From 20years of personal experience in linking her soul to her spirit, through her emotions this lifetime and past lives – back to Source through the ‘abyss’ – in service to Humanity and Gaia Guiding/Teaching Humanity. From the Ancient Ones, Shaman, Blue Ray Elder, Pleadean, Lemurian, Atlantean, Arcturian, Lyran.

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