Sophia – Bat-like Beings ~ March 10, 2016

This conversation took place on January 6, 2016

“Is there someone who wants to connect?”
It is I.
Okay.  Please go on.
I have been waiting to engage and am so very grateful for this opportunity to do so.  I spring from a race much older than the human.  It is not a race related to the human, yet one that is aware of the human and interested.
Interested in what specifically?
In constructing a conversation.  There are things to say, things we feel would be of assistance to the human in his transformation.  We are not human, as has been said.  Yet we embody a being in form.  This form is one you may find abhorrent to look upon.  It is for this reason we have been anxious to connect unseen.  You will, in this way, have ears to listen without fear or rejection.
Please then, describe this form you embody.

This is one that is black, dark, with many antenna and stick-like appendages.  There are a sort of wings that we use in our locomotion.  They are not what you would consider beautiful.  They are functional and serve to assist in gliding our frame through space. We do not fly so much as hover and hop rather than “walk” in a traditional sense.
There is not much mass to us actually.
Why do I keep seeing bat wings?
Because your memory is associative and the image being sent includes wings formed in a sort of bat-like shape.  Ours are more transparent – our bodies more stick like.  We are small, much smaller than the average human, but larger than the average “bat”.  Compare us to a 3 or 4 year old in stature.
This description sounds odd, yet not abhorrent, to me.
It is in our heads that you will feel revulsion.  They are long, almost insect like, skeletal.
We do not display emotion in facial features.  Our eyes are small, fixed in position.  It is through the emotions sent that you are able to sense our intent.
Looking at us will tell you nothing, and will be a very strange experience for the human.  We do not appear sentient.
Yet in fact we’ve evolved and over time adapted to this form as the one most efficient for us.  We eat very little and simply and do not require the exquisite housing, clothing and care that humans do.
Our home is the planet, the asteroid we occupy.  We ingest plant life and the excretions from that in turn grow more of the same.  The ingestion is then used as an energy supply.
The reason for our current form is that a decision was included in our evolution regarding physical form.  It is this form that provided an answer to what was seen as interference in our evolution.
Please explain.
Form was used as evidence for either presence of lack of attributes.  These are features you would label beauty, harshness, softness, ugliness, anger, joy, etc.  The idea of physical expression as an indicator was seen as inhibiting.
The idea of physical form as a marker for rating each other was understood to be unhelpful.  We chose, as a race of sentient beings, to abandon such differences without abandoning the physical.
We enjoy the engagement of a physical existence and now communicate completely non-verbally.  Relationships happen with a communion of ideas and interests.  All of these are possible without eye flutters, courting and comparisons.
What we’ve found is that our truth “speeds up” when dealing with each other.  As we evolved, we became more attuned to our senses of like and dislike, comfort and uneasiness.  Intuitively we excel.  It is not that we don’t use our other senses, we do.  Yet they are used for life interaction not relationship decisions.
We applaud the human and his/her choice to retain form and all that goes with it while evolving.  This is a tall order, as the ego self emerges in full form and is always asking to be dealt with.
Our way asks simply “Do I feel a connection with this being?” and if so, “What kind of connection am I feeling?” “What is it that I am motivated to share here – physical, mental, emotional or spiritual activity?”  With type of form taken out of the equation, it becomes a simpler decision.
As a human, you would at this juncture struggle to converse with me – although I mean you no harm.  This would be due to my physical attributes.  This struggle is felt with some on your planet who have experienced disfigurement.
I have introduced us to you so that you may consider what form life may take as your awareness expands to include more of it.  I appreciate the opportunity and enjoy the non-judgmental approach being offered.  This benefits all races.
You are complete?
Yes, I am.  Thank you Sophia.
Thank you.  Goodbye then.
This conversation ended.
Note: This conversation validates an experience I had several years ago.  I was injured and for some time my face was black and blue, massively swollen and sort of hideous. I was still “in public”, which meant I worked and shopped.  This went on for about 6 weeks.  In that time, aside from the children and co-workers I was with every day, (and my family and friends), ONLY TWO PEOPLE actually responded to me as if I was a regular human.  
One of them was the greeter at Walmart, a woman.  She took one look at me and said “Oh honey I’m so sorry, what happened?”  The other was the greeter at Costco who checked my card and was about to say “Have a nice day”, looked up at my face and with the hugest smile said “It looks like it can’t get much worse!”
I am sure we don’t pay the greeters at our discount stores enough!  
The children were the most interesting, they would stare and then look at their parent or care-giver for the appropriate response. 
Now, I did not feel deformed or hideous or any different.  I felt like me.  So to be shunned because of a disfigurement was sort of shocking every time it happened. It provided so much insight. These “bat-beings” provided even more.

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