An answer from An Ancient Race ~ May 19, 2015

sophia image

This is a channelling from my dear friend, Sophia Love. She has taken her empathetic nature up another notch in sensitivity to receive messages from those in another realm. This channelling has appeared on her website, and now I AM sharing this with you. Please read, consider who you are, and…



There has been lots of feedback since the last publication that I’d like to address.

I will begin in June to carry a subscription only newsletter, you will need to sign up for that before June 1st.  There is no need to “unsubscribe” if you are not interested in paying; there will be occasional general interest newsletters to everyone on the list.



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I will continue to write and share blog posts weekly, and these are without a fee.

I am moving to another site at the end of May.  This website will no longer be my “home” online, but I am moving, not leaving.  I will let everyone know where to find me very soon.


These conversations take place almost daily now, and the number of subscribers is growing.The most interesting conversations will be shared with subscribers. I am taking questions but cannot guarantee answers.  All questions and answers will be posted in the order received.



Again, this is information only, and meant to be taken with a grain of salt.  Believe it or not, as you will.  It is food for thought.  I make no claims as to its accuracy,  only to the fact that it is verbatim.  The conversation below took place on May 14th, 2015. Words in parenthesis and italics are my own.

To whom am I speaking?

I am the being you spoke to at another juncture.  The name I have to give you is not pronounceable in your language – many, what you call “consonants”, hard sounds, make it up.


Do you cause the EMF meter to go off or is that caused by someone else?

I do not believe my frequency effects your device – I am not “there” in the physical sense, but am communicating to you from where I am – it is difficult to discuss but you are reaching out to me and we are speaking – communicating.  I don’t “go” anywhere, we connect mind to mind.


Okay, that makes sense, thank you.  Do you know who is setting it off then?  It goes off a lot lately, esp. in this room.

I do not know specifically, but generally I can tell you that there are always beings and if their frequency is within the range that device is set to – they will set it off.  They are beings who are every bit as real as you are, or I am.  You cannot visualize them however; they do not vibrate at the speed you are used to seeing.


Okay.  So, I have no name for you?

No, you have an identifying label though – “Ancient One” works for all concerned.


Are you able to speak to this? (Question from a reader)  “At first glance everybody chooses love and happiness but with the inner work properly done meaning still in fear for things and attachments that don’t serve this choice will be tough!! Your friends/families will maybe not choose what you choose am I getting.. Would be nice if you could elaborate with “A Ancient Race” about this. I kind of know the answer but anyway..”


And, as an aside, I don’t “see” you in the same way as I did when we first spoke?

I would not expect you to experience our connection the same way – it will not feel “different” to you, we’ve met before, spoken before.  Yet it will now feel as if you are speaking to someone else, by that I mean, someone different again from your everyday conversations.


Why do I want to sleep?

It is the energy.


This is a topic of great interest as we observe humans – most humans put themselves in connections with other humans for comfort, for community, for love, for shared intent and/or fun.  Humans are not solitary beings.  They care for one another and what happens is in that caring become confused, forgetful of the fact that they are only actually responsible for themselves – for the one unique soul force that they embody.


There is no choice of going or staying that leaves anyone behind – not in truth.  Humans have this rather quaint notion that their presence or absence can alter the course of life for another soul.  This is simply not true.


What the human journey is about is life on any terms.  There are no possibilities that elevate or diminish another soul.  It is a journey taken by each and every aspect.


Now humans choose ways to proceed that fit their reality, but whether they follow the path of those they currently “hang with” or diverge – matters little to the outcome.  All of life is self-determined.


What we see are soul groupings who’ve gotten so familiar with each other over “lifetimes” that they appear to play out scenarios in their choosing – switching roles and circumstances as if they were handing out cards at each new “beginning”. These cards outline who will play what role, who will stay, who will leave, who will “advance” the furthest, who will appear to be left behind.


Ultimately you are creator beings – each massively powerful and suited for any choice.  The endearing notion of wanting everyone to go with your current choice is just that – a notion.  There are other choices, other places to go, other “lifetimes” – all of them human and within your soul grouping.


As we watch the evolution of the human, we expect to also see the incorporation of what seem to be sentimental ideas of family or community into your multi-dimensional self.  This passionate emotional aspect of mankind is not expressed in the same way in other races.  It is mankind who will determine the nature of his own evolution.  What will be the most satisfying answer to the question will ultimately be answered by your own race.  This, I expect, is what you referred to in your question at the outset – “knowing the answer already”.


Okay.  Is that it?



It seems everyone is talking about how to live in and with these new energies.  I find this letter and audio file from Tom Kenyon compelling. 



 It is through mutual support that we’ll grow a sustain-ably conscious world.  

No one can do this but us.


We are the gods we’ve been waiting for.

  Sophia Love

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