Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – “I Am All That I Am ” – 24 October 2014


I couldn’t close up shop tonight without commenting on this short, but very significant article that spoke directly to me…kind of feels like my higher self is giving me a “thumbs up” sign!

Today, hubby and I drove to/from home to Flagstaff, to do run some errands that needed dong. It went the way it normally does…I drive, we converse and he nods off which gives me a wonderful opportunity for some serious self-reflection. And just what did I reflect on today? Realizing and dwelling on the fact that in reality…”I AM”!

Yes, that’s right, I delved into myself while driving that 2-lane AZ highway that goes directly past the entrance to the Painted Desert National Park…not very many cars out that far in the desert giving me an ideal opportunity to…think! Doing this thinking is just the type recommended by Djwal Khul, cannelled by Terri Newlon. Who is Djwal Khul? This man was “…a Tibetan disciple in the tradition of ancient esoteric spirituality known as The Ageless Wisdom tradition.”

Ever since the solar eclipse yesterday, I have been examining myself and thinking about who I AM! All of a sudden, it seems important to me to realize my divinity and capabilities…not from an egotistical way, but as kind of a self-identification thing. So…please read Djwal Khul’s message here, spend a few moments of quiet time thinking about how this applies to you, and…


Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. We’re in quite a state of expansion. We’re going to have Mercury going direct although it’ll still be muddy pretty much until our next Spirituality Article so really double and triple check the communications, especially on very important things.

The next thing I want to go through is “I am ALL that I am”. Because the expansion is really sort of telling you ”I am everywhere. I’m so vast, I’m everywhere, I’m everything, I’m everyone, I am ALL that is.” We have such an opportunity to really bask in that realization and to know it in the core of the being.

So practice with “I am ALL that I am” and then feel the expansion into the entire universe like there’s no limit. You can’t find an outer boundary. You are just going, and going, and going, and your consciousness is interconnected to all of creation. That simple expansion practice and the words, “I am ALL that I am”, should be quite useful.

I would also say that vortex motion is one of the things that helps add to that and you just might imagine that your auric field is a vortex. So below the feet, at least the arm span, at least two arm lengths above the top of your head, you want to imagine that you’re just inside a very big vortex.

Now it could be moving slowly or it can be spinning more rapidly, you can adjust the speed but you want to keep motion going at all times. So maybe while you’re sleeping it’s just turning slowly and then when you need a lot of energy during the day, you spin it faster. So play with those two things.

Alright Dear Ones. As always, thank you and my love to you.

Djwhal Khul

Channeled by Rev. Terri Newlon

(Spirituality Article, Transcribed by Micheline Ralet)

Download the PDF Here

www.terrinewlon.com / link to original article

One thought on “Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – “I Am All That I Am ” – 24 October 2014

  1. The vortex meditation will not only expand your consciousness higher towards I am but it will also start you on the creation of your crystal spiral Ascension staircase. Vortex power starts below the feet, spins and is pulled on it’s way upward by magnetically increasing the Great Central Sun Magnet aspect of your own I AM Presence Sun being.

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