May 21, 2024: What is What and Who is Who Change Daily—or Hourly 


What a wild ride it has been this past week. From the storms that slammed the mid-west and brought Houston, TX to a standstill, to the helicopter crash involving Iran’s President Raisi, to the Trump trial extravaganza, and strange sky events… there’s never a dull moment.

The word out of the Ukraine war zone area yesterday on Telegram went as follows for Crimea:

Confirmed: Internet access has been knocked out in Sevastopol, occupied Crimea, following reported Ukranian drone attacks targeting energy infrastructure

There was a lot going on in Houston, TX.

Special Forces Assault FEMA Houston Office, Slaughter Gun-Grabbing Agents

The “show” couldn’t have been a better choice from Q to describe the circus going on with the courts where Trump is involved.

Every now and then a former acting Attorney General under Trump, Matt Whitaker, pops into the spotlight for a cameo and drops another zinger. The normies should have a good grasp by now of what has transpired.


— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) May 21, 2024

It’s also been a show with respect to the helicopter crash of Iran’s Raisi and the other two on board. Watching the details leak out little by little, much of it conflicting, suggests it was another ‘operation’. The last update I saw said because the body came out draped in cloths that it had to be a White Hat Op to abduct Raisi. In other words, he got “Epsteined”, meaning he appeared to be killed [not ‘suicided’ in this case] but there is no video evidence of what actually transpired and now we are told he is dead. Link to Telegram.

caption: body double confirmed

🚨#BREAKING – PROOF Of WHY Satellite Data was removed During Helicopter CRASH!
📍For ANYONE wondering why they tried to SCRUB the Satellite data. THIS IS why!
📍We would be able to see advanced Technology and HOW this Helicopter was taken out if we had the original Data. Most…

— In2ThinAir (@In2ThinAir) May 21, 2024

Do you ever wonder about the names of some of the characters in this movie?

Yaya and Yahu?
Sin war… like sin gas? [sin gas is how you order non-carbonated water in Spanish, meaning without bubbles.]

Exclusive interview: ICC prosecutor seeks arrest warrants against Sinwar and Netanyahu for war crimes over October 7 and Gaza

Benyamin Netanyahu

The Foreign Minister of Norway has now publicly acknowledged the legitimacy of the ICC’s arrest warrants for specific Israeli and Hamas leaders, announcing that if anyone identified in the international warrants lands on Norway territory, they will be apprehended.

— SGAnon (@TheQNewsPatriot) May 21, 2024

In Italy, a rash of earthquakes has everyone on edge.

Italian holiday hotspot hit by 150 mini-earthquakes in one day as locals sleep in cars

These days many people are conflicted about who is who in the zoo. Many cannot conceive that anyone from an Illuminati family would flip and help the Alliance, or anything like that. Some don’t even accept that things have changed drastically these past few years and much remains hidden.

Since the White Hats have physically removed a lot of nasty people they can replace them with clones, body doubles, or actors and have them play any role they choose. You can’t just look everything up on the Internet. Both sides use clones.

In fact, we have a post from Kabamur sharing information he says is from the Pleiadians which I found really interesting. It’s a longer article covering many aspects of cloning.

Rapid Human Cloning

It’s the greatest deception of the modern age. From this, all other cabal deceptions are possible. Neither black hats nor white hats will disclose it, for different reasons. Good people won’t risk harm to themselves or their families, or face the inevitable…

— Kab (@Kabamur_Taygeta) April 29, 2024

Some seekers of truth do a Google search and they see what Google/the enemy wants them to see. If you aren’t a skilled researcher who knows the ins and outs of Internet searches and how Google’s algorithms work, you are unlikely to find the truth easily. If you find multiple truths, do you have the discernment, knowledge base and open mind to know what the truth is? It’s not easy.

This is what we are dealing with, unfortunately. Controlled information designed to have people arguing and getting emotional and not pulling together because they can’t agree.

Just as the cabal spread lies about Phil Godlewski, General Flynn and Trump, they can spread them about anyone they want to target. Unfortunately, too many people believe those lies and don’t dig deep enough to learn the truth. This is information warfare. Before we believe what we find on the Internet we had better be darn sure it’s legitimate and truthful and not concocted to defame someone—and be prepared to change our minds.

SG Anon added perspective to this story which helps us to discern similar ones; and there will be others. I never thought of it this way.

FBI/DOJ: “Hey yeah, we’ve got a MAGA America-First extremist whose reputation and family we need to destroy, to really send a message that they’re worthless peasants and always will be, you know? Framing him for sexual crimes he didn’t commit is probably the best bet on this. It…

— SGAnon (@TheQNewsPatriot) May 20, 2024

There is nothing to support the notion that the dark is in control, and there are a lot of people who fell for the lies of the cabal and cannot discern a good person with a positive message. I do believe everything is in hand. We don’t see or hear all that is happening.


#1] #USMarshals have a wide range of powers throughout the nation, including:

a. Apprehending fugitives
b. Operating the federal witness protection program
c. Managing and selling seized assets
d. Transporting federal prisoners
e. Providing…

— The Rubber Duck ™ (@TheRubberDuck79) May 17, 2024

In the end we will find out who is who. Finding information saying someone did this, or that, doesn’t make it true. The cabal has been in control long enough to have the resources to make it APPEAR that something is true when it is not. They have been deceiving Humans for hundreds of years and continue to try to do so.

Let’s not forget that the number of photographs and videos that have been doctored are countless. Seeing an image of Flynn in a t-shirt with pedo symbols on it doesn’t make him a pedophile. In fact, that’s the oldest trick in the book. Photos are completely unreliable unless one has the skill to verify they are the real deal. The enemy accuses many of being pedophiles when it’s really the Khazarian mafia who are the pedophiles—and worse.

Project Camelot posted the following on Telegram:

George Webb is claiming Mike Flynn is dealing with Russians and FSB without telling Trump…echoes of charges made by Mike Gill…. Is this really unknown to the Trump camp (highly unlikely in my view).

Over time we have learned that lies and disinformation are part of war so our utmost discernment is necessary now. Thinking logically is part of it; our innate intuition plays a large role as well and it’s getting a rip-roaring workout these days.

They will take out anyone they feel has karma coming. Then they will justify it to the public who have no idea about their crimes.

BREAKING: Kate Middleton Reportedly in Coma After Sleeping Pill Overdose, Claims Former Staffer

Juan O’Savin brought us what may be his best and most informative talk recently with John Michael Chambers about the “10 days of darkness”. It’s only about 30 minutes and chock full of great content, some of which is different from what I’ve heard elsewhere. It makes sense and might help you prepare. The understanding is that the ten days will have to take place before the US election on November 5, leaving roughly 5 months before that time.

It will probably be scary for those not expecting it, especially if it unfolds as Juan is suggesting where the communication to the world about what caused the blackout doesn’t come until afterward when comms have been reestablished. It certainly underscores the need to be well prepared for 2 weeks without power, food, water, meds, pet supplies, heating, cooling, etc.

It might be like living on Gilligan’s Island; no phone, no lights, no motorcar; not a single luxury. If you prepare, you may not have to do without anything, or be greatly inconvenienced.

Oh, and Juan says the world is round, so we’re not making any headway as to the true status of our planet. We’re getting both sides from credible people. Is it having the effect of preparing us all psychologically for either eventuality? In the end will we throw up our hands in resignation and say, “Whatever. I don’t care any more.”?

Juan O Savin HUGE Intel May 19: “Are We Approaching The ’10 Days Of Darkness’?”

Airline accidents and incidents are rampant and seem to be escalating in severity.

One killed and more than 30 injured after London flight hit by severe turbulence

This might be a little scary for clients.


UniSuper, an Australian pension fund that manages $135 billion worth of funds and has 647,000 members, had its entire account WIPED OUT at Google Cloud, including all its backups that were stored on the service.


— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) May 19, 2024

In Calgary, the now-familiar smokey air is hanging heavy again this year. “Fire season” suddenly became a reality because the media gave it a name. Now it’s a “thing”. Now it’s real. Expect it. The normies do, and it may not make for the nicest May 2-4 weekend. The beer will have a wood-fired aroma.

This wildfire season, changes are coming to better inform people about smoke hazards

— Calgary Herald (@calgaryherald) May 20, 2024

We had a rare and precious day yesterday of clouds, cooler temperatures, a brief squall with a bit of precipitation, and it was a perfect day to spend outside enjoying the livability before the heat socks us in again so I played hooky with Eli. Having said that, I collected a great deal of information, X posts, Telegrams, videos, updates, etc. too numerous to share in their entirety so I’ve crammed in as much as I can.

Tomorrow is another day. Watch out for those rip-tides, surfer people. They can drag you down into deep rabbit holes and you may not be seen for days, and you may come up looking a little bedraggled.

See you next time, folks. Thank you for the well-wishes. Since the bioenergetic hair analysis and after taking the detox tea and bamboo salt for a few weeks, the pain is nearly gone. It’s a huge improvement. The list of several other recommendations from that analysis like the Lemurian plug and daily Lugo’s iodine have probably helped, too. My icky sense of taste is back to normal, pH is good, and other improvements so we should be fully healed soon. I’ve been in sick bay far too long.  ~ BP

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