Kin 110 ~ White Rhythmic Dog ~ July 18, 202

‘Rhythmic’ is the name for the number six and it’s key words are ‘Balance, Organize and Equality’. Each day of every wavespell is like an exercise…a habit that is good for you. Every 13 days we have a ‘Rhythmic’ day which is really handy because it reminds us to get ourselves straightened out. We are now on the fifth portal day in a row, day six of the Red Serpent wavespell. It is more important than ever to get organzied and re balanced because of the intensity of all these portal days in a row. If every wavespell is a journey then this one is like a roller coaster!…so pay attention to this instruction guide (The Tzolkin). Tidy up your space, your mind and take care of practical things like finance etc. This is such a whirlwind, these 13 days – that no one could be blamed for letting everyday things go to pieces… but today we need to stop, get off that roller coaster and take care of business.

Today is White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart.’ The Dog gives 100% to whatever he is in to – whether it be very cool or mundane. If you are a White Dog, I know that suggesting to you that today you get organized means that you will throw yourself into that process. We can all be as tenacious as Dog today and get the job done. Remember that Dog represents love as well, so love what you do even if its tedious and help your loved ones if they are struggling with tasks. ‘Organize with Love’.

The Guide today is also White Dog and so a double helping of that energy.

The Challenge is the Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment’. Sometimes the Dog is having so much fun doing whatever he is doing that the pursuit of enlightenment is not at the forefront of his mind. He gets that into it, whatever ‘it’ may be…Dog is capable of intense focus. Yellow Suns will find today’s energy not helpful because it is opposing. No worries though sunny folks just be aware you may need to try harder.

The Occult power is Blue Monkey which represents ‘Magic, Illusion and Play.’ When monkey is in this position he is naturally at home and so, there is exceptional magic in the air today. Monkey can cause mischievousness depending where he is positioned but when Monkey is in the Occult spot, he is on his best behaviour …dishing out plenty of magical moments.

The Ally is the Red Moon, the lovely ‘Go with the Flow’ energy suggesting that by relaxing today we can cope better. Find a Red Moon if you know one, and if you are one – expect to have friends depending on you.

Tip of the day: For intense or challenging days, remember the strength of the day is in it’s magical or ‘Occult’ power. Think of it as a medicine you can take to help you get through the day. Thanks for reading folks!



6 OC – KIN 110
17 JULY 2020


I ORGANIZE in order to LOVE
Balancing Loyalty
I seal the process of HEART
With the Rhythmic tone of EQUALITY
I AM guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED!!

17/7/2020 – 17/7/22 = 8/11 = 10 = 1

17 – Immortality/leave a Legacy

8 – Infinity/Abundance/Flow

7 – Majik/Mystic/Spiritual

11 – Portal/Gate/Doorway

10 – Manifestation/Power/Authority

1 – New beginnings/Leader/Original

KIN 110 =2 Partnership/Cooperation/Duality

110 = Portal for Manifesting a Divine Partnership! 💑💕

DOUBLE the LOVE💝💝 day today!! Let your LOVE FLOW💕

Day 6 in the RED SERPENT WAVESPELL 🐍of survival, instinct, kundalini rising, life force, PASSION and rapid transformation through shedding our old skin. Today we learn that our SURVIVAL, both as an individual and as a collective, depends on UNITING and co-creating with others through unconditional LOVE. 💕


RHYTHMIC – Tone 6 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – balances, POWER – organizes, ESSENCE – equality. The Rhythmic phase is the one where this all adventuring and radiating miracle that is you, learns to WALK! But consciously! Precisely! With fine organisational instincts. And what superb balance we see! Very soon you have mastered walking, and are up and running! Go forth and explore your territory!

Today is a day to find BALANCE in the physical body by nourishing it with the right FUEL, allowing greater LIGHT to FLOW through. In doing so, we are organizing on the physical plane TO EMBODY greater LOVE.



The DOUBLE DOG brings our focus to our HEARTS💟 today and all matters pertaining to LOVE, loyalty, trust, integrity, forgiveness, acceptance and compassion. As it is the RED SERPENT wavespell we have a tremendous opportunity to clear our chakras and heart walls to embody these qualities and connect with our PASSION! Whatever DRIVES , motivates and inspires us! As our kundalini rises and overflows we have the opportunity to connect with our Rainbow BLISS BODY and experience this ecstatic BLISS in our physical bodies through our expanded consciousness. Our HEARTS are portals to this DIVINE BLISS.

Today we also realize that we NEED TO LOVE, and be LOVED in order to survive and thrive as a species on this planet. Whenever e-merge-ncies erupt we are thrown together in our vulnerability and we forge stronger unions. And so survival depends on our connections with others. Organising for balance and equality among kin. A day to be open to the connections that bring balance to our lives and energise our PASSION and vitality.

The RHYTHMIC DOG will reveal where any imbalance exists in our bodies or physical environment through the SHADOW aspects of LOVE. We need to learn to TRUST and love ourselves and others UNCONDITIONALLY without any limitations, conditions, restrictions and manipulative practises.. If we have been betrayed or hurt in the past, we need to balance this through the power of FORGIVENESS and COMPASSION. Learning to TRUST in the healing power of LOVE. Allow others to GIVE and RECEIVE love as they choose, without dictating or demanding what form that LOVE should take. Allow the LOVE to FLOW FREELY in both directions, like the INFINITE flow of energy from SOURCE, symbolized by the number 8 – the INFLOW and OUTFLOW of SOURCE LOVE – never ending – flowing continuously in an infinite loop. LOVE IS INFINITE and ETERNAL and always available to those who CHOOSE to tap into this UNIVERSAL FLOW.


SUPPORT: RED MOON 👸– MULUC the GODDESS is continuing her support today increasing our capacity to tune in and FEEL the messages in our HEARTS. We can ascertain the direction in which to FLOW, moving forward with ease and grace, allowing the Universal waters to dissolve and purify our Heart blockages and gently take us to our next destination point. Our sensitivity is heightened as we become pure channels, and we have the ability to respond and flow with the needs of the common-unity The RHYTHMIC GODDESS is using her intuitive senses to OPEN her HEART and become more receptive to the flow of LOVE – responding with infinite compassion and accepting all kin as equally deserving of LOVE and DIVINE nurturance. This GODDESS holds the healing panacea for all broken and ailing HEARTS to return to a state of balance and harmony.

OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE GALACTIC MONKEY 🐒– CHUEN the GALACTIC MONKEY beckons us to be authentic and transparent in our relations with others. No agenda or self-service, being needy or codependent. The GALACTIC MONKEY requires us to model the behaviour that we value in others, in this way we attract those that resonate with our Heart’s vibration, creating more harmony in our lives. .

The beautiful Divine child, CHUEN invites us to LIGHTEN up and play with our soul mates. Be spontaneous, follow the promptings of Spirit and see where it leads you. In your adventures LAUGH and sing, as joy, happiness and sharing a SMILE instantly connects TWO HEARTS together as ONE in the NOW moment. CHUEN gifts us with the blessing of PURE, untainted and unconditional love that flows through our DIVINE CHILD when we remember that we are SOURCE embodied – so inside us all is the PUREST LOVE that exists in all of Creation. We just need to acknowledge that!

Gather with your kin folk and allow the Divine Majik of Spirit to weave through your body. Return to the purity of your DIVINE INNOCENCE where LOVE FLOWS freely as your natural default state. Connect with your kin and co create through play and joy and watch MAJIK HAPPEN!

The POWER of LOVE is the strongest MAJIKAL force in the Universe.


CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW SUN 🌞– AHAU challenges us to FEED and nourish our physical bodies with Vitamin D and the Solar codes needed to BALANCE our bodies and increase our VITALITY and LIFE FORCE. Loving and cherishing our physical bodies, appreciating the remarkable job they do in keeping us ALIVE. Nourish them with what they need, feed the blood that it may support the HEART, and allow the sunlight to soak through your skin IGNITING your DNA! Humanity’s survival and Ascension depends upon the SUN! As we do this, allow the visions of the New World and the New Time to integrate, where all will have the nourishing food and pure water and sunlight that is needed for building the strong life force that is the fuel that will bring joy to our flight.

As the kundalini energy flows through our physical vessel – flowing freely and vibrantly —we reconnect with our Cosmic Consciousness now able to embody and express ourselves as the PURE LOVE that we are! I AM THAT, I AM! I AM DIVINE LOVE! 🌞❤


Today’s question is “How can I organize my physical body/world for greater LOVE to FLOW through?”


Divine blessings for increasing your HEART’S LOVE QUOTIENT today! 💝💝💝

Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈


Kin 109 ~ Red Overtone Moon ~ July 17, 2020

Overtone’ is the name for the number five and its key words are ‘Empower, Radiance and Command.’ This is the fifth day of the Red Serpent wavespell, the fourth Portal day in a row. Day 5 of any wavespell is a powerful and this one is on a Portal day, that’s a lot of energy to contend with and the potential for folk to be overwhelmed by this is certainly there. Luckily today is…

Today is Red Moon which represents ‘Purification, Universal Water and Flow.’ The Red Moon demands that we ‘go with the flow’, chill out and relax. This is because the moon’s influence is so powerful that we cannot go against the tide. As it is a number 5 day, this suggests that we can all feel empowered by ‘going with the flow.’ Surrender to the universe, relinquish control and trust that the tide is changing for the good of us all. There’s nothing you can do about it anyway. This surrendering control is a ‘purifying’ process and on Red Moon days its a good idea to have a lovely bath or go for a swim, visit a waterfall or cleanse your body by drink plenty of water.

The Guide today is the Red Earth which represents ‘Evolution’. This empowering yet relaxing day is being guided by the Earth which spurs us on to progress. ‘Going with the Flow’ sounds easy but for folk who like to be in control, it is a difficult thing to do. However, if you succeed you will be empowered by this exercise and that will teach a lesson that will help you evolve today.

The Challenge is the Blue Storm, the disruptive game changer of the Tzolkin. The storm will not have the power to blow you away today, the moon is too strong. People born on Blue Storm may find today a struggle. Red Moon on a Portal day, and a number 5…Stormy people have no choice but to give it up…its good for you whether you like it or not!

The Occult power is the Yellow Human which represents ‘Channel, Wisdom and Free Will.’ When it occurs in this magical position the Yellow Human gives us insights and intuitions that can open our third eye. This is a great boost suggesting that as we go about our day trying to relax, our intuition can help a tremendously so our logical brains cant spoil everything by trying to take over. Its easier to ‘go with the flow’ when you allow yourself to channel. In fact, today creates ideal conditions to receive messages from spirit as relaxing is the best way to open that channel.

The Ally is the White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart.’ When Dog is the ally, it really brings out their playful puppy nature. They love to chill out and be friendly and so if you need help today, find a White Dog and they will show you how its done.


9 MULUC – KIN 109
16 JULY 2020



I EMPOWER in order to PURIFY
Commanding FLOW
I seal the process of Universal Water
With the Overtone tone of Radiance
I AM guided by the power of Navigation

16/7/2020 = 7/7/22 = 7/7/4 = 14/4 = 9

✨144 DNA activation code & GAP DAY

7/7 and 7/11 Majik portal💫

16 – The TOWER struck by lightning!
7 – Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Initiation
4 – Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth
9 – Humanity/Destiny/Endings/Compassion/Grace

KIN 109 = 10 – Manifestation/Leadership/Authority./New Beginnings

The 4th GAP day as well as a 144 DNA coding and 7/11 portal day!! Triple GATE💫💫💫 for majikal manifestation and empowerment.🎆


Day 5 in the RED SERPENT WAVESPELL of survival, instinct, kundalini rising, life force, PASSION and rapid transformation through shedding our old skin. Today is a Divinely feminine day. We are purifying, cleansing and going with the FLOW, following our instincts to become more empowered. Allow the GODDESS to unkink your blocks in your Serpent so your KUNDALINI can FLOW freely!

OVERTONE 🎆– Tone 5 in the SPIRITUAL realm. ACTION – commands, POWER – empowers, ESSENCE – radiance Number 5 represents the Center, core purpose, foundation and central intent. It is the CENTER of the wheel from which all the spokes emanate. This is the phase where the energy of Creation returns to the center and then RADIATES outwards. Overtones COMMAND the unbounded. They order it to BE and so it becomes! Their POWER radiates from their soul essence through a pure connection to SOURCE, this is the true source of unlimited power. Today the GODDESS is COMMANDING the FLOW through her empowered RADIANCE.


CONSCIOUS SELF: RED MOON 👸💧🌫– MULUC Represents the GODDESS energies, so together with RED SERPENT we shall have heightened intuition and sensitivity today. The GODDESS energies are pushing us to “GO WITH THE FLOW” becoming softer and allowing these powerful intense GAP energies to FLOW through our PURIFIED vessels. Surrender and release, allowing the GODDESS to enter your being and AWAKEN your feminine gifts.

The Universal Waters of MULUC assist with the purification process, working to unblock and clear our chakras to keep our kundalini rising! Once the kinks are CLEARED and the life force begins to freely FLOW through our Antakarana – we can then reconnect our Ascension Column, connecting to SOURCE and commanding back our FULL POWER and RADIANT being.💥

✨NOTE: Antakarana is the Sanskrit word used to describe what is more commonly called the Rainbow Bridge,🌈 or Gateway to Heaven. 💒The symbol looks very similar to the Svastika (swastika), which we must remember is an ancient symbol of well-being – represent life force, VITALITY and Good luck. Sadly this symbol was hijacked by the Nazi’s and perverted, by reversing the direction and FLOW of the blades -reversing the White Majik to Black Magic – used during WW2.

💥We can now RECLAIM this ancient Trinity SYMBOL of the Goddess and COMMAND back our DIVINE FEMININE POWER to FLOW forth once again, through our bodies and our Planetary body.

As our personal kundalini rises through our Antakarana and builds our Rainbow Bridge we collectively raise the frequency of Mother Gaia. There is a vital connection between us and the Planetary core, which then supports the building of the Planetary Antakarana. As we become purified and EMPOWERED so too does Pachamama – accelerating the Ascension of Man-kind.



HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED EARTH🌎 – CABAN represents the heartbeat of Mother Gaia, her pulse, her cycles, her signs and the voice of our ancestors. Our forefathers and the Guardians of Mother Earth who hold the sacred Earth wisdom. The blood of our ancestors pulses through our veins, generation after generation as the cycles continue. RED OVERTONE MOON gives us an incredible GIFT today, the ability to CLEANSE and purify our ancestral bloodlines, clearing our family trees of ancient inherited wounding, karma and entrenched patterns. Today is the day to finally RELEASE all of that through heightened awareness. CABAN then points the way forward FREE from these ancient patterns to set a new course to sail.

As our personal kundalini rises through our Antakarana and builds our Rainbow Bridge we collectively raise the frequency of Mother Gaia. There is a vital connection between us and the Planetary core, which then supports the building of the Planetary Antakarana. As we become purified and EMPOWERED so too does Pachamama – accelerating the Ascension of Man-kind.


1. Sit in meditation & connect a column of White Light from SOURCE down through your Crown Chakra, body and feet into the central Crystal Diamond Core💎 of Nova Gaia.

2. INVOKE the combined full power of the seven ray Twin Flame -Ascended Masters

3. Call forth the RADIANCE of all 7 GOD RAYS 🌈🎆

4. Ask for the 7 Chakra/Rainbow Rays to SHINE through your 3rd Eye Center and connect the force of the rainbow bridge into the Light of the Ascension Column, through all chakras and to the Monad.

4.Ask for a perfect opening and balancing of all chakras NOW.


SUPPORT: WHITE DOG –❤🐕 OC our beautiful loyal companion surrounds us with a blanket of unconditional love. Providing beautiful Feminine support and compassion to heal and release the ancient wounds. OC reminds us to see and feel everything though our HEARTS and the eyes of LOVE. To be compassionate with ourselves and those that came before us. To love ourselves and our planet, and her Universal pure waters.

OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW SOLAR HUMAN☀☺ CIB represents learning through past experience, and making WISER choices using our intelligence to choose a better world. Today we have the SUPERPOWER to cleanse our past through the ancestral bloodlines consciously choosing to REFUSE to propagate outmoded patterns. Through purifying the archaic patriarchal system and its control mechanisms,, we can reclaim our POWER by listening to the Earth and her waters and going with FLOW of our own PURE instinct.

The SOLAR HU-MAN SUPERPOWER enables us to PULSE forth this RADIANT Soul-ar Rainbow Energy through our Empowered HEART. Aligning with PURE DIVINE POWER.


CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE STORM 🌀–❄ CAUAC is the gift today working synergistically with MULUC and CHICCHAN to cleanse, PURIFY and release the old energies in order for the LIFE FORCE to freely FLOW through our channel. This enables us to access more VITALITY for our PASSION and Divine purpose. This purifying POWER helps us to realign to the Harmonic Matrix, where natural power represents em-POWER-ment of self and others. CAUAC is moving us further and further up the evolutionary ladder as the YEAR of the BLUE LUNAR STORM approaches.


✨✨✨TODAY is a very powerful day revealing the incredible power that the GODDESS👸 wields.

RED OVERTONE MOON is gently prodding us to LISTEN, PURIFY and RELEASE, through GOING WITH THE FLOW of life, allowing the potent energies to FLOW through our channel. If we resist, deny or ignore the GODDESS she will knock louder and louder until the power of the gentle stream turns into a raging river, forcibly demanding transformation through purging and purification so that we MUST LISTEN to the rhythm of our personal and planetary bodies.

TODAY is a brilliant day to do ritual and water cleansing ceremonies of any kind and honour Pachamama. Blessing of the waters and assisting in purification of our oceans, lakes and waterways which are the lifeblood of Mother Gaia and Hu-man-ity. The SURVIVAL of HU-MAN-ITY depends on her PURE WATERS! 🌊


Today’s question is “What inherited patterns can I release and PURIFY in order to become more RADIANT and empowered?”


Divine blessings for the beautiful Rainbow FLOW of your feminine intuitive energies through your pure vessel. 🌸🌻🌼🌷

Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈

PICTURE CREDITS: Ascension/Rainbow Bridge, Triquetra – Goddess symbol, Antakarana Symbol DIVINE GRATITUDE to unknown artist 🙏❤🙏❤🙏

Kin 106 ~ White Lunar Worldbridger ~ July 14, 2020

‘Lunar’ is the name for the number two and its key words are ‘Polarize, Stabilize and Challenge.’ And so now we enter the ten day portal day extravaganza. The second day of any wavespell is tough because we must face the hurdles presented to us and overcome them in order to proceed. The second day of a wavespell like this, where there are ten portal days in a row…this is tougher still because so much depends on identifying those challenges and if one wishes to experience this intense and powerful wavespell at its most beneficial, we must prepare for it accordingly.

Today is White Worldbridger which represents ‘Death, Opportunity and Equality.’ The Lunar Worldbridger is the gatekeeper guarding this journey and before you are permitted entry, you must take this opportunity to let go, allow a part of you to die, so that you are fit to take this sacred journey. Like a bouncer at an exclusive nightclub, the Worldbridger is very discerning about who gets in. Beware all who enter!

The Guide today is the White Mirror which represents ‘Reflecting Truth’. If you allow the truth to be your guiding force you will have no issues with crossing the bridge. Be brutally honest with yourself about what needs to die. Is it Ego? Is it Fear? Anything that holds you back or prevents you from being a lighter being has to go. You simply cannot advance further with all that baggage. Take a good long look in the mirror today and set yourself free with the truth.

The Challenge is the Yellow Warrior who enjoys from time to time going on the warpath. Today will annoy you, if you are a Warrior and you will find it hard to cross the bridge. Instead of exerting your willpower like the soldier that you are, seek some inner peace as too often you are at war with yourself.

The Occult power is the Blue Eagle which represents ‘Vision, Mind and Creativity’. I personally really enjoy the Eagle’s energy when it is in this Occult position. The Eagle shows us powerful visions of magic and can open our minds so we can better understand the intangible nature of magic. Fly high today and you too will see the bigger picture, this magical boost will help enormously with the task of crossing that bridge today.

The Ally is the Red Skywalker, the adventurer of the Tzolkin. If you are lucky enough to have a Skywalker as a friend, let them take you by the hand over that bridge. They have a tremendous amount of courage and can offer much encouragement. If you are a Skywalker, you will find today not as tough as everyone else because you are the Ally…today is friendly to you.

Thanks for reading and please remember I am always glad to answer any questions you may have.



2 CIMI – KIN 106
13 JULY 2020


Stabilizing opportunity
I seal the store of DEATH
With the Lunar tone of CHALLENGE
I AM guided by the power of Endlessness

13/7/2020 = 13/7/22 = 4/7/4 =4/11 = 4/2 =6

13 – Cosmic Consciousness/Goddess/Natural Lore
4 – Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth
7 – Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Solitude
11 – Gate/Portal/Polarity
2 – Team/Partnership/Cooperation
6 – Heaven/Christ/Family/Harmony

KIN 106 = 7 – Double MAJIK code!

Another mystical, majikal and SUPER POTENT day of INITIATION.


🔅🔅🔅READY, SET GO!! 🚦 HERE WE GO!! Down the slippery slide! 🎢 10 GAP days in a row of INTENSE energies!!!! The interdimensional doorways are flung WIDE OPEN flooding our planet with NEW ENERGIES – that are now available for us to access and utilize through our chakras.

✨✨ Today is also a PACAL VOTAN 👑 day! KIN 106 is one of the 13 clear signs on the tomb lid of Mayan King Pacal Votan! DOUBLE WHAMMY!!! Therefore this day is a very POTENT one indeed!🔥🎆🔥🎆

Day 2 in the RED SERPENT WAVESPELL of survival, instinct, kundalini rising, life force, PASSION and rapid transformation through shedding our old skin. Today we SURRENDER the polarity CHALLENGES to build our New bridge for new opportunities to flow in.

LUNAR🌓– Tone 2 in the PHYSICAL realm. The LUNAR tone represents the sacred twins, cooperation, relationship, polarity of male and female and duality. It’s ACTION – polarizes, POWER – challenges, ESSENCE – stabilizing. Yesterday we MAGNETIZED and attracted spiritual energy and today we anchor that energy in our PHYSICAL bodies. The LUNAR tone may also reveal challenges, in order to recognize and release anything stopping us from expanding into new horizons..


CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE WORLDBRIDGER 🌈🌏– CIMI Seals the store of Death! CIMI asks you to LET GO and SURRENDER! As we are in the SERPENT wavespell CIMI enables us to shed our old skins.Releasing all the old scare-city and survival programs. Shedding FEAR and competitive culture. Shake off the old energies and walk through the fires of transmutation from the old world into the next. Embrace the notion of EQUALITY and opportunity for all. WORLDBRIDGER brings new opportunities today through connection and networking with others. Exchanging knowledge, ideas and resources to create something NEW and exciting. Build the BRIDGE to the world you want to be in!

HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE MIRROR 🔎– ETZNAB ‘LET GO OF EVERYTHING AND ONLY THE TRUTH WILL REMAIN…’ ETZNAB reveals the TRUTH once the Hall of Mirrors has shattered.The LUNAR MIRROR will reveal EVERYTHING that kept you stuck in a polarized see-saw reality, so that you can finally SURRENDER and release it forever. When you are stripped to the bone only the bare skeleton remains. As there is no cover, true transparency is revealed. When you have lost and surrendered everything in the Abyss, you are free to rebuild your life on a new foundation, layer by layer FREE from all illusions. What is being REFLECTED in the MIRROR today? What is the TRUTH and what needs to be discarded? Use your wisdom to decide.


SUPPORT: RED SKYWALKER 🚶– BEN As one door closes through DEATH and closure, another opens. BEN our Angelic Messenger and Galactic Shaman is our guide assisting us in accessing these multidimensional doorways opening today. Ben can enable us to anchor these frequencies into our physical bodies for processing and integration. The LUNAR SKYWALKER reveals what has been preventing you from anchoring BLISS ON EARTH… A new connection must be forged to join the pillars of Heaven and Earth as the human conduit. Allow BEN to lead you to the place and SPACE where EQUALITY and pure infinite BLISS reigns..

OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE CRYSTAL EAGLE💎👁 – The CRYSTAL EAGLE gives us the power of DISCERNMENT in the Hall of Mirrors – we can SEE CLEARLY for miles and miles with our hidden occult SUPERPOWER. Our X-RAY vision can see through all the padding and extraneous baggage all the way through to the core. The CRYSTAL EAGLE is A gifted prophet and SEER who favours teamwork, cooperation and UNITY so will scout for the optimal landscape for this to be manifested.

MEN Reveals the BIG PICTURE allowing us to SEE what is not in alignment, allowing for correction. BLUE EAGLE allows us to gain another perspective to the challenges presenting today so that we can practice non-attachment to the physical plane. Thus allowing the physical body to be a doorway for these new Cosmic energies to enter and anchor on this planet through your physical vessel.

CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW WARRIOR 🏹 The LUNAR WARRIOR is indeed a valuable ally to have on your team. This WARRIOR is BRILLIANT at detecting duality discordance and taking ACTION to bring forth PEACE and EQUILIBRIUM. He is a fighter for TRUTH and JUSTICE and will defend his honourable principles to the DEATH!

CIB provides the fearless courage to walk through the fires of transmutation. YELLOW WARRIOR enables us to SURRENDER and release the old, walking forth with renewed determination and vigour. Fearlessly focused on the future and where we want to go! Shrugging our shoulders and walking away, leaving our past BEHIND us – where it belongs!!!. Do not LOOK BACK – as the parable of LOT’S WIFE – in the bible warns us. Keep your EYES focused on what lies ahead and in the distance. As we focus on New Horizons the past challenges melt away and disappear, soon to be erased from our memory banks forever.

So precious hearts💓 today the physical realm is a pure REFLECTION of all that is needed to be SURRENDERED in order for the NEW ENERGIES to anchor. Detach from DRAMA and any challenges that present today shaking it off, like water off a duck’s back.

🎼So if you just put your hand in mine,
We’re gonna leave all our troubles behind.
Keep on walking and don’t look back.
Forget about the past now.
Don’t look back……… 🎶

Don’t look back lyrics by Peter Tosh Mick Jagger & Peter Tosh


Today’s question is “What do I need to SURRENDER and release in order to fearlessly move forward?”


Divine blessings for the embracing of NEW opportunities replacing the challenges.

Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈

PICTURE CREDITS: Lake Como pier – Italy DIVINE GRATITUDE to Unknown Artists 🙏❤🙏❤🙏

Kin 103 ~ Blue Crystal Night ~ July 11, 2020

‘Crystal’ is the name for the number 12 and its key words are ‘Dedication, Cooperation and Universalize’. The 12th day of a wavespell is all about getting together with others, working in teams and being dedicated to the work you do together. We meet up here on the 12th day for ‘Crystal Court’, and we talk about the wavepsell that is coming to an end and speculate the meaning of next one. Please hold your own Court and get together with friends who follow the calendar…its fun and you can help each other learn.

Today is Blue Night and it represents ‘Dreaming, Abundance and Intuition.’ These days are very dreamy, a great time to take your dreams of the back burner and give them some attention. The Blue Night also brings abundance and so expect some to come your way. Practice saying ‘Abundance’ out loud because it’s a sure way to attract it… by showing you appreciate the abundance you already have. Your glass is half full not half empty. As it is a ‘Crystal’ day this suggests that abundance can be found by getting together with other folks. Talk about your dreams and aspirations as airing your ideas to other people will give you insights and ideas you may not have considered on your own.

The Guide today is the Blue Eagle, the visionary. The Eagle invites you to see things from a higher vantage point and with this view you will have a greater understanding of what to do about your dreams. The Eagle also represents ‘Creativity’ suggesting that once you see the bigger picture, your best course of action is to come up with creative solutions.

The Challenge is the Red Skywalker, the adventurer of the Tzolkin. The Blue Night is challenged by Skywalker because the Night wants to dream and the Skywalker represents ‘Wakefulness’. This symbolizes that you have to wake up to make your dreams come true. Perhaps your dreams have no realistic chance to come true and you need to ‘wake up and smell the bacon’. If you are a Red Skywalker you may find today difficult, you may get frustrated by all the dreaming thats going on…when you just want to go exploring and have adventures.

The Occult Power is the White Mirror which represents ‘reflecting truth’ and when in the position of Magic, the Mirror can show you truths about magic and how best to see it. If you remain truthful in pursuit of your dreams, you’ll have a greater chance of success.

The Ally is the Yellow Warrior and so if you need assistance it’s their job today to be there for others. They possess intelligence and they ask a lot of questions, so Warriors can help you determine which dreams are worthy of pursuing.


12 AKBAL- KIN 103
10 JULY 2020


I DEDICATE in order to DREAM
Universalizing intuition
I seal the input of ABUNDANCE
With the Crystal tone of Cooperation
I AM guided by the power of VISION

10/7/2020 = 10/7/22 = 10/7/4 =10/11 = 3

10 – Manifestation/Power/Authority
1 – New Beginnings/Leadership/Original
7 – Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Solitude
4 – Form/Structure/Foundation
11 – Portal/Gate/Polarity
3 – Holy Trinity/Joy/Creativity/Communication

KIN 103 = 4 Building a DIVINE Foundation

✨✨ Today heralds a CRYSTAL CLEAR VISION👁 of your Divine Service path to MANIFEST ABUNDANCE!💰 💰💰

We may receive personal ABUNDANCE or news of changes to our Planetary banking/financial systems – economic stimulus payments – news of NESARA, GESARA Fingers crossed 🤞



Day 12 in the YELLOW HUMAN WAVESPELL of wisdom, influence, intelligence, free will and Abundance. Today we join with our kin to DREAM of a better way through our WISER choices, guiding us to MANIFEST PLANETARY ABUNDANCE for HU-MAN-ITY!

CRYSTAL 💎 Tone 12 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – universalizes, POWER – dedicates, ESSENCE – cooperation. The CRYSTAL tone 12, is the highest level of the mind (MENTAL realm) Yesterday we focused on dissolving and releasing our FEARS to claiming our FREEDOM and SOVEREIGNTY – and much was revealed for our Planetary LIBERATION.

At the CRYSTAL level of MIND we have the capacity to co-operate, or operate with other minds. Just as a crystal can be programmed, so too can we program our minds on this day. So focus on the CRYSTAL clarity of our minds today through the power of co-operation with others. Thus we create telepathic links in our communication grids allowing for cooperative thoughts, ideas and inspiration to flow. A day of greater CONNECT-I ON to each other and Mother Gaia!

CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE NIGHT🌃💰 – AKBAL holds the codes for DREAMING, intuition and ABUNDANCE. The DREAMTIME is a dimension where we hold the VISION to create our current reality. The Australian indigenous people hold the dreaming codes for our entire planet. Their entire culture and story telling is based on the DREAMTIME. They have existed continuously on our planet for over 60,000 years and have been the original Custodians of Mother Earth and the DREAMTIME. They speak of the great Rainbow Serpent and through their Creation stories relate the history of mankind. If you have ever journeyed into aboriginal lore and experienced the Dreamtime, it is quite SURREAL! It feels like you have been drugged as you enter into a trance state – without the need for any hallucinogens! The rhythm of dance/music and the heartbeat of Mother Gaia is the key to accessing this realm.

Yesterday Spirit revealed to me through the Double Spectral Wind the POWER of KIN 103. When we LINK the DREAMTIME 🌃with the Crystal communication Grid 💎🌐 the messages are AMPLIFIED and ECHO, reverberating through the unconscious realms where Majik and Miracles exist. The CRYSTAL tone brilliantly connects us all as ONE PLANETARY MIND into this Crystalline Grid so that we can each connect our jigsaw piece in the Dream puzzle that we are co-creating.. A HUGE transmitter is switched ON! Group meditations and connections are extra potent with these codes so the MANIFESTING POWER is exponential💥💥💥..

The DREAMTIME is very REAL and holds incredible POWER, accessing infinite opportunities. It is a field where potential, past, and future are held in the same matrix as the present moment. In this space you can help to DREAM a different reality into being. Enter into the mystery of AKBAL where reality is actually created. In becoming a conscious dreamer, you can assist in literally creating a new reality for yourself, as well as contributing to the larger COLLECTIVE and PLANETARY dream that is emerging. By focusing on this creation, your thoughts and intentions are projected at superliminal speeds across the crystal grid network that encompasses universes. This energetic field seeds, supports, and empowers the creation of an unfolding reality. When a critical threshold of energy has been focused on a clear intent such as collective ABUNDANCE or world peace, the underlying constructs of reality begin to SHIFT and a new reality begins filtering into human experience.

✨✨✨GREAT CHANGE is seeded by conscious dreamers who understand and KNOW that they are co-creating the larger DREAM. Pay extra attention to dreams today, and spend some time DAY-DREAMING to energize your own personal DREAM and that of our united collective DREAM 🌈🌈🌈


HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE EAGLE 👁– MEN provides the PERFECT VISION to SEE the whole panorama. To DREAM BIG, and DREAM for our WHOLE PLANET! Step outside your bedroom and unite with your kin in our COLLECTIVE DREAMTIME to energize the GREAT DREAM for MAN-KIND! Total FREE-DOM, LIBERTY and unlimited CREATION abilities through our UNITED VISION! Also ASK to see the clear path for your own personal success and abundance…what does that look like? The CRYSTAL EAGLE EYE will reveal ALL today… the power of FUTURE VISION is yours – where will you CHOOSE to focus your viewing lens?


SUPPORT: YELLOW WARRIOR🌈 🏹– CIB the courageous and brave RAINBOW WARRIOR provides the support today for us all to FEARLESSLY claim our collective birthright for Collective Abundance and a peaceful Utopian world that we all desire. Accept nothing less than this highest DREAM for our planetary kin. We have battled for too long and now we are claiming our VICTORY! A NEW WORLD AWAITS!💞🌏🌍🌎

OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER:WHITE LUNAR MIRROR🛡 – ETZNAB illuminates our VISION so that we can see TRUTH and have CLARITY in our DREAMTIME! The LUNAR MIRROR will reveal all that has been opposing the unfolding of our DREAM – both personally and collectively. The constant push-pull polarized dynamic keeping us in poverty, lack and struggle will be revealed in order to be stabilized. It is time for the pendulum to swing to the other polarity so that Wealth, happiness and success will be the new order.

Only what is good for the Collective will hold. In this age of transparency, all darkness shall fall and the wall of mirrors shall transform into a wall of CLEAR windows from which we can SEE the landscape beyond the horizon in all directions. The VEIL has dissolved and the path is clear. Which road shall you choose dear LIGHT holder? All roads lead to LOVE, UNITY and SOURCE!


CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED CRYSTAL SKYWALKER ☁🚶 – BEN challenges us to be the Divine HU-MAN conduits that fully anchor and connect the pillars of Heaven and Earth! The CRYSTAL tone enables BEN to have a CRYSTAL CLEAR connection to the pillars of HEAVEN in order to bring forth this BLISS we are collectively DREAMING into REAL-it-y.

BEN offers a very special GIFT and blessing for humanity today. We have all held the DREAM of creating Heaven on Earth deep in our DNA encoding and now is the TIME to believe and KNOW that by joining together through GAIA/s Crystalline Diamond Grid we can finally ACHIEVE that DREAM!

🎼Whenever I want you, all I have to do is Dream, dream, dream, dream. Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam. All I have to do is DREAM🎶

Blessed be beloveds, today is a very SPECIAL DAY!! So BREAK THE CHAINS that have bound you to Scare-city, lack and suffering and fearlessly embrace the higher path.

Take the time today to focus on PROGRAMMING your MIND for infinite ABUNDANCE 💰💰💰 in a UNIFIED 👭👬👫 and PEACE🌼 filled Utopian World. 🌏🌎🌍


Today’s questions are “What path shall I follow to INFINITE ABUNDANCE?”



Divine blessings for your SUCCESS and the rapid fruition of our PLANETARY DREAM!

Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈

PICTURE CREDITS: Sweet DREAMS – Getty images DIVINE GRATITUDE to Unknown Artist 🙏❤🙏❤🙏

Kin 96 ~ Yellow Overtone Warrior ~ July 4, 2020

‘Overtone’ is the name for the number 5 and it’s key words are ‘Empower, Radiance and Command.’ The fifth day of a wavespell is always powerful and it’s effect on the day is formidable! Whatever day it combines with the number five adds significant intensity and strength. Much can be accomplished on ‘Overtone’ days.

Today is Yellow Warrior and its key words are ‘Intelligence, Questioning and Fearlessness.’ It’s a crazy intense combination today as 5 warrior is one of the most powerful Warriors in the Tzolkin. This is perfect if you have a quest to go on or a mission to undertake. Warrior invites you to be fearless and the number 5 gives you power. I highly recommend taking on a quest as with all this energy around, choosing not to do anything will result in restlessness and frustration and there is a likelihood of this energy turning into arguments. Don’t go on the warpath but instead harness this energy and do something useful with it.

Today’s Guide is the Yellow Seed which represents ‘sowing awareness’. To be led by this desire for wisdom can only mean that any mission taking today should be about discovering important information. We are in the Yellow Human wavespell which is about fine tuning our intuition. On this fifth day we can be empowered by this process and wisdom can be gained. Yesterday too was an information gathering day and so this wavespell is turning out to be quite informative.

The Challenge is the White Worldbridger suggesting that crossing bridges today won’t be easy. If you are a Worldbridger all you can do today is be fearless and you’ll get by unscathed by the battles that are going on.

The Ally today is the Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin. If you need assistance with your mission today seek out a Blue Night, they can dream up some good ideas for you and that will help you. If you are a Blue Night expect your services to be in demand.



5 CIB – KIN 96
3 JULY 2020

The most RADIANT🌈 WARRIOR 🌈 of them all!!

Commanding Fearlessness
I seal the output of Intelligence
With the Overtone tone of RADIANCE
I AM guided by the power of Flowering

3/7/2020 = 3/7/22=3/7/4 = 3/11=5

3 – Holy Trinity/Joy/Creativity
7- Mystic/Majik/Spiritual
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth
11 – Portal/Duality/Doorway/Partnership
5 – LIBERATION/FREEDOM/Change/Transformation

KIN 96 = 15/6 code =6 Heaven/Christ Consciousness/Harmony/Love/Romance

An 11 portal MONTH plus it is also a G.A.P. day today so DOUBLE PORTAL is activated!!

🌟GAP DAY 🍥– Galactic Activation Portal!! 🌟

Another INTENSELY POTENT DAY of Divine POWER to fuel our QUEST! 💥💥💥


Day 5 in the YELLOW HUMAN WAVESPELL of wisdom, influence, intelligence, free will and Abundance..TODAY is a day of EMPOWERMENT, where we use our intelligence and FREE WILL to QUESTION everything in our world in order to make better choices, leading to better outcomes for all.

OVERTONE 🔅✳🔅– Tone 5 in the SPIRITUAL realm. ACTION – commands, POWER – empowers, ESSENCE – radiance Number 5 represents the Center, 🔘 core purpose, foundation and central intent. It is the CENTER of the wheel from which all the spokes emanate. This is the phase where the energy of Creation returns to the center and then RADIATES outwards. Overtones command the unbounded. They order it to BE and so it becomes! Their power radiates from their soul essence through a pure connection to SOURCE, this is the true source of unlimited power.


CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW WARRIOR🌈🏹– CIB- is the fearless warrior who leads us on a courageous QUEST-I -ON. We become fearless advocates for justice, liberty and a higher truth. We ask continuous and bold, highly intelligent questions, then COMMAND answers and solutions. We are on a Divine Mission and are unstoppable. No false “authority” can stand in our way! The RAINBOW WARRIORS of the New Earth will not stop QUESTIONING, as they fearlessly confront HEAD on all obstructions to attaining Nirvana. If it is not for the betterment of ONE and ALL, then it must crumble and yield to a new way of being. The YELLOW WARRIOR applies focused intention on discovering the best choices and the best road to travel reaching to the desired destination.

The most RADIANT🌈 WARRIOR 🌈 of them all!!

The OVERTONE WARRIORS are the true LEADERS of the New Earth as they LEAD through COMMANDING RADIANCE and thus people are naturally drawn to follow in their lead and cocreate their inspired VISION.

Today the RAINBOW WARRIOR 🌈🏹is COMMANDING back his Divine POWER! 💥


The RAINBOW WARRIORS are being called to ACTION as the NEW LEADERS of this Golden Era we are cocreating. As we close the old cycle and the old paradigm collapses NOW IS THE TIME, for the LIGHTWORKERS/WAYSHOWERS/STARBLOSSOMS to come forth and heed their highest DIVINE CALLING as the NEW SOVEREIGN LEADERS they signed up to be. So get ready to CLAIM IT and STEP UP for DIVINE SERVICE.

✨✨✨“A real LEADER 👑 is someone who uses nothing but WHO they are, to UNITE many, to achieve GOOD” Riccardo Bosi

Riccardo Bosi is AUSTRALIA’S new Divine SOVEREIGN 👑 LEADER who WILL be elected this Saturday 4 July. 2020 as the Federal member for Eden-Monaro.. (please hold this VISION of his success 🏆for the highest good of Australia and our world) 🙏❤🙏❤

NOTE: This is also the full moon lunar eclipse in Capricorn (The Ruler/King/Boss) and it is historically known that KING’S either die/are deposed/or claim their throne on an ECLIPSE portal. Woot woot – HISTORY is in the MAKING folks!

Riccardo outlines the 5 Pillars of a TRUE LEADER as follows;

✨The slab or foundation must be built on TRUST.

✨Pillar 1 – Character – having the courage to LEAD and make tough decisions.

✨Pillar 2 – Capability – know your Job and your people – have the skill and will to do the job

✨Pillar 3 – Invention – be unique and original in your ideas and leadership

✨Pillar 4 – Empowering others – allow others to SHINE and GROW

✨Pillar 5 – YOU – be as RADIANT and magnetic as you naturally are – so that others will naturally want to be in your team/tribe.

Aho RAINBOW WARRIORS – the battle is OVER – and now it is time to LEAD your tribe to greatness.


HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW SEED 🌾– KAN assists us in seeding, growing and blossoming into our new potential. As KAN encourages us to fully FLOWER today. KAN and CIB hold the most FOCUSED energies of all the Dreamspell kin. Once these kin set their intent on something they are unmovable! Together they are like STEEL! Unbending and unyielding striving to seed the New Culture. Together this POWERFUL duo fearlessly chooses to create a NEW PARADIGM, a new way of BE-ING. KAN holds the seed packet to manifest the greatest and HIGHEST POTENTIAL – the Nirvana that the Rainbow Warriors🌈🌈 are seeking. As the Knights Templar and Arthurian Knights searched far and wide on their QUEST-I-on, in search of the Holy Grail, the Rainbow Warriors 🌈🏹are on their own relentless QUEST, for that inner grail – the Divine union with GOD/GODDESS/SOURCE through their golden chalice which is the highest potential of the Yellow HU-MAN in this 13 day wavespell quest!


SUPPORT: BLUE NIGHT 🌃– AKBAL holds the keys to the Inner Kingdom of GOD! AKBAL reveals any unconscious FEARS that we hold deep in the dark abyss. AKBAL teams with CIB so that we can FEARLESSLY face any resistance to this new way of being.Cutting away and transcending our limitations and restrictive patterns inhibiting our ability to grow, shine and radiate. Through facing and overcoming our FEARS we become EMPOWERED and can then take up our leadership positions, influencing others to follow in our footsteps, or walk beside us in our collective journey to the promised land.

AKBAL is your inner genie, holding the golden KEY🔑 to infinite ABUNDANCE💰💰💰 by clearing the blocks and opening the portal for new energies and possibilities. AKBAL also holds the dreaming code for the collective that the WARRIOR will fearlessly defend until it is made manifest in all its RAINBOW splendour.🌈 That is our unified QUEST as the shining ones – the RADIANT CHRISTED, STAR-SEEDS leading the way to the NEW PARADIGM. 🌈🌏🌐

OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED SOLAR SERPENT 🐍– CHICCHAN gives us the power to FEARLESSLY face our FEARS and release our SURVIVAL wounds in order to grow. We can instinctively know which are the best choices to make in order to be more EMPOWERed. The SOLAR SERPENT enables the Warrior to reclaim his POWER through his Dantien – store of chi in his solar plexus chakra, and by aligning with DIVINE WILL he can PULSE forth the rays through his HEART.

THE SERPENT provides the much needed vitality and life force that the WARRIOR channels into his QUEST of stamina and endurance, to come home VICTORIOUS!

CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE WORLDBRIDGER🌉– CIMI’s challenge today is to LET GO and SURRENDER, all that does not “feel right” anymore. In your intelligent questioning, tune in to your instincts and intuition to facilitate this process. Allow CIMI to build the bridge🌈 from the old world to the new, revealing the true path to travel in order to reach the promised land – GOD’S KINGDOM.


Today’s questions are

✨✨✨“What SURVIVAL issues do I need to finally surrender and LET GO, in order to COMMAND back my POWER and seed my new beginning, blossoming 🌸🌺🌼 into my fullest potential?” 💐🌹

✨✨✨ “How can we collectively as a RAINBOW TRIBE become more EMPOWERED and RADIATE our LIGHT, by seeding the better world we want to live in?” 🌈🌏🌐


P.S. To all those FEARLESS RAINBOW WARRIORS 🌈🏹who have been battling with darkness, today is THE DAY to RECLAIM YOUR POWER, connect with SOURCE🔘 and RADIATE🌞 that BRILLIANT LUMINESCENCE🎆, expanding so strongly that all darkness MELTS🌡 and dissolves in your Divine omnipresence!!!!!! 😎🌞😎


I recommend doing a ritual today to officially SURRENDER, let go and release any deep base chakra survival wounding – money, health, shelter, support, FEAR of the dark, FEAR of DEATH, abandonment, sexual manipulation, violence, abuse, power issues etc…. RED SERPENT is the SUPERPOWER today giving you back your full vitality and life force through surrendering to the World-Bridger – DEATH of the old cycle. The WARRIOR fearlessly supports you in COMMANDING back ALL your power from ALL sources, timelines and dimensions, in order to SEED your new life and fully BLOOM 🌹once again – a FRESH START as a fully sovereign Divinely Christed spiritual being.

✨✨✨The OLD GAME IS OVER 💥 – it is TIME to write a new script…take COMMAND of your life TODAY!!✨

NOTE: As the RED SERPENT🐍 governs FIRE🔥 and kundalini energy – you may chose to use FIRE – fire burning/walking/ light a candle etc or use Yoga – chakra balancing/healing etc…. whatever method you CHOOSE – make sure you COMMAND your intention with super charged focus on your outcome.


Divine blessings for COMMANDING back your FULL DIVINE RADIANT POWER💛💛💛

Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈


DIVINE GRATITUDE: To all the global RAINBOW WARRIORS 🌈🏹 for fearlessly walking their true path, and holding the DREAM of our euphoric planetary unification as ONE RAINBOW TRIBE… 🙏💝🙏💝🙏💝