Shifts and Changes ~ April 22, 2018

The following are nuggets to ponder and meditate on, for only you can know the Truth; depending on where you are in your own evolution/Ascension.

How do you withdraw from the old world of duality; that of differences, greed, karma and all things that are of the deep belief of separation? Release your deep-seated beliefs that these even exist, for in the New, they do not. Only by letting go of these beliefs can you enter the gates of the New. It helps to see that each of these old beliefs are illusions and illusions have no power over you. You are the one who keeps them alive by complaining and attaching to these aspects of separation; of the old matrix. Once you release all aspects of separation can you be in the New. How? Keep your thoughts positive and high, love yourself and all others, for you are One; release fear and judgment. You are not controlled by others or by what the old world wants you to believe. You have Free Will to be who and what you choose. By believing all that you see and read, you only delay your own entrance to the New, for unless you are nothing but Love, the New remains something beyond your grasp. You cannot be old and New at the same time; and yet we all are on a continuum as we release and integrate the New within us. Make a choice. What do you choose to experience?

You may have fleeting glimpses of the New, yet as long as you believe everything and everyone, you are not in the New unless you use your own Discernment to know what it is you resonate with and what you don’t. The Truth of you is pure Love; all else is false. Yet the separate ego clings to what is false; what is illusion. You may play at being in the New, yet being of both worlds creates a schism within you. You want to believe you are nothing but Love, yet you might wonder why you doubt and why you do not dismiss your darker thoughts. This is an aspect of separation. There is no good/bad, us/them, right/wrong, etc. These are all examples of separation. You might wonder if indeed you are Divine, yet still have lower thoughts and emotions. Remember, we all are in transition. The Higher Truth is that you are Divine. Period. Embrace your separate ego and have it be the expressor of your Soul. Tell it that it need not fight or resist; it need not cling to the old; it need not feel separate from Soul, for in Truth, it is not. It is only when you count on your intellect that you empower your separate ego.

Know that when downloads of high dimensional energy flow into you, they are neutral. It is up to you whether you have the downloads empower your positivity or your negativity. Wherever your consciousness is is what the downloads will empower. Therefore, if you feel negative about yourself, others and/or the world, the downloads will accentuate this. If you have nothing but feelings and thoughts that are positive and loving, the downloads empower this. It is up to you. What’s your choice? Who are you? What consciousness do you project into the world; that of the New or that of the old? When a download occurs, whether a person’s consciousness dwells in the negative or positive, they bring forth more to release and transform. They bring forth more to release that is not Love and are propelled out of their comfort zones. Things then shift and change.

What is brought into the conscious are old beliefs/cellular memories of blame and shame. It is important to take Responsibility for all your choices. Children are not victims; they choose too…whether they realize it or not. They choose whatever circumstances will help them evolve. Children are not victims; they are Souls. We all choose experiences that help us grow and evolve. Often, especially as children, we bring forth experiences of other lifetimes.

Downloads of Light help us release these traumatic lifetimes and therefore karma. We are not bound to any old stories; in fact, it is up to us to free ourselves from old patterns and beliefs. On a personal note, I have been guided to read books about women who have been belittled, abused and killed for standing in their Power. This has been a way my Soul has helped me release these old patterns of other lifetimes, as this is not the Truth of me nor you. Do know that everything that has occurred in this life or in other lifetimes is and has been for our highest evolution. If we choose to continue a pattern or feel guilty or blame ourselves or others for something, it is a nudge to let it go and be Love and powerful and responsible for all that we have chosen. Whatever energy is brought to the conscious self is to be released and transformed to Love. We are asked to look deeper into all that occurs and has occurred, for there is a message within for us.

When we experience great change, like people walking away or a shift in business or prosperity, look deeply to find your deeper message; a deeper Truth. Feel into everything; do not use your intellect to tell you the truth, for it won’t and can’t. If you can go deep into every circumstance, you will release the shackles that bind you to the old and truly be free. While there has been much release, now you go deeper, for Truth is a spiral. Change is not for sissies. It requires great Strength, Courage and Trust. Change is not finite; it evolves as you do, bringing you closer and closer to being Source…inner Source. We are Roses. Roses open up from within.

Most do not want to let go of their illusions; certainly, most don’t want to be stripped down to nothing, so they cling to their illusions. If everything in life is an illusion, what is left? You, as Source, is what is left and from here you may build on who you truly choose to be. How? You focus on Soul Essences only; on how you want to feel. If you want to feel Peace, let all in your life be about Peace. This means to have all your thoughts, feelings and actions be of Peace with no doubt or judgment and choosing nothing but Peace. If you want to feel Joy, then have all your thoughts, feelings and actions be of Joy. As you focus on how you want to feel, anything that is contrary to that will be brought to the surface for Transformation. You keep transforming until there is nothing left but you: Source.

Change may not be exactly how you envision it, but it will always be what is needed…if you truly want to ascend. Drop your expectations about how it will be and flow with whatever is presented, for it most likely will be something you did not expect. Yet it will be something that will help you move away from the old and comfortable and something that will help you evolve.

Pretend/visualize that you are standing in front of the Great Oz (or someone you think is more powerful and knowing than you, like a guide or Soul or teacher). He/she says, “Give me something you want to release.” You do and then he/she says, “Now, give me something more.” This goes on until you have nothing left to give. This is what is being asked of you. How does it feel to be nothing and have nothing? ! Are you afraid? Give this over too. This little exercise is an illustration of truly letting go; it is not just an intellectual exercise, but one that helps you truly let go. After letting go, be sure to fill up with Divine Love, for you have created a void that must be filled with Love.

Your intellect is an illusion, yet most only follow their intellect (which only knows past experience) and not their Heart. Following your Heart means you feel into things; not just react automatically, the way you always have. Intuition is of the Heart; it is feeling; not thinking. True Intuition is New; it is something that has never ocurred to you before. Your Intuition can bring you to a place, yet without taking an action, it is incomplete. An action can be an intention; not an intellectual intention, but one that is of the Heart…you feel it. What if there is no intention and all you feel is nothingness? Let that be O.K. Trust that you are guided; your guidance is your Intuition.

Shifting and changing does not happen in a second or when you think it should. Ascension is ongoing and infinite. There is no goal, except to evolve. Every choice you make helps you evolve or devolve. No-one does this for you. You alone are responsible for your own evolution. This requires you to be awake and aware of all your choices. You can’t evolve using your intellect. You must feel through all you choices with Clarity. Ask, “Will this choice help me evolve or devolve?” Feel either an expansion in your Heart area or a restriction in your Heart area. Expansion=yes; restriction=no. Calmly make your conscious choice.

If there is a challenge in your life, go deep into it and feel the learning…whether it is another person mirroring to you what you have rejected or resisted, it is an opportunity to transform the energy within you. Our intellect tells us to run in the opposite direction; our Heart tells us to be patient and look within, for you wouldn’t have attracted it if you were clear of the old pattern that still creates in your life. Reaction is denying, judging and resisting. Response is not attaching to or resisting the energy, but considering that what the separate ego wants to run from is the very thing your Soul wants you to see. “What you resist persists,” the old saying goes. It is Truth, for when you resist something, it goes right back into the subconscious, where it continually creates until you address it and transform it to Love.

Trust that you are supported and guided in all your Heart choices. Every Heart-based choice you make helps all, for you share what you are within automatically. Your vibration wholes or depletes. What is your choice? Recently I had a wonderful connection with someone who lives elsewhere in the world. You see, you need not be in the physical presence to love and be loved, for Love has no boundaries or rules. You attract what you are and you project the same.

Note: Be sure to check out the rest of the website. There is a new piece of Sacred Jewelry created by Montserrat.


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We are much more… – 07-Apr-2018

Recently I was called to visit my father, who is in the process of transiting from this life’s physical realm to the next great adventure. The way things unfolded put me in a vacuum of unfamiliarity, where nothing seemed as it once was. There was much learning and shifting as I soujourned through a different landscape. I encourage everyone to step out of their comfort zone and set things in motion by embracing all things unknown; this is how one may integrate the New more profoundly in their lives. There was never a moment, however, in which I felt unsafe, even when I experienced extreme anxiety. I honored and continue to honor myself for the Courage to allow things to unfold before my New eyes. While I let go of much through being “sick” when I returned, I understood that I was releasing much and I observed myself dispassionately, while also resting, experiencing what my body was releasing and allowing myself to feel “sick.”

Of course, I have always lived my life out of a comfort zone; always pushing to be more. This trip pushed me way beyond any old expectations I may have had and I encourage you to do the same. Go somewhere you’ve never been before; do something you’ve never done before; go beyond your own boundaries and you will find that you are much more than how you’ve allowed yourself to be. It takes changing your perceptions of who you think you are or what you’ve been programmed willingly with. Go big.

Much is spoken about the Earth now being 5th Dimensional. How can we put a label on the New? The Earth is multi-dimensional, as we are. By claiming we are nothing more than 5th dimensional surely limits us. We are not one-dimensional; we are multi-dimensional. Each of us does have a Home Dimension and we incorporate the energy (Light) of our Home into us and into Gaia by rising to be all of who we are. Yet, just because our Home is of a particular dimension does not mean that we are stuck in that one dimension, but rather, join all dimensions as we connect with others to help Gaia evolve from being one-dimensional to being multi-dimensional. Gaia is a refection of who we are. We have each agreed to bring forth the gifts of our Home Dimension to blend them with others’ gifts; this Wholeness of blending helps anchor Oneness with each of us playing the part we promised to. It’s like we are each a piece of the puzzle or a wave that expresses its individuality, but is never separate from Mother Ocean. We each are expressions of Source; of God.

We each are sovereign beings. This means that we each are Responsible for all in our lives, including all choices we make. If you are waiting for someone to tell you what to do, you will be waiting until you yourself take an action. However, this does not mean to blindly make a choice or take an action just to do it, because doing so will most likely be based on past experience (intellect). When you enhance your own consciousness (God Awareness), you build your Intuition (your Heart’s Knowing) and then you know what choice to make or step to take; based on your consciousness; based on the New You. Otherwise, be still. If you do not believe that you are Divine, your consciousness remains separate and small; nothing occurs; so it is best to focus on your own consciousness, so that you absolutely know without doubt that you are an expression of God Source.

The New is here now. You need not look for proof outside of you; it is within you and you may find that all is quite different; your choices are different and your actions are different. The New is your new and expanded consciousness. When you realize that you indeed are a sovereign being, no-one can control or manipulate what you choose to do. Yes, it’s all about choice. You choose how you want to respond to a situation or person. The New is how you live from the Truth and Integrity of your Heart. You consciously choose how you think and how you project yourself. You align yourself with the energy of how you choose to be. When you align yourself in this way, you manifest that very thing you align your energy with. You also take full Responsibility for all you attract into your life. When you do this, you are not a victim of life, but a chooser of life. If what you attract is of a lower vibration, look to your own consciousness, for it is your consciousness that attracts to you the different forms of life. You are the creator of your world. What is it that you want to create? How do you want to feel? Once you are clear, then all your thoughts, feelings and actions are congruent with your consciousness and you are not merely creating from old patterns and beliefs, but from your Heart’s Knowing.

When you nurture yourself through meditation, being in Nature or putting yourself first (filling your own cup first), you integrate your inner Wholeness and your consciousness is thus expanded into the Truth of you…you are Source. You are filled with nothing but Love. Others are attracted to the Love and Light you are. Be grateful. When you are strong within, nothing can distract you from your inner knowing. The duality of 3D cannot lull you to sleep any longer. If you find fear surfacing, release it and replace this illusion with the Truth that you are Divine; you are Source; you are God-expressed. With each step you take, be fully aware that you do so in complete Awareness and Wholeness. If you find yourself faltering, begin again. It takes a while to transform all the old ways of being (we have lifetimes of sleepiness) New. Be patient with yourself and trust that you are safely guided to who you truly are. Be fully in your Integrity, for every choice creates the next moment.

The past Equinox was indeed powerful…more powerful than any phenomena that has occurred previously. The Equinox has been enhanced also by all the Lightwork done by so many of us, as well as the many who have been awakening due to our Courage to stand in our Power. We each have helped others…not through words necessarily, but through our choice to stand strong in our Authenticity and Commitment to be all of who we are. This has not been easy and many times we have questioned whether the New was real and many times we have retreated back to the old and comfortable (or have wanted to). Yet, we have persevered through enhancing our Faith and consciousness.

I often laugh at myself; do you? How funny to think that shifting to Love and Light was going to be all rainbows and unicorns; like a magic switch would turn us into an angel of Light and color (I use these terms lightly because I love rainbows, know that unicorns are real and that many of us are angels). We didn’t know it would take such diligence to let go of the old so the New could take its rightful place within us. Many have had experiences of their purposes being put on hold, as well as many physical adjustments. Don’t be in a rush, for each experience is what is ordained for just you (and me). For me, I have had lots of dizziness and nausea, exhaustion, hunger/no hunger, headaches, solar plexus and Heart activity, isolation as many have left, not wanting to be around me…all of this is perfect and if you resonate with any of this, be patient as your new Lightbody makes adjustments. There is much more to this list you can add and certainly this is not a complete list. What I do know is that it greatly helps to flow with What Is, be in Nature, meditate, practice Earthing and Sun Gazing and rest. Do whatever it is that is self-loving and self-accepting for yourself.

Realize that you are evolving and perhaps your High Heart is being activated. This particular phase of evolution takes Love to a higher place; that of no judgment or complaining; just a beautiful Oneness, where every being shines brightly as Love. The next step is to resonate with your Soul Star Chakra (at your hairline, above your 3rd Eye) where you connect with other Souls, transcending ego-personality, labels and separation. You need not compare yourself to others, judging them or yourself as being higher or lower; we are all One; and we each are right where we belong. Remember who you are. Do reach beyond your humanness and know you are of the Stars. You spun a human body to express Source.


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Equinox & High Dimensional Light – 16-Mar-2018

It may seem that we are in a deep freeze; silent; inactive and still, while we dissolve remaining illusions, old beliefs and old patterns. A meditation that helps is to create a special room; perhaps a cave; with your favorite colors and items…or ask that it be created for you. This special space is your Pineal Chakra. When you meditate here, you activate and expand your connection to your Soul Guidance. Your Pineal Chakra is connected with your Crown and 3rd Eye Chakras, so these are activated as well. Your Pineal serves as the distributor of high dimensional Light when there are downloads, which is constant these days. It distributes this Light to where it needs to go. When we receive high dimensional Light, old energies surface; this is purposeful, for it readies us for action steps. There are some choices to make through Heart-intention…to step into our Power as sovereign beings or remain in the old and predictable comfort zone of staying small. Those who choose to stand in their Power will experience such Bliss and Light; with the coming Equinox, there is a profusion of Light that infuses us with more Love. With this choice to expand into being more Soul-merged, you may experience some High Heart phenomena.This can appear as butterfly wings or pressure or something else; do not be alarmed. This pulsing, pressure or fluttering is an expansion of your Joy Chakra (Thymus) and is activated by high dimensional Light. It is whatever is necessary for you to rise to be more. These rays of Light are quite high in vibration and not only infuse us, but infuse Gaia. Our energetic bodies are heightened, as is Gaia’s and this shifts us to a higher expression of Ascension.

As we increase vibrationally, there is some surfacing of old beliefs, patterns and illusions that bubble up for Transformation. These might include expectations of self and others and lies (illusions) we’ve been told and have allowed to integrate within us as truth and beliefs, only these illusions have only served to keep us asleep and in control. Many truths are slowly being revealed and as always, be sure you use Discernment with all you hear and read; allow it to resonate. And when you speak, speak with Integrity; your Heart’s Knowing (not your intellect). This includes no gossiping or complaining, for these keep you tethered to the lies of old. Be who you are, which may necessitate you to let go of wanting to belong. You belong to yourself and to a bigger version of who you have allowed yourself to be. If you are wearing a mask in order to be accepted, take it off and be the beautiful and shining being you are.

It is preferable to not be normal; in the New, there is no normal. Normal is an illusion. Express your Authentic Self and your sacred individuality. If fear or insecurity arise, release them, for they are driven by separate ego to hold you back in the old. Be free to be you. If this feels strange, let it be. Feeling strange and being unsure are wonderful aspects of the New. Follow your Guidance, for you are being led in the New, away from predictability and an unawakened state. Watch the children and learn from them. They are wise beings with fully immersed Souls. Allow for a new way of living, rather than the old “I gotta make money.” This frees you to manifest your Joy and Passion along with Freedom. Your Creativity kicks into high gear, so to speak, and helps you live in ways you thought you couldn’t. Be patient and trusting, as this is a shift and shifts take place only when you are ready.

We’ve never ever been in this new space before and this can bring up all kinds of fear. Release the fear and trust your Guidance completely. Trust yourself! There is so much change that is occurring within that it may feel as though you just aren’t you and you may feel very ungrounded. If this describes you, meditate and be in Nature as much as you can. Nature heals and grounds you. When you meditate, you access Truth, you ground to the New and you empower your Guidance, which comes as Intuition and Resonance. Everything happens in Divine Time, so let go of any penchant to look for results in your life. Continue to focus on your Guidance, for all comes when you have done your work and have placed complete Trust in your Guidance.

We have been in an unprecedented Expansion and with the Equinox, we expand even more into our True Selves. It may feel as though you’re being kicked out of your comfort zone. Remember that you have chosen this. Nothing or no-one does anything to you. Everything that is occurring is so you move beyond your self-imposed limitations. Get ready to blast forward. As you do, you release great life force. Be reminded that it is not just us who are expanding; Gaia is too. It is fascinating to observe how the long-standing countries, governments, religions and institutions are undergoing a metamorphosis, even while they try desperately to keep things the way they always have been. If they would just relax and allow things to shift, they would not be in such turmoil. Suggestion: do not complain about the “state of affairs,” for that only keeps countries, governments, religions and institutions strong in the old. Keep your focus on Source, rather than on the fascinating (separate ego) distractions of the world.

With all that is transforming within you and Gaia, this is when you shine bright. One way is to be strong in your Authenticity, another is to remove your attention from the distractions of the world and another is to anchor your Light within the New Earth Grid. Bring your Awareness to the New Earth Grid which is overlaid on Gaia. There you will find leylines connected by small spheres of Light. You are one of these spheres. Simply by being a part of this grid, you activate all other Lights and they become part of this grid (all One). Remember too that the earthly distractions are there to take you from being you by instilling in you fear and self-minimizing. Continue releasing emotions such as fear, control, anxiety, confusion, judgment, etc; for these dim your Light. As you release the old, you activate your High Mind, which is your Heart and intellect together as One. When your High Mind is integrated, all thought is Heart-driven; your Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine are One; and you transcend any separation and all things that are born of separation. Drop your old stories; you are no longer that person. And don’t invent a new story, for any story puts you in a box of limitation. Stories are illusions, whether you see them as “real” or if you make them up. Stories come from beliefs. See what is beneath each story and then let it go. Replace the void created with Love.

The energies are intense, aren’t they? More of the old keeps coming up to be transformed. Those who don’t understand what is happening may explode in anger, blame and judgment. And if you feel these things from others or from yourself, be sure to take a deep breath, place a hand on your High Heart and stay in Love; this is who you truly are. If you are guided to walk away from an unhealthy situation, please do; you need not take on others’ lower and separation energies; you can just love them. Everyone has a choice to react or respond to a situation. When you are focused on Love, that is what you create; how others perceive this is up to them.

The Equinox will accelerate us powerfully. It will accelerate our healing and wholing, as well as the Light we are. Wherever your attention is is what is accelerated in a big way. Choosing to be Love isn’t about saving or rescuing others; it is who we are; it is Source. You can’t be Love in one moment and judgmental in the next. You are Love in all moments. Love listens, accepts; it never judges or preaches.

Relax, Be and hold yourself in and as Love. Do only that which inspires you and keeps your vibration high. Even if others do not understand or accept you, do this for you; this is self-loving. Being Love is to stand strong in adversity. Honor who you are and who you are becoming.



Transforming fear to Power – 26-Jan-2018

Note from Cindy: This blog is exactlywhat I needed to read tonight as I deal with much negativity at work which has worked to create fear in me Bigtime! Love IS the only answer and this blog is a wakeup call for me, and I hope it is for you as well. Please read, think about this, and…


One of the most important things you can do is to release all fear. Having fear; no matter what it is related to; blocks you from being a powerful creator. Creating your life is your job in the New. No-one else can do this for you. There is no blockage; there is only fear of your Power. Fully accepting your Power to create and manifest is what is waiting for you. Nothing automatically happens; you (being the sovereign being you are) must take a first step toward that which you want to manifest…after you claim your Power. In fact, often taking a first step also activates your Power to create. Much is related to fear: all of the lower emotions like worry, doubt, shame, anger, control and all the others. Release the fear and step into your Power to create and manifest.

You are not alone in transforming anything; in fact, there has been a powerful whirlwind of energy available to you for any Opportunity you choose to manifest. While it helps you evolve, it also helps you release the old that you still may carry. This whirlwind can feel like being lost, feeling ungrounded, disconnected, sleeplessness, depression, headaches and other emotional and physical phenomena. This is true whether you are releasing or integrating. To access this Light, simply intend to receive. If you are still carrying your old wounds around, this Light can help you release and transform them. Your old wounds fester, affecting all aspects of your life, if they are not released. These wounds can be the result and perception that parents, past lovers, children, friends or anything in which you took on the perception of woundedness, did something to you. Once you release the wound, go deeper and find where you carry victim energy. This is the belief that things happen to you and not for you.

The New World. Do you think a brand new Earth is going to appear? No. The Earth remains the same, as you do…only different. It is your consciousness that shifts. The New Earth is here now. Being New means you see and experience through eyes of Love; not in the old way of seeing things in duality (good/bad, beautiful/ugly, right/wrong, etc.). When you are clear of the old, you see things through your Soul; your perfect self; Love. When you flow with Awareness, your consciousness shifts higher. There is no judgment or anger; there is only Divine Order. There is no resistance to perceived challenges; you flow through them with Grace. Suffering occurs when you attach to something; when you judge something and when you resist something. When you accept What Is as Divine Order, you flow. If it doesn’t feel right, go into it with Awareness and find what you are to learn or change.

When your consciousness expands, you experience Bliss. It doesn’t matter what is going on in your life, you feel Bliss deep within. Your frequency remains high and continuously shifts as you embody the Truth of you; that of Soul; your most perfect self. When you accept the truth of you; that you are Love; you ground this Truth into every aspect of life. It may not yet feel comfortable, as it is so new and continually shifts. As it moves through you (through all your bodies, cells, DNA, electrical system, etc.) eventually you become comfortable with all the shifting, yet you will not create another comfort zone matrix, in which you stop expanding. The New is always shifting and expanding, so the only place to be is in the present moment so you may observe all from a detached place.

When you are detached, you flow. In the old, being detached meant you didn’t care. In the New, Detachment is different in that you actually are more loving; you just don’t get caught up in drama or judgment. Peoples’ energy doesn’t stick to you. You hold all in Love without the old desire to fix or save. You allow others the space to create their own lives without the need to tell them what to do or who to be. You do not compare yourself to others, knowing and trusting that each being is a powerful creator, as you are. If you find yourself wanting to fix or save or compare yourself to others, go into that energy and discover where you still hold fear and then accept it and release it. Know too that grounding this New within you feels different than grounding in the old. In the old, grounding solidified you to all of who you thought you were. In the New, grounding helps the New You be more anchored as you.

You may wonder how you fit with those in your family (especially) or friends or groups when you seem to be the only one who is evolving. Stay true to you and remind yourself that dimming your light to suit others does not help you or them; it keeps all in the status quo. You can be with others and still be who you are. The more you are your Authentic Self, the more your Light shines and the more your consciousness expands. You will find that your gifts grow, as opportunities do, and you will not have a tendancy to dip into 3D any longer. The higher you go, the less duality is a part of you. So the only thing to do is to be yourself and do whatever helps you keep your Light bright and your vibration high. Don’t expect others, who may not want to shift higher, to be drawn to you. Some will reject you. Those who are ready to shift will be attracted to you. All is in Divine Order.

You may notice your physical body shifting as well as your mental and emotional bodies. What you used to like to do or eat or drink, who you liked to be with and many other things, may not appeal to you anymore. Your daily patterns are shifting. You cannot expect your physical body to act in the way it used to. Rather than fight or resist this, accept it; flow with the changes. Follow the rhythm of your body by tuning into it and asking it what it wants. When you feel disoriented or unsure, flow with what is being presented; you are merely expanding into being New. Stay in the moment and gently let go of the way you used to feel physically; this helps you flow with the changes.

You are not alone in this. While friends and family may drift away, you are surrounded and cheered on by many in the physical and beyond, who are choosing a new way of being too. Gaia is doing this as well; you may have noticed. She is letting go of lower energies. All is in a state of Transformation…dying to be born anew. There are those who blame lower energy entitities, like greys and lizzies, for the negativity that seems to be prevalent now. Don’t buy into this. This is victim energy. You alone are in charge. You can choose to dwell in lower or higher energies; the choice is yours. If you do find yourself buying into the negativity, you can clear it by remaining positive, meditating, burning sage, using Roses or Rosewater or chanting positive mantras…or whatever you are guided to do to transform the energy. You are Love; Light…you are not a victim. If you work with guides other than your own Soul, don’t connect with any being who just shows up. They could tell you they are so and so and they may not be who they say they are. Instead say this, “Only those of the Divine Light, Love and Plan be present now.” Those that are lower in vibration must leave your space. When your energy is nothing but Love, you will not be drawn into negativity nor will it be drawn to you.

As you shift in more positivity; i.e; consciousness; you attract wonderful opportunities to be more. You do not have to control this or do anything to make this happen, as all occurs in alignment with who you are within. This is the purpose of clearing and claiming yourself as Love. When you are clear, you are nothing but Love and all you attract is of this vibration. It cannot be otherwise.


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Up Up Up ~ 15-Dec-2017

Regardless of gateways and portals, we have ongoing high dimensional Light flowing to us, into us and around us. This Love helps to dislodge what we may still cling to; that which is old and keeps us in the old. Yes, it can be scary to let go of certain comforts and familiar ways and yet it is necessary; that is, if you want to evolve. I notice when we let go of one thing, another surfaces, as it is an ongoing process. And it is not just old stuff that surfaces, as some of our current choices are based in old beliefs, remember we can’t create the New from the old. The New is new and that means it is fresh without the old energy attached to it.

You may wonder, “Where do I fit?” For now, let it be O.K. to not “fit” anywhere. Be a “free-floater.” Not many are willing to do this, preferring to fit into a small box with a label on it. They may think that it’s better than nothingness. This won’t do. You can’t be in the New if you’re not willing to let it all go. Letting go of what’s familiar is not easy.

You may pat yourself on the back when you let go of something or someone, yet if it is merely intellectual, nothing has really happened and you keep attracting the same energy again and again.  As it filters through your being, you might see and feel that it is not what you expected; that the belief or pattern or whatever you thought you released is still operating within you; or you can see the ramifications of your choice and not be happy with your choice to let a particular thing go. You can retreat back into the old and familiar or you can accept Responsibility for your choices and see it through. If something keeps coming up; that something you thought you released and were done with; it may be that you intellectually released it; you didn’t release it with all of your being.

Of course, it can also be that you released one aspect of it, as all exists in a spiral, taking you higher or lower, depending on your choice. What you may not be aware of is that Grace is carrying you. When you are in the middle of something you intellectually shifted and the energy of what you thought you let go of keeps returning, you can always choose to reverse your decision. Call forth your Soul and ask Soul to release the old energy, for Soul knows if you released it or not and knows exactly where the energy may be hiding. Also realize that once you let go of something, you may not like how it creates in your life down the line. If this is what you experience, realize that there are many layers of letting go and take full Responsibility for your choice of letting that person or belief or pattern go. As I mentioned above, you can always change your mind and reverse your decision if it is too uncomfortable for you. It’s best to not go backward, but honor your initial choice.

You may also wonder why you feel you’re in a standstill (if you feel that), where nothing seems to be flowing. Let it be O.K. and trust that all is unfolding perfectly in Divine order and in Divine Time. It is an old belief that unless you keep moving, nothing is happening; this isn’t true in the New. There are periods of Integration and Rest. This is a time to have radical Trust and not be lured back into complacency and outer distractions. Commit to seeing everything as Source-guided and of Divine Will. Keep clearing and as you do, know and trust that you are led to a beautiful place and space of Love. If you doubt, you create a blockage in yourself and thus your doubt continues to anchor the old within you and all around you.

It is fascinating to observe how there are so many differing beliefs swimming around. Even those whom you might deem as spiritual seem to differ in what they share. No worries. Remind yourself to be discerning and realize that everyone is doing the best they can with where they are in the continuum of their consciousness. We need not judge another because they seem different from where we are, for it ends up being a judgment of oneself. No-one has your answers but you. You need not question anything; simply discern what is true for you in the Moment. If you don’t resonate with what is shared, you can let it go or follow your own guidance that says, “Wait; I’m not quite ready to hear this” or “I am way beyond this particular message.” Listen with your Heart; feel the message without intellectualizing or analyzing it.

Are you waiting to be rescued? No-one’s coming. It is all up to you. Your guides and Soul are aspects of you; they are not higher or lower or separate from you. Whether you want to save or rescue someone else because you feel they are stuck in the old or you want rescuing from someone you deem is more powerful than you, remind yourself that you are the only one who has the Power to evolve. Everyone and every life-form has choice. No-one is a victim. Gaia does not need saving either. What can you do? Honor each being for just who and what they are and be a shining example of Love. Be all of who you are without shrinking to appease others. Your Light radiates out from you. If that Light is diminished in order to fit into someone else’s expectations of you, you are not helping except to help the old stay intact.

When and if you feel depressed, fearful, angry, stressed and/or anxious, realize that you are releasing something very deep. You may not understand what is going on and what you are releasing may not present itself; this is so your mind/separate ego cannot interfere. Go with it. Things may not work and challenges may come one after the other. Take care of business one at a time. Do not blame it on astrology or some outside interference; just allow yourself to be depressed, angry, anxious or stressed, for it will move through. This has happened with me and I stopped everything and just let it be. Whatever you do, don’t do anything to alleviate the emotion to “make it better.” Let the thoughts and emotions come so they can go. You may be guided to drop everything and just ride the couch, as I did recently. Stop everything and just allow. Turn off the phone, T.V; stay off of Facebook or whatever outer distraction you usually pay attention to. And when it moves through, wow! The sense of Freedom is wonderful.

One after the other, big Light downloads come to move you to shift from the old to the New. As each change presents itself, do not ignore it; explore and then choose to change it or not. It can be gentle or quite powerful. If you feel it is too powerful for you, ask your Soul to have the downloads be gentler. You’re in charge. As we have completed the cycle of 12/12, we ready ourselves for something huge on and beyond the Solstice next week (December 21). A new Soul Mission may begin or continue. However it shows up for you, flow with it. You may decide to stop all you have been doing and allow a new direction to propel you forward. The New Moon on the 18th/19th helps with this as well.

Stay grounded and centered in your Heart, for your Heart and the Galactic Heart are One. Regardless of whether this time is turbulent or calm, all is for your highest evolution and therefore, for your benefit. Stay in the Moment and keep your focus positive, for you manifest where your energy and focus are.

Note: The following is not on the website yet:

Please consider donating. While I appreciate those few who have donated and those who donate each month (this message is not for you), I do not want to begin charging for the Ascension Notes. I have offered Ascension Notes for free for seven years plus I post every few days on Facebook ( 

Also I am adding another service: Phone sessions (for U.S. folks). $65/hour. These phone sessions are for those who receive a Soul Transmission and want to integrate what was in the transmission; and/or a phone session if you have a question not related to a Soul Transmission. If you are interested, please email me at for more information. Also check out


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