Sananda on the Recent Timeline Convergence ~ September 14, 2019

In meditation today I had a conversation with Sananda and I asked him to share information on where we are and the changes that we’ve all been feeling. He showed me what looks like a giant Highway with infinite numbers of side roads merging onto the main Highway. He explained that’s there can be bumps in the road, feelings of delay, feelings that things are speeding up beyond control, feelings of uncertainty and even feelings of being lost as we join this massive new timeline.

 He then graciously offered to give me this message: “Humanity is in the process of a great convergence onto a main higher timeline.This Collective timeline is one that allows everyone to experience the world as they believe it to be. This was accessible before on the lower end of creation but not on the highest possible end. Now we say to you that you have the ability to create and dream forth a reality that has no limitations, no barriers, other than the ones you create within yourself.It is now up to each of you to let go of the limitations and belief systems that you have held as they no longer apply to your world. Each of you that are willing to step fully into the role of their creator self will be shown in each moment how they can shift what is perceived “out there”.

Those that are willing to take on this great responsibility will also find great reward. By walking in your full power and responsibility you are taking the first steps of coming home within yourselves.You will find that your definitions of who you are will change or completely Fall Away. Instead of being the actor playing a role you become the energy that holds all the roles. You will be able to move your perception to a much bigger picture. One that allows things to unfold as they will in your life and in the world.We say to you that the only way through is to love yourself and others back to wholeness. It is through this love of the seemingly unlovable that the fractures within and without will be healed.

Now is the time to lay down the stories, the ones you have created within and the ones you have been told. The truth is only what resides in the open, loved filled, heart.In this new space, you will find that your powers of manifestation and creative endeavor are heightened. With this comes great responsibility and the needed understanding that what one holds within is adding to a collective streamIt will be for a time as if there are two different streams of consciousness. One that will move into the direction of unfolding, empowerment and grand discovery.

The other will focus on the destruction and the collapse. We want you to be aware of where you are putting your creative energies.Some of you will find that your energy is split. A part of you will focus on the infinite higher potential and another part will revel in the collapse. We caution against this split of your energy as it will leave you drained and with deep anxiety. It will seem as if you are straddling two roads with cars whizzing past, unable to take a true step forward. Indeed that is what you will be doing. Splitting your energy will make it so that you do not have the strength to take the steps forward that you need to grow and create the life you want.Instead, we asked you to choose your highest excitement, your highest Joy. And if you are unable to do this we ask you to look at what within holds you back from accessing this place of pure potential.We welcome you to this new space and are excited to see what unfolds you will discover and explore your infinite possibilities.”__________________________________________________________ 

After talking with Sananda what I understood is that everyone is getting a giant push to begin to really use our creative abilities towards solutions instead of feeding the problems. Towards creating the new instead of upholding and fighting against the structure of what was. As we have all converged onto this higher, new timeline there is a fresh feeling to it which makes it a great time to make major changes in your life. This can be new projects or making changes to your health, your job, location, or relationships. 

It is not about leaving behind what is no longer working, instead, it’s about taking the step forward into the new. One is of the energy of letting go, loss and the other is the energy of excitement. We are being urged to follow our excitement. When we follow our excitement, all that is not in alignment will fall away. As manifestation has ramped up we are going to have to have radical responsibility on what we are creating. It is time that we become completely responsible for our own energy and what we are sending out. 

I read a note from an indigenous chief that explained that we need to send love to the Earth to help heal her.  Yet if one does this out of anger or deep sorrow for what is being done to the environment, the healing they wish to send is tainted with those emotions and is not helpful to the Earth. It was a beautiful reminder that we need to be completely conscious of what it is we are sending and contributing to.  If one wants to assist themselves, the Earth, the animals, and other beings on this planet they must do it first from a place of unconditional love within their hearts. We can no longer focus on where we are broken. Instead, we must fill ourselves with love-filled light and realize that the whole and healed portion within us is available. We must align to that. The whole and healed portions of all things exist. This includes the Earth and all of humanity. 

This new space of energy will make many uncomfortable. It is asking us to see all the parts within that are no longer in resonance with where we are now. We may see where this uncomfortableness builds in the collective and then explodes all over. We are being asked to hold the light of unconditional love, to shine it everywhere and to everyone, no exceptions. We are also being asked to shake up our routines, to put ourselves out there. Doing what we have always done will only recreate what we’ve always had. It’s time for us to explore us, in our fullness and as the one that holds the energy of all the roles, not just the individual one.  Dream big and embody your creator self. Sending you all lots of love and big big hugs. 

Jenny Schiltz

Sananda ~ Moving Into The Waves of Ascension ~ September 5, 2019

Channeled By: John Smallman 


I am Yeshua Sananda.  I come as both, here today, to be with you.  To share. To experience your love.  Your love that is transcending the universe, now.

For as one said earlier:  you have no idea who you are at this point yet.  Many have shared this with you at various times, attempted to bring this understanding to you.  Not to raise your ego, but to raise your consciousness.  For as you raise your consciousness, that part of your ego begins to transform and dissolve.  And the lower part of your ego falls behind; not to be lost, but to be overcome, to be overshadowed, overnighted until it can be removed completely.  And that is what you are doing now.  As you are moving into this first wave of ascension.

And yes, you are moving into that wave.  How quickly you are able to move through it is entirely up to each and every one of you.  Yes, it is a collective ascension. But it is also an individual movement.  And as individuals, you have the capacity, the potential, and even the probability of fully moving through this ascension in the not-too-far-off future.  And in reality, you look beyond the illusion, now, you are in the ascension NOW in this moment, all of you, at various levels.

But the ascension is not an overnight sensation.  It is not an experience that brings you up into the higher vibrations and keeps you there in a blink of an eye.  But yet, for some, it can be exactly that.  Just as the one who experienced the disappearance of her physical body from another being able to have sight of it, just as she was able to do this without even knowing she was doing it, she raised herself up at a more unconscious level into those higher vibrations of the fifth dimension and therefore, in that state of consciousness, ceased to exist for a time to others who would not have the eyes to see at that point.

So too, each and every one of you in this space that you’ve found yourself last evening, also at times did the same, even though there was no one here to witness the disappearance, all of you did rise up into that fifth dimension for a time.  And if there had been one here who was somewhat of a skeptic, who was one that did not have the eyes to see, they would have received the proof at that moment that something was out of the ordinary, here, beyond the illusion, beyond the third-dimensional expression.

I, as Sananda, Yeshua, speak to you now with love, with understanding, with oneness, with joy, with compassion, with peace to all and each and every one of you because you came along with us long, long ago.  I, as Sananda, you followed me here to this planet, to this experience, to this experiment, knowing full well that you would all lose yourself in the game for a time.  And you have all had variations in your evolution here through your many lifetimes, your many experiences, your many travails.

And yes, you played both parts at times.  Sometimes you were the light.  Sometimes you brought the darkness.  All to help you to understand what the darkness is, so that you could fully understand the light.

So those of us who placed you down as your personality could also understand the same.  Through you we live, and breathe, and have our lives and our experiences.  Through you.  Remember that, always.

For at times in the future, and from times in the past, you have been where we are at this point.  You have been the Christs of other civilizations. You have been the ones that have brought light to other systems.  You have been the ones that have brought down the old system and raised the new, just as you are doing now, just as many of you who will likely volunteer to do again, and again, and again.  Until you have moved fully through the experience of life, and returned back from whence we all came, back to the Creator, back to the Oneness, the full Oneness.  But in so doing, in returning to that oneness, knowing fully who you have been throughout all of the experiences, throughout all of the eternity of life.

And yes, life is eternal.  The expression of your soul is eternal.  It will never end, just as it never fully began.  We know that is very difficult to understand.  For how could you have always been, and always be eternally.  That is the quandary.  That is the message within creation for all to come to understand at some point.  And you, all of you, are continuing on your journey, the journey that is all-important, that is taking you to places that you have never been before and, in so doing, Prime Creator has never been before.

I, we, leave you now in peace and love and oneness, and ask you now in your session this evening to call out to all of those that are looking for the beacon that you are providing for them.  The beacon that is calling them forward.  You will understand this more this evening.

Peace and love be with each and every one of you, my Dear Brothers, my Dear Sisters, the love of our life.


Sananda ~ Gaia is Moving On ~ August 27, 2019

Channeled By: James McConnell


I am Sananda.  As always, it is wonderful to be able to be here with you, to share with you.  To be in your proximity, and for you to be in mine.  For as these times continues on, and these energies become stronger, and stronger, and stronger, it will become more and more necessary for you to reach into these deeper levels of consciousness within yourself so that you are not wallowing around in the old 3-D illusion.  So that you have raised yourself up into the higher fourth dimensional vibration and into the fifth dimensional vibration.  And in so doing, you reach out your light, your consciousness into that collective consciousness.

For as your thoughts become purer, more positive, those thoughts move into that collective mind, Universal Mind Consciousness.  And those more positive, pure thoughts begin more and more to replace what would be considered more of the negative, or impure thoughts, the darker thoughts.  And you can see as a collective consciousness how powerful you can be with this Universal Consciousness.

For up to this point, most of the collective consciousness of this planet has mainly had access to the more negative thoughts within the realm of Universal Mind.  Because that is where they were.  That is where they found themselves, and they accessed those thoughts.  And those of the dark forces know this.  So what did they populate Universal Mind with?  Darker, more impure and negative thought processes and patterns and programming.  And that is what the majority of the population of this planet continues to access.

But that is all changing and shifting now as vibrations across the planet continue to raise.  And as these vibrations continue to raise, your consciousness, and therefore your thought processes also raise along with this.  And your thought process is now in a more positive form and populates the Universal Mind Consciousness of this planet.  And therefore, again replaces the older, more worn out programmed negative thought processes and patterns.

So you see, my friends, how important your role is here as the Light-warriors, just simply with a thought, and how powerful you are with your thoughts.

If you see beauty, if you see perfection in another person, and that is what you envision for them, they begin to accept that thought process, that consciousness, that vibration into them.  And therefore, they begin to heal their self.

This is why when you work with another person using the energy transference, if they are not accepting of this energy transference, then they will not be helped.  They must be accepting of this at some level within them.  It doesn’t always have to be at a conscious level.  You can work with someone at a more unconscious level.  And no, you do not need their permission, not the conscious permission.  You do need the permission of their Higher Self.  Because if one is going through a process where they are nearing death, and you are attempting to bring them out of that process against the will of their Higher Self, then you are taking on a karma yourself.  You must release the energies.

If you send light, though, with the intention of reaching that person’s level of consciousness wherever it needs to be, even if it needs to be to help them cross over into the other plane of existence, then that is what you do.  And in that respect, you take on no karmic debt, here.  You are simply giving them the light, the love which all can accept at a deeper level within their self.

Now this is not always the case with those, though, of the dark forces, those that have lost the higher level, or the ability to reach the higher level of consciousness, and therefore, the higher vibration.  And if they cannot reach the higher vibration that is coming into this planet, they cannot be here on this planet much longer.

Because Gaia herself is moving on.  Gaia is letting go more and more of the three-dimensional illusionary world.  The veil that has been pulled over everyone’s eyes.  And it is only then for those that have eyes to see and ears to hear to pierce through that veil.  Which you are all doing and have done in many respects.

Otherwise, what has occurred in these two times you have come together here during your ceremonial circle, the Ceremony of Light that you performed; you thought it was simply a drum circle:  it was not.  It was your light reaching out from the center of your circle up into the heavens.  And those within the ships responded to this.  You shined your light, and they responded in kind.

You see how powerful your ability to manifest really is?  You have great power within you.

It is time now for you to begin more and more to remember who you are, and the power that you brought in to this planet, to this evolution, when you arrived here.

You came with tremendous ability.  But you let it go, as if you were simply and completely shedding all of your cloths when you arrived here, all of those clothes that you came with.  And you started off, yes, in a naked fashion.  Not literally, but naked, without the clothes, naked without the magical ability, without the gifts of Spirit that you all had, and have always had, by the way.  You have just forgotten it.  You purposefully let it all go and then forgot that you ever had it.

But now, as many of us have been telling you, the remembrances are returning.  They are returning in your dream state.  They are returning in your meditative state.  And they are returning in your conscious knowing state as well.  Because you have arrived. You have awakened.  You have come to the threshold and reached the crescendo within you.  Not that there is still more to come, there is.  You still have a bit of a ways to go.

This analogy is perfect for this expression, that of the Neo within Matrix, and that you have come to the point, as he did in the movie, and that was all purposeful within that movie.  But as he came to know that he was much more than what he had believed up to that point.  And he was much more than the others around him as well.  Because when they came up to the barriers, the barriers that were there in front of them in the village of those of the machines, of those that represented the machines, represented the cabal, represented the illuminati, represented the deep state, as it is being called now.  When he realized that he could stand up to them, even up to a point, that he could do what others could not do previously, that is where you all are now at this point.

You have come to realize that you are much, much more than you have been programmed to believe.  Not in an ego sense, but in a raising of consciousness sense, a raising of vibration within you, a raising into the higher levels of your being, and the connectedness with your Higher Self, and with all the aspects of your multi-dimensional selves.  And when you come to the point when you can stand against the three-dimensional illusion and say, “no more!” as Neo did when he raised his hand and stopped the bullet.  He stopped the three-dimensional illusion, the three-dimensional programming from interfering with him for once and for all.  He stopped the program.  He left the matrix.

This is where you are headed for, your destination.  Your destiny, and your rightful place as you return to that place with all of us within the stars.

I am Sananda. Peace and love be with all of you.


Sananda ~ Love is Always Calling ~ August 17, 2019

Editor’s Note: The concept of this article is too true…consistently holding the higher vibration of Love changes everything in your own personal world for the better! This may be better known to some as the Universal Law Of Attraction at work!

Let go of those issue causing pain in your life, let go of the very pain these issues cause. How to do this? Seek and find other things to dwell upon, even if these are happy memories and imagination (imagination is great tool so little used!). Use your mind and thoughts habits to stay in a good place and watch your life start evolving in the best of ways, and BE…



Channeled By: John Smallman


Although this does not appear to be the case, humanity is on the fast track to awakening. It has always been the collective intent that humanity awaken from the dream or nightmare that it appears to be actually living and experiencing so very realistically. The realism is because the vast majority of you fully identify with your bodies which are very vulnerable to pain and suffering through disease, accident, and conflict. When you chose to experience separation from Source you also chose to use your bodies as as your main means of experiencing life in form, effectively shutting out the absolute vastness of Reality, and thus reducing your ability to enjoy the fullness of life. Instead avoidance of pain and suffering became one of your driving motivations, along with the motivation to seek pleasure as a distraction from the seemingly never ending succession of painful realities with which life in form is constantly presenting you.

In this present age, the twenty first century, as a result of the recent advances in science, medicine, philosophy, and psychology it has come to humanity’s awareness that by changing your beliefs and how you choose to perceive others and the world around you, you can successfully manage your life experiences so that they are positively uplifting, inspiring, and enjoyable . . . or fear-filled, anxious, and painful. You do each have the intellectual and the spiritual tools you need to build lives that fulfill you, but very often you allow moods of a negative nature to influence you unduly and unhelpfully. As I have told you before, you are all powerful divine beings who have chosen to place yourselves in situations that are limiting and restrictive. From that place you then choose how to proceed, either positively trusting your intuition and engaging in life with honesty, integrity, and loving respect for one another, or as victims in an environment over which you believe that you have no control at all.

Life is an aspect of Love, and if you will allow it to do so it will flow as you intended that it should before you incarnated. Your incarnation was not blind chance! You chose to incarnate as a human at this point in humanity’s spiritual evolution so that you could participate most meaningfully in the collective awakening process. Even if you are unaware of this you are, nevertheless, following a path that you most carefully designed in cooperation with other members of your soul family, and in which you were also most divinely guided. The vast majority of humans do not have a clear picture of their reasons for incarnating or of how their life paths will unfold. However, in every moment, your support team in the non physical realms is watching over you most lovingly, and is instantly available to answer your calls if you choose to seek guidance from them. They will not put you on hold if and when you do call, but very frequently you allow yourselves to be distracted by your thought processes, moods, and emotions even as you are calling on them for assistance, and so frequently you do not hear their wise and loving responses.

This is why every message received from those in the spiritual realms continually stresses the need for you to take time out daily to go within, to your holy inner sanctuary, and while there to relax, let go of any judgments, bitterness, resentments, blames, or thoughts that someone, anyone, owes you restitution for their mistreatment or misunderstanding of you. When you engage with thoughts and beliefs of that nature you block out the Love residing within you, which is always there waiting to embrace you, guide you, and comfort you.

Love is always, and eternally, unconditionally accepting, and your true nature is identical to It. However, when you engage with unloving thoughts, judgments, and beliefs, you yourselves shut yourselves off from Love. Love is always calling to you to remind you of your true nature, but, as humans, you tend to focus on judgment and on being right – it often seems to you that as a human you absolutely need to defend yourself or be on the defensive as the world and its other human inhabitants are likely to attack you at any moment – and just doing that, even if you do not express it to anyone else, is to be in a state of conflict. Conflict and Love cannot occupy the same space. Nevertheless, if you will allow It, Love can and will most gently and efficaciously dissolve any and all conflicts.

Some of you have tried being loving even when it seems that you were under threat, and oftentimes that intent, set very firmly in your heart, has defused the situation instantly. Expect Love, offer Love, and be amazed at the most wonderful experiences that follow from that expectation, when it is firmly backed up by your heartfelt intent to be loving whatever arises. As you know, if not consciously, then you certainly do know at the depths of your being that you are eternally connected to Source, and that separation from that state is totally beyond the bounds of possibility. Nevertheless, most humans have great difficulty in accepting that divine truth, because it is almost impossible for them not to buy into or get brain-washed by their cultural upbringing which encourages them to believe that they are not good enough, and attempts – mostly successfully – to persuade them to try to be other than who they are. This causes intense inner pain and turmoil which is then either denied, or very deeply buried in the hidden recesses of their minds, in order for them not to be driven to despair by a strong but invalid sense of having no value as a person, as they try to imitate or become a copy of someone whom others admire.

Please believe me when I remind you that you were created from Love, Mother/Father/God, Source, which is the infinite field of divine energy in which all that exists is eternally present, and that only you can fulfill the infinite potential that arose as a direct result of you being created to be exactly who you are. You are absolutely perfect for the role for which Source created you, and by fulfilling it, as you will, your joy will be boundless and endless, when you allow yourself to realize and recognize yourself as One with Source. No one can replace you in God’s divine plan, and neither can you replace anyone else. Reality, God, Source, Love is ALL that exists, and every created being fits precisely and perfectly into the position for which it was created, and which was created for it. No one is misplaced, lost, or abandoned because that is utterly impossible, you are each precisely where God intends you to be in every moment of your eternal existence, and you are infinitely loved and cherished because that is the purpose for which you were created.

As humans, living the dream life of form, that is not what you experience, however, the unreal but seemingly intensely real sense of separation from Source that living a life in form provides is too painful to accept and undergo, so you distract yourselves by believing that who you are in form as a human is all that you are or can be. Doing that eases and conceals from you the unbearably intense suffering that separation, were it even possible, would impose upon you.

That is why I and others keep on reminding you of your True, Divine, and forever unchanging Nature. Collectively humanity has chosen to awaken from the insanity of the dream, and you are presently undergoing the awakening process which is bringing into your conscious awareness various aspects of life in form that are not in alignment with your true nature, and which need to be recognized as unreal and released. It is painful but necessary, and it will pass.

Remember this message, and regularly remind yourselves that you are indeed One, One with each other, and One with Source, that your true nature is LOVE, and that you are awakening into eternal Joy. Therefore, as I have suggested to you previously . . . CELEBRATE. Your awakening is progressing unstoppably, and is absolutely inevitable, because you are bringing it to fruition through the infinite power of your loving intent.

Your loving brother, Sananda.


Message from Sananda About the Plasma Coming In ~ June 4, 2019

Editor’s Note: Hmm…so the incoming picture is programmable. Quite intersecting. I was also quite taken by the concept of current tension causing a bit of disruption in our society due to the “letting go” of behaviors not suitable for life in 5D.

interesting article, so please read more, and be…



Via Jenny Schiltz

I am dropping a quick note before I head off into the woods to recharge.

During a session with a client the other day, Sananda came in to talk to the client about what was going on with the energies. He said that there is an important distinction with the energy that is coming in.

He showed me a plasma like substance, we have been receiving plasma for a while, but what he showed me was almost like a membrane. He explained that this plasma is PROGRAMMABLE.

This is really important to understand. If what is coming in is programmable, we can choose exactly how it is programmed. We can choose which frequencies we want to program it with, what thoughts, what feelings, what reality.

It has no choice but to obey and then run with it. 

What is also fascinating is that at the same time the outside noise is super LOUD. People are at each other, finding fault with one another, like drunks looking for a fight. This is because not only are we receiving programmable plasma we are also receiving codes that help us to walk in our empowerment. Yet before one becomes empowered they must let go of all the things that are not in alignment. This is very uncomfortable and some feel the need to release that discomfort onto others in an attempt to figure out why they feel the way they do.  It is always easier to be pissed at another, blame another instead of looking into ourselves.

We have to do our best to not get caught up in the distraction and stay in the state of creation. Creating and focusing on what we do want in our lives.

What was explained to me is that anything we hold within that is fixed must go. These are the belief systems that separate us or hold us back, these are fears, insecurities, lack, worthiness, and unforgiveness (of self and others) that we still hold within. We have to let these go.

Fixed constructs keep us from experiencing the fluidity of reality which contains the abundance and connections that we long for on this journey.

The plasma coming in is a beautiful gift. We can program it with all that we want. I will leave you with what Sananda said to me “You must ask yourselves in each moment, What am I programming?”

Sending you all love and big hugs.  Thank you to all who read and share this work. It is so very appreciated.

Jenny Schiltz
