Mira from the Pleiadian High Council ~ Prepare for the Inevitable ~ July 10, 2019

Editor’s Note: This is a calming and relaxing message for we “earthers” as we go through a period of transformation as MAJOR truths are revealed. Please read this message, know htat you ARE all you need to be, and be…



Channeled By: Valerie Donner


Greetings, I am Mira. I speak today through the screen of truth, unfiltered so you will have something with which to work. Gone are the days of distortion. There is no time left for that. The utter imbalances in the corrupt systems are playing out to their darkest demise. The outcome will bode well for the light and the entire planet. The slate is being cleaned to the point where you will have a shiny new earth. You will be able to shine and sparkle in your true state of love and light. You are ready.

There is still some completion that has to happen. Some beings must be apprehended and moved elsewhere, not on the earth. Falsities must be erased for the truth to be seen and heard. Attempts at preventing the Divine Plan must be foiled. The script for the Reign of Terror must be destroyed. Everyone has to be in their place so that the shift can occur safely and peacefully. Stargates and escape routes will be closed and sealed. There is a long list of items that are being completed.

Meanwhile, humanity is being prepared for the inevitable. Some are beginning to consider that there is life on other planets and that the earth is not the only life form in creation. Many are awakening and coming to new realizations. Fear of the Galactics and other dimensional beings is being cleared with the help of the Light Alliance and the Galactics. Many complicated scenarios are ready to be activated. Truth is simple and you will be set free.

The beauty that is unfolding is beyond comprehension. You have worked so diligently for so long you deserve the very best of life. You will be given everything that you need for a new life in the higher dimensions. We will come and help you to adjust. You have many Galactics and other star systems that are all working together with all of creation for the Ascension. It is a powerful process that is being conducted with the utmost love.

Transformation is the energy of the day and the days ahead. It will happen at every level from your cellular structure to every hair on your head. Your brains will be completely changed and your hearts opened as widely as possible. The earth is being changed and her vibrations are being elevated just like yours. Some of you may find yourselves changing work, location, your entire being.

This is a most important project. It is relevant to all of life and all of Creation. Continue to bond with us with your hearts and your full intentions to do your part in the name of oneness and love. We are blessed to be with you now.

With love from Mira and the Earth Council


Mira from the Pleiadian High Council ~ Sweeping Waves of Change ~ June 6, 2019

By: Valerie Donner


Greetings, I am Mira. I am pleased to update you today.

There is much on the horizon. The energies coming to the earth are broad and swift, sweeping waves of change. They require receptivity and we know that some are not really ready for what is being given.

The sensitive ones like the ground crew are challenged more than others. Your bodies are transducing miraculous amounts of crystalline light. Your light bodies are upwelling into increasingly powerful energies. You are the points of light that are uplifting the planet. You are the preparers of change and the wayshowers of a new way of living on the earth.

We are working closely with you and also communicate with the influencing energies that are being released through the sun, the photonic energies, etc. that are affecting the magnetic fields of the planet and all of life. We don’t want these energies to overwhelm you and we thank you for your patience.

Remember that you have been prepared for these times and it has also been a bit of an experiment to see how the bodies can stay on a planet during an ascension process. As most of you know, usually when a planet ascends there is no life left on a planet–the planet goes nova. You are an exception.

Little by little the planet and you are ascending. The pace has been increased in the last couple of months. You are being given lots of assistance and healing but this requires an unusual amount of rest. Please give this rest to yourselves because you are being upgraded. You need this rest to assimilate these energies so that you can take on more of your powerful work that you came to the planet to do.

Please understand that the work you are doing on yourselves is significant. Follow the pain in the body. Trace its origins from past lives orar to current ones. See how much more sensitive you have become. Tune into the emotions and release as much of the past as you can. Let nothing stop you from clearing what needs to be released. It is a part of the ascension process.

Free your heart and soul from the separation and pain that has encumbered you in this or past incarnations. Stop pushing yourself like a work horse and forcing yourself like you did when you were in the third dimension. Let the softer, more feminine energies, assist you in receiving. There is no one to blame for how you have lived. It is part of the third dimensional experience. Bring in balance between your divine feminine and your divine masculine. It is all a part of who you are and will facilitate you becoming all that you can be.

We stand in line assisting you along with many other Galactics, and beings from the Light Realms. We see you becoming free and polishing up your sparkly new selves. This is an amazing process of which we are a part.

I am Mira and am a part of your Galactic Family of Light. We send you our blessings and marvel at your progress. We are with you.


Mira of the Pleiadian Council via Galaxygirl ~ March 24, 2019

Mira of the Pleiadian Council 3/22/2019

Hello dear family, this is Mira of the Pleiadian Council here offering joyous news. The tipping point has been reached. We Pleiadians have indeed been offering our highest and best energies and redirecting energies from the Great Central Sun so that they most optimally bathe you and Gaia in the most pristine beauty of intergalactic love and light. For that is what is occurring now in this time of ascension. You are in the time of ascension as you have heard ad nauseam. But do you really know what this means? To start with, it means you are coming home. It is difficult to ascertain, truly assimilate and understand this while within the human form, which is why it is such a special and unique challenge to become embodied. For home feels far away as new lessons are learned and new karma is created to be later cleared.

You, our grounded ones, have cleared much. The karma that you have created and experimented with has been cleared by and large and you are tackling ever more, day by day. It is an arduous task and we of the Pleiadian light forces offer our love, eternal support and friendship to you. This one saw a Pleiadian a few days ago. You will know us by our eyes, more specifically by our gaze. For our gaze is filled with love and light and we look at you with a deep knowing, for we do know you! This is yet one more thing to look forward to. I, Mira, am eager to connect with you, our ground team and family, as well. We all are! We are eager for a magnificent party of light and love and delightful reunion, for many of us are you in human suits, experiencing, cleansing, clearing, doing the heavy lifting for the others. Those of us who are not (embodied on Gaia) are serving in a myriad of other capacities, for we are all serving, sleeves rolled up as Mother likes to say, it is true.

We are eager and ready for our intergalactic reunion. We see this in the near future of your now and we say this with eyes bright with tears for we know how much you have suffered and how hard you have been serving in the process. Much change is going on underneath the surface. Many ugly truths will come to light. Hold the light. Be the love. Transmute all that is not light and love and ground team, we see you are doing this. I, Mira, am swelling with love and pride for you, pride in a job well done, with so many billions (and trillions!) of hands holding the light, serving each other. It is brilliant to witness and to be a part of. It is my pleasure and deep honor to serve our grounded ones in my own way. You all will find your own unique way to serve. And then you will realize you have been doing it all along. Your ways of service will develop, become enriched as new tools will be made available to you. Call them forth. Call forth the abundance that you seek. Call forth your reunions with us. Say hello to our ships in the skies and watch us bob and weave in friendly greeting. Many of us Pleiadians are incognito on the ground, blending in. Many others are also serving in this benevolent way, altering the energies to a higher perspective, cleansing and clearing, just as you, our transmuters, create space and yet more love wherever you go, as your vacuum up and transform into light all that is not light.

Humanity is at an energetic crossroads but at this time all roads that intersect this point lead to light filled paths. The human collective has chosen the light, has chosen ascension in the most meaningful way possible, such that whatever road you take, every path in your most probable timelines are favorable. The Arcturians are always careful, and they should be for your are powerful creators who have forgotten up until now, they are cautious to tell you anything for they don’t want to take your power away, or remove the joy of creating for you. For if you have a certain idea of what to expect, of what you will see, then of course you are more likely to experience this. And so with great respect, and to avoid stepping on any fingers and toes of your creative freedom, we would say with great love – to expect love, to expect light, and to expect more light and love and bliss, and joy to be heading your way. And then however they come to you, embrace them. That is a lovely lesson of creative power. State your intention for more good things and wait with joyful expectation as the universe delivers! Only expect good things. Be open to the wave in however it will show itself to you. There are myriads of involvements and possibilities. The next few days are energetically rich as well. Best to ground into Gaia and be the light for the others. Not much longer. I am Mira of the Pleiadian Council and I hold you all with high esteem. We love you. We honor you for your service to Gaia and to each other. I am Mira.

~ galaxygirl

Mira & the Pleiadian Collective ~ Be Patient, Be Gentle. ~ February 28, 2019

via: galaxygirl

Greetings grounded team we are the Pleiadian Collective. We see the weariness of spirit and body with many of our ground team and we wish to offer specific encouragement for these ascension symptoms this day. For you hear much is proceeding which is indeed true and we know that you feel it in your physical bodies greatly. You are morphing into 5D crystalline – you are. Your DNA is coming online. Many of you are glowing and looking younger. Have you not noticed this? And yet the human part of you is exhausted. And so may we infuse you with a little bit of Pleiadian wit and wisdom? We assure you, we lovingly watch you from your skies we see a new glow – radiance about you that was not there even yesterday and we see many of you choosing humor and joy more often, being fiercely protective of your vibration. All of these are signs of the inward growth that is occurring moment by moment, breath by breath. And yet you doubt. Doubt no longer friends and be at peace. Try to find the beauty in this most sacred now of ascension within the physical, a rare experience indeed. And may we lovingly remind you that you wanted to be here to lend your mettle, your light and to test your levels of compassion? Yes. And so friends and family members all over the globe who are reading these encoded words please show yourselves that same loving compassion that you so readily show the others. All of you are responding differently to these high vibe waves from the central sun. Be patient, be gentle. Rest. Laugh! It is good for the soul. And we assure you this will be worth it in the end. Find your inner place of peace and stay there, nurtured in your own strength of spirit and firm resolve to love and to ground your light. We love you. I am Mira of the Pleiadian Council. We all hold you in the highest of esteem. Be at peace. Wave to us up in the skies and say hello, and we will energetically hug you back. I am Mira. I wipe tears from my eyes seeing all that you are going through. Hang on – not too much longer now. But the peace you don’t have to wait for. You can choose this oasis of the heart now which we most heartily recommend. We love you. Until next time, I am Mira. ~ galaxygirl

Mira from Pleiadian High Council ~ See The Big Picture ~ December 6, 2018

through Valerie Donner

Greetings I am Mira.

I greet you today from the Earth Council where I have been working for over six of your Earth years. My job is to assist the Earth’s Ascension process. I am here to assist you as you move into higher consciousness for your Ascension. It should serve you well and I trust that you will take these matters into consideration.

Number one. What is your stamina level? You are running the last lap of the final race. Are you breathing? Are you keeping your eye on the prize? Are you continuing to raise your vibration? Are you letting go of what no longer serves you? Are you trusting the process? Are you reminding yourselves of your part in the Divine Plan?

Number two. What is your most important area of focus right now? Are you prioritizing your spiritual work and healing? Are you taking care of first things first? What matters the most? Are you trusting yourself? Are you believing in yourself? Can you envision a new future for yourself and a new planet?

Number three. Are you building greater faith and trust in the process at hand? Are you managing to stay positive and when something negative comes do you let it go and not let it affect you as it would have in the past? Do you feel that you are capable of maneuvering over any hurdles that might come your way?

Number four. As you approach the end of these lower dimensions do you feel yourself becoming less burdened? Does the material world have less impact on your daily life? Are you beginning to get a sense of what it feels like from time to time to feel some bliss, joy and happiness? Do you want more of these positive feelings?

Number five. Are you getting ready to have contact with us, the Galactics? Are you open to meeting some of your Galactic brothers and sisters who are already on the planet? Are you aware that you will recognize us when you see us? Can you begin to imagine how joyful and heartfelt your reunions will be? Are you ready to share and learn from each other?

Number six. What is your preparation level for stepping into new work assignments? What is the burning desire and passion within for greater service to the Earth and life on the Earth? Are you willing to learn with others and to share what you know? Are you willing to amplify your creativity and to part with the old way of doing things?

Number seven. Right now, can you think about getting the best that you can get from these final days in the third dimension? Can you make the best of it? Can you put it all together so that you can see the big picture and get the value from that? Can you remind yourself that you chose to be here at this time for this very special purpose? Can each of you realize how important your contribution is, and that the value of your energy and love is enough?

These are my thoughts right now. I hope they will be helpful. I cannot wait to see your reactions.

We are in full swing with everything that is occurring right now. Our total focus is on you and the Earth. We continue to participate in doing our part in relieving the Earth from the contamination of the dark forces and for the illumination of the light.

I am Mira with love.
