ERA OF LIGHT – Council of Radiant Light – How Your Experience Comes About – 7-30-17 ~ posted 8-24-2017

Hey Ya’ll. I found this on the “Higher Density” blog, and thought I would share this with you as well!

This IS the way it works, my friends! What follows is a detailed and thorough explanation of how the Law of Attraction works and how our human emotions can guide is to what it is that we want to experience.

Is this “easy” to do? No…I’ve known this knowledge for quite a while, and…have even experienced this by manifesting on occasion. If I know this “Law of Attraction” stuff, and have seen it working in my life, why don’t I have the life I want? Because, my friends, the Law of Attraction is based on heart-felt feelings, not “head-based” facts. I get what I feel!

So…please read this blog, consider your true feelings, and…


Hello Divine Ones,

It’s good to be with you. We see that as we converse with you upon your capacity to create your experience through intentional use of your focus, some of you are starting to relate to your life with a increasing sense of curiosity.

Curiosity is a beneficial perspective to have toward anything – because it opens up your sense of possibility. Some of you are already starting to consider that you might be able to accomplish things you hadn’t thought of before, and this is a really nice thought to think.

Allow yourself right now to consider that you could actually accomplish a state of thriving that you never before considered.
Just allow yourself to think that thought right now, “I might be capable of accomplishing a state of thriving and well-being, that I’ve never before considered possible.”

Allow yourself to consider that everything about your embodiment is capable.

For example, your body is really smart and made for this experience. Remember that the cells of your body come about because there’s an energy template that is your body. The energy of all that you are, and the energy of this planet, get projected into this energy pattern and it becomes what you know as your physical form. There’s a pattern that gives rise to your physical body, and this pattern and your body are intelligent, coherent and perfect.

Energy from all that you are and from the planet is continually flowing into this energy pattern. That pattern manifests your physical form. That pattern isn’t broken. There’s nothing wrong with that pattern. That pattern is perfection. That pattern is perfection, and it is because of that pattern which cannot be broken, that your body is innately resilient.

So then, considering with this example of your physical form, why then isn’t your body always in a feel good, great way? You might wonder that. It seems like an obvious question given what we’ve just shared. Well, the reason your body is not always optimized is because you are a powerful creator and sometimes, inadvertently or not, you’re creating things that defer well-being, that manifest a different expression of your body. That in a sense, diminish the effective of your capacity to thrive. You can do this, because you create your experience, which means you can open up more thriving, or diminish your thriving, by how you use your focus.

Today we want to lay the groundwork by talking about the basics of how you create your reality. How your experience comes about.

For anybody’s that new to this idea and as a reminder for anybody who’s already working with this approach to your life, a lot of the ways that you learn best are by repetition. You’re continually new in every present moment. Whatever you pay attention to is what’s going on within you and so reminding yourself and repeating the things that empower you the most is really beneficial.

You’ll notice in our conversations there is a certain amount of repetition and that is quite intentional. So we’ll do some of that today as a way of ensuring that we’re all on the same bandwidth, the same vibe in terms of mindset.

We’ll continue to use the example of your physical well-being yet you can apply these principles to all of your life.

The easiest way to optimize your physical state is to do things that feel better and more harmonious and more peaceful to you. This includes thinking in ways that feel better as well as living in ways that feel better.

If you were to take to heart the perspective that we’ve shared before – that there is only now, you would see new possibilities are ever present for you. Creation happens in the present. Nothing about the past is playing out in the present unless you give it your attention. So realizing this power of the present moment, you would not only feel a sense of possibility, you might start to actually live more fully in the present.

Nothing is more powerful. Nothing is more powerful than embracing the idea that you create your own experience of life and that all your power lies only in the present.

Nothing can liberate you faster or easier from anything, from anything you dislike, anything you want to change, anything you find challenging. Nothing can make things better faster than realizing and embracing that you create your own experience and that all your power lies in the present and living that.

So now we want to summarize how you might live this because that’s not just an idea that in and of itself makes your life different. The knowing of it doesn’t change anything unless you do things differently based on this, so there are practical reliable ways to apply this perspective in your life and here they are.

Understand that your attention to anything includes that thing in your experience; it activates the energy of that in your energy field.
Your attention is inclusive. You cannot say, “No,” to something if you’re giving it your attention. You might think you’re saying no but you’re saying yes. So, your attention to anything includes it vibrationally in your energy field and anything that’s resonant with what’s in your energy field can come into your life.

Your attention is doing stuff all the time. What you’re paying attention to is doing stuff all the time and you know what you’re doing with your attention – which is what you’re doing vibrationally – at any given moment by how you feel emotionally. You know this by how you feel emotionally. Your emotions are a reliable and accurate guidance system showing you moment to moment to moment what you are doing vibrationally.

Why does this matter? Because everything is energy and energy, pure potential energy, pure positive energy, unstructured energy moves into form in a very precise manner. It’s brought into one of those patterns – like your body – through the structuring power of your attention, the power of consciousness.

So, consciousness in some distinct aspect of focus, like a human being, like a non-physical energy field like us, gives attention in a particular way and through that, structures energy. You might even think of it as begins to “inform,” making into form, pure positive energy.

Consciousness structures energy. You could think of this structuring activity, as thought. You can’t have an experience without having a thought about it, and it’s the emanation of the thoughts you’re having, which structure energy, which create.

Everything that you’re emanating vibrationally that’s being transmitted throughout all of Creation is based on whatever your point of view is in the present. Pure positive energy is brought into more structured focus by attention of consciousness, that which you think of as thought.

Everything that you experience in your own life, everything that comes into your personal experience of life, what we like to call your personal reality, is resonant with an active energy within your field. Meaning nothing that you haven’t activated the essence of vibrationally can show up in your life. It just can’t.

Nothing will ever happen to you that you don’t have the active essence of in your energy field. The way to get things to stop happening isn’t to say no to them because by paying attention to them, you include them. The way to get things to stop happening, and this is the hardest step for everyone in embodiment to make, is to learn to withdraw your attention from them and place your attention on something else.This is sometimes called pivoting.

Any time you have an emotion that is uncomfortable for you, that’s guidance. That’s not a trigger to worry or panic or get in a tizzy over, it’s just guidance. Emotions indicate, show you  what you’re doing vibrationally. Uncomfortable emotions show that right now you’re out of sync with what you really want. You’re not in harmony with the things you’ve decided you care about, that you want your life to be like. So the vastness you are, which has embraced, become, expanded into, everything you’ve chosen, has a particular energy expressing the leading edge of you. When you have veered out of sync with who you really are, which is what we call the vastness of your eternal energy, you feel what you know as negative emotion; indications you’re out of sync with who you truly are.

When you are paying attention to something in your life in a way that is different than the wholeness you are sees it, you don’t feel good. You have emotions that indicate you’ve lost some of your alignment. So, you could pivot. You could remind yourself that you care about this guidance that you’re receiving because everything happens vibrationally and it’s good to know what you’re doing vibrationally.

You could decide that you’re going to appreciate the feelings, even the ones you don’t like and then you’re going to remind yourself what they mean. They mean, “I’m out of sync with something that matters to me,” and then you could ask yourself a very important question: What do I want? Because clearly you’re looking at something that is, in some way focused on what you don’t want. That’s why you have negative emotion.

So when you have that feeling and you recognize it as guidance, you can relate to it in a different way and this is how you reliably apply these things in your life. The tuning of this – of you – to who you truly are happens in the seemingly mundane moments of life, day to day to day, now, now, now, and again now by noticing how you feel emotionally.

When you’re not feeling as good emotionally as you can, you know that there’s guidance there for you and it’s an amazing opportunity to refine what’s active in your energy field, by paying attention to yourself.

When you have negative emotion, there’s guidance there saying this is an opportunity to refine your energy, to come into a life experience that’s more and more to your liking.

You’ll know when you’ve successfully done it, when you’ve shifted, because you’ll feel better immediately. Then, better feeling experiences will follow in your manifest unfolding. That’s the sequence – things happen first energetically, so you’ll notice improved feelings before the manifestations in your daily life improve.

So the way that you pivot when you find yourself noticing negative emotion, indications you’re in less alignment, is you ask yourself: What do I want? What do I want?

Ailia’s been playing lately with pivoting when she walks her dog. She walks for an hour, hour and a half every morning and she will find invariably at some point during the walk that Lily starts to pull on the leash in ways she finds too much. Then, often she gets very irritated. She’ll have to remind herself: Well, what do I want? What do I want? Then she’ll say, and this is the phrase she’s been using which you might try, “I am looking forward to….”

So she’ll say to herself, “I am looking forward to walking easily with Lily. I’m looking forward to having more parts of our walk where I can let her off the leash and I don’t even have to hold onto her. I am looking forward to having more fun.” And then she’ll just go on if she feels like it with other things she’s looking forward to.

She had an amazing experience this weekend with that because they walked very early in the heat and because it was very early, they walked really long, almost twice as long as normal and Lily started to really pull because she started to get hot before Ailia got hot. Ailia got irritated, and then she thought: Oh, this is my guidance system and it’s showing me I am out of sync with who I am. What do I want?

Then she did what we just told you. She said, “I am looking forward to Lily being more content on our walks. I am looking forward to looking at Lily and seeing Lily happy and enjoying our walks. I am looking forward to Lily and I being in perfect sync on our walks. I am looking forward to feeling no concern about Lily in the heat and knowing that Lily’s having a good time.”

She went on like this for a little bit and within a block or two, on a street that they never walk on, she came to a house and next to the driveway of that house was the most amazing thing. There was a large ceramic pot, like those used for outdoor plants. This pot was underneath a tree, and amazingly, that pot had been turned into a drinking fountain! The spot it was in was shady and pretty, and there were flowers all around it. At the base of this beautiful drinking fountain was a metal water bowl for dogs! It was attached on a little chain for people to use to get water for their dogs. She couldn’t believe it. So she rinsed it out a few times and filled it up and put it down for Lily and Lily had some cool water and played a bit in the shade, and there it was: she and Lily having a wonderful walk.

So this is how it works. Everything that comes into your personal experience of life, your personal reality is resonant with an active energy within your energy, meaning nothing you have not activated the essence of vibrationally can show up in your life.

Because Ailia had just had these thoughts about how she wanted her walk to go and while she was having them by thinking, “I am looking forward to…” she was not resistant at all. She was just feeling good thinking these thoughts and feeling how it will feel when those things show up, and how nice it will be and then she just continued on, and she didn’t think about it very much. She didn’t try very hard and then it showed up, like fast. She could have thought differently and our guess is she would have been walking on the other side of the street and not found this amazing little oasis. Think about that.

This is how it works for you. This is the power of your experience. You and only you can create your energy field, and you create your energy field by how you use your attention, and you know how you’re using it because of the emotions you feel. You’re infinitely powerful because you’re infinitely free every moment to think how you want to think. No one can think for you. Only you.

Having a thriving life happens in the present. It happens with opening up to the possibility that your life might achieve a state of being that is far beyond anything you could ever ask for or imagine.

Ailia in her wildest dreams never thought to imagine a drinking fountain in a giant terra cotta pot around the corner. She would have never thought to imagine it and yet it was far better than what she was asking for, and it accomplished what she was asking for and it happened in a snap.

We just lay this out there for you to think about today because you and Ailia are the same. You’re completely absolutely powerful, sovereign and free because you’re infinitely capable to choose how you think and what you give your attention to and therein lies all of your power.

We are complete.
We are the Council of Radiant Light.

» Source – Channel: Ailia Mira

The Equinox, The Void & Letting Go ~ September 22, 2016


Hey, ya’ll, I found this article on  the website of the First Contact Ground Crew Team and this is their message to you regarding this article, “FCGCT Commentary: The Void is the bridge between 3D and 5D. Once you pass the Void, you emerge into 5D…. All Heart Consciousness with the Unified Heart”.


By Ailia Mira, 09/22/2016

Hey Beautiful,

I’m in the VOID. 


Do you feel it? The Void is that empty space where it feels like nothing is happening. It can be frustrating if you resist it, wanting everything to start moving and shaking. Or if you don’t recognize it.

The way to be with the void is to let go. Hang, and soften. Enjoy.

The Void is a natural part of upgrading and changing. As you continue to evolve, you’ll experience the void again and again. Given the deep shifts many of us have felt happening in this Eclipse Cycle, it’s not surprising to find yourself in this experience.

The void is a state of transformation and feeling it, indicates a specific location in the cycle of change. The void may feel like nothing it going on, or it can feel like a lot is happening, but you don’t know what or what to do with it. In the Void, we’re in a deep period of integration and emergence. Life is going again to birth.

The Void can make you want to hole up and withdraw. You may feel much less social than normal. You might feel over-energized, or more sleepy than normal, or both! You may feel confused and your moods may go up and down.

In this deep restructuring you’re learning to orient and perceive and think in new ways. It may be harder to think and respond in ways people are used to you responding and yet you may not know what is happening yet and what life will be like on the other side. In a sense you are starting to orient to a new level of consciousness, a new standard for being and choosing.

You might be experiencing the void in an area of life, rather then overall. This happens too as specific parts of our experience are deeply transformed. 

If you’re feeling this, now is a time to allow these deep changes to penetrate and perpetuate a new way of being. It’s not push. Instead let inspiration return and arise, organically, from your newness. There is always a point in this journey when you feel more clear and strong, and then you feel inspired to take action because what you want next, becomes obvious.

Until it does, enjoy the still point of this and trust that all that you’ve summoned, allowed, completed, cleared, upgraded and shifted will come forth in a new configuration. 

Let yourself change. Embrace this experience, for you’ve summoned it, in your desire to grow spiritually and expand.

Breathe deeply and sink into this part of the experience. Listen to your body and honor it’s wisdom. Once the amazing work of assimilating all this newness into form and your multidimensional connections reset you’ll find you come online in new ways. Be curious and soft as things start to come forth. Discover who you are, by what arises from within, rather then projecting the familiar onto the newness.

I tried repeatedly to channel this afternoon, but could not. This often happens when such a fundamental change is occurring that I’m offline, while restructuring. So I took to my bed, read a book and relaxed. 

I now view the Void with delight – it’s full of promise. The Void to me means the major information and activations have been received and the building is underway. There’s nothing to do but let go and trust. So I watch movies, read, walk outside and expect little of myself. 

Tomorrow is the Equinox and given what I’m feeling, it feels like Divine Timing.

The Equinox can assist us with balance, inner harmony, and poise amidst transformation. Both learning what these are like and generating that in our experience. These reliable galactic cycles, can remind us of the incredible intelligence everywhere, if we choose to see know it this way.

I’m tired today. My sleep cycles have been off. I’m energized and staying up late, but waking at the dawn. But even amidst this tiredness and given my inability to channel, I know that this Eclipse Cycle is a game changer.

The pure line of spirit, the parallel within our world of the fulfillment of the destiny of humanity is amplified.

There will continue to be drama in the world and extremes, but there’s also a clear alternative: knowing our mastery, and pivoting out of separation. Choosing love.

Love is a creative force, that manifests as feelings but is essentially a flow of divine light within us. Love propels us to elaborate our energy signature, our essence, without inhibition. When we do this and knowingly, we can discover grace. Once we welcome and allow life to flow, change, expand, connect, and come together in an experience of wholeness, we naturally want to share and express ourselves. We discover that being who we are, is also the key to having what we want -for they are one and the same. Fulfillment comes about through alignment and authenticity.

Once we get that, our life becomes an act of embodied love and our stewardship of our humanity, universal and personal. We can embrace expressing our essence, directly, confidently, with respect and honor for the way we are here a unique expression of Creation. Love for ourselves, love for everyone else. Love for all ways people are playing out the end-game of the old world and love for all the new emerging frequencies that feel like balm and joy and possibility and aliveness.

We become part of that pure line of spirit, the path of divine identity and expression, a life and way of being which implodes separation.

There are many doorways to awakening and all of them are infused and nourished by the same unified field. We wake up and live from a sense of somehow knowing, that what was is now obsolete and then the newness of our knowing just keeps opening up and expanding. An ever-expanding experience of following our spirit and that path unfolding our capacity and fulfillment. How miraculous is that?

I look forward to emerging from my own transformation and to sharing what comes up and through me, with you. I welcome any and all changes you are creating. I celebrate your mastery and embrace you with knowing, kinship and love.

Happy Equinox!

Here’s to all you are, and all you are becoming!

With love,



The Council of Radiant Light ~ The Promise of Ascension ~ July 22, 2016

By Ailia Mira, 07/20/2016

We Greet You in Love,

Tremendous change is occurring in your lives and in the lives of others on your planet. We wish today to remind you of the promise of ascension. 

First, we will begin by offering some soothing views to help you shift into a state of peace.

We wish to acknowledge that we know many of you are struggling of late, and we continue to offer you encouragement and reassurance that all is well. We know that you may feel challenged and we wish to affirm that what you are experiencing is not a step backward. What is taking place now, and always is a furthering of your divine embodiment. 

What you are experiencing in the world, and all that is taking place in the world, right now, is also, not a step backward. All around you is progress. The visible expression and transformation of energy. All around you are creations in which the true vast Oneness is infusing and organizing matter, refining and recreating.

Ascension is ripe with promise and this promise is abundantly available within you. You can tap it, know it and live from it. 

The challenges you are experiencing in your life, are expressions of the expansion you are summoning as the frequencies of what you are calling forth begins to alter your energy.

As the expansion begins to energetically manifest as frequency, you must be brought into accord with that vaster version of you and this has to happen energetically. This expansion is not just an idea, or an intention, it is a recreation of your presence at in increasingly higher frequencies.

The manifestation of your higher frequencies is palpable and creating very real change. 

As you change, the changes may be integrated through an experience that feels rather joyous and graceful or the experience could feel more like a challenge. Neither are cause for concern and this is important to know. See if you can feel into the truth of that within you now. We know you can, and this is important – for it is reliable and it is a different way of relating to life than the past.

Sometimes your frequency shifts can trigger worry, fear or even just discomfort. The reason for this is that the frequencies are creating real change and when you have existing energy structures that are limiting, distorted, etcetera then the higher frequencies create dramatic change to your state, and this is felt.

This fundamental refining can also trigger fears and negative expectations. After all – for most humans in most times, change was feared. So then, you might then respond in fear, and when that happens you may find yourself overwhelmed. Perhaps even panicked over what was NOT supposed to happen to you.

You may doubt yourself and wonder, “WHY is this happening when I am ascending?!”

We want to reassure you that when you experience less graceful changes this is not a step backward. It is again, a furthering of your embodiment. You can experience more challenging shifts because higher frequency is shaking loose your attachment to what you thought your life would be and you’ve may have a transactional belief around what is shifting.  

For example, when you believe you cannot survive or are not safe without certain aspects of your life staying the same, then when those aspects are being elevated, liberated, altered…you will find the transformation has more potential to feel overwhelming and difficult. 

Changes and shifts can be lived from an awareness that is of the old paradigms of consciousness – through fear, worry, anxiety and a sense of disempowerment – or the shift can be an experienced as beneficial co-creation. You can choose to experience your own unfolding from higher knowing and intentionally co-create with all that you are. The later is an emerging experience, it is not habitual for everyone, nor in all situations. You can consciously choose to participate in a more evolved, elevated state of consciousness and this will alter your feelings, choices and actions as you experience transforming energies.

As you live from your higher levels you stop trying to control the changes in your life. Instead, you might feel as if you are keenly aware of new rhythms. You might find that you sense and can tune to the changing dynamics of your own flow and know what’s next and when to act and when to wait. You can be in knowing and live with more clarity. To relate to change like this is only possible, really, if you trust in your life and all that you are. You can only empower your higher frequencies if you orient to them as who you truly are, letting life here on earth flow and change, with your stability and knowing coming from within.

We invite you to know that all that you are is in love with you and is energetically transforming your consciousness and opening up your life in ways that benefit you; this is the promise of ascension.

With this kind of perspective as your view, you can relate to your own change as beneficial transformation. Living like this you empowers you to handle your life as challenges occur, and to be creative, confident and curious within changing experiences.

When you choose to align with higher frequencies within you, you are choosing to step into what is opening up. You are allowing what is transforming, and recognizing it as arising from a higher frequency that is you, reshaping your energy and your view. You are grounded in the reliability of the eternalness of YOU and the Oneness that is. You are dancing in and through the openings trusting you will be blessed and be expanded in capacity and light.

We affirm you and celebrate you!

You are becoming more accustomed in your body to your own expanded frequencies and to co-creating with all that you are. The vastness you are is reshaping and opening up your life in a new way. You are informing your physical form with the being that you are in your vastness!

The vastness you are works with your human energy system and your human energy system progresses in accord with all that you are and your consciousness can resist and fear this, or embrace and dance with this.

You can live knowing all is well and all is moving into the awareness and expression of conscious Oneness.

It may help to recognize that big changes may sometimes seem to unplug you from your guides and your felt connection with your vastness and the unseen world. When you are upgrading your energy and your potentials, your energetic interface is also changing. So if this happens, remember that this too is natural and temporary. Know that you are surrounded in love and with divine beings collaborating with you. and supporting you, even if for a time you cannot feel this is the same way. Realize you may then tune into these vast non-physical fields in new ways. Let yourself discover how it is to connect when your own frequency is rising. New experiences await you and this is part of the fun.

You see beloved friends, we encourage you to choose to be at peace with what is occurring and to orient to your true identity which is eternal. 

You get to choose.

Why not choose to experience the decension and integration of your vaster light, through conscious participation and with a sense of empowerment?

All that is occurring in your shifts will take you into new experiences because the changes are real and there are opportunities opening as your energy refines. This is natural.

Once you emerge from each level of transformation, you will discover your consciousness is different. You will find that different ideas occur to you, and you make different choices in some parts of your life. These changes happen because the old patterns are not available anymore because your frequency is now different. Your access as consciousness is changed.

What manifests in your experience when you participate from higher consciousness rather then choosing and acting out of fear, will be furthering your accelerated expansion and light, and this rising energy can give you feelings of elation and joy. 

The promise of ascension is the expression of your vaster wholeness.You can confidently relate to changes in your life and the world – challenging or welcome — orienting to the truth of your being and co-creating with a deep sense of knowing that what is taking place is auspicious.

Ascension is assured.  The more you line up with all that you are, the more that becomes apparent to you.

We are the Council of Radiant Light.
