Game On – Pluto turns Forward ~ September 29, 2019

By Hare in the Moon Astrology

To the beat of Pluto’s subliminal shamanic drumming, the countdown to 2020 – a year unlike anything you’ve experienced before – has started. From now on, everything matters, everything counts. On Thursday October 3rd Pluto turns Direct in Capricorn heading towards the once in 507 years conjunction with Saturn in Capricorn on January 12 2020.This means that all 3 Game Changers in the dramas of 2020 – Saturn/ Pluto/ Jupiter – are now all moving forward into uncharted territory. You will absolutely feel this shift. It will be palpable, somatic, visceral, intensely emotional and physical.

This is going to be much more meaningful than simply Pluto the Great Eliminator moving forward after 5 months of excavating your soul – it’s the catalyst for the 2020 – 2030 Great Transformation. In 2020, 4 (!) rare Gateway Cycles end then completely re-boot at the same time. This is the start of a Social and Collective Re-set lasting throughout the next decade to 2030.

Formerly defined in 3D as the Lord of the Underworld, Pluto is uplevelling alongside us to 5D Gatekeeper of Source Creation- turning direct in a star gathering of Chariklo/ Arawn/ Saturn/ the South Node of Fate/ Eris – the Female Awakener – and Haumea – bringer of epochal events.

This is definitely a punctuation point in Time…… 2019 has been absolutely raw, brutal yet transformative on multiple levels for every one of us and it’s not over yet. The last 3 months of the year are going to funnel us into the vortex of the 2020 Magnetic Shift + Freedom Codes -entirely new bandwidths of experience. We haven’t seen anything yet…. You are not failing, you are not dying – you are re-orienting.


September Starts a Domino Chain of Unstoppable Events ~ September 1, 2019

By Hare in the Moon Astrology

September 1-8 2019

” What comes, will go…….what is found, will be lost again…… but what you are is beyond coming and going and beyond description……You are It” Rumi

A heads up! Watch as September starts a domino chain of unstoppable events. This week’s massive gathering of planets in Earth has an unequivocal message about getting your act together on all levels and making it work on the material plane.

There are multiple new cycles re-aligning us all in ways we’ve never before experienced. Each of us is being re-wired in unique ways-emotionally, physically, mentally and etherically. Remember, embodiment comes personalised-there’s no one size fits all.

Mercury joins Mars/Venus/the Sun/Orcus in Virgo -creating a huge stellium of all the inner planets aligning with Lord of Time and Karma Saturn in Capricorn, Awakener Uranus in Taurus and expansionist Jupiter on the Great Attractor.

If you didn’t get the message at last Friday’s Virgo Super New Moon, it will be impossible to avoid it now. No cutting corners. No superficiality. No more waiting until you’re “ready”.


The Separation of Worlds Occurring ~ August 7, 2018

Editor’s Note: LOT’s happening out there astrologically this month! Want to know what your astrological reading is for the next week? Be sure and check that off below, and be…



By Hare in the Moon Astrology

Wednesday August 7 2019

“Are you feeling a bit shaken, maybe stirred, maybe fearful and completely, utterly terrified? Good , keep going.” Victoria Erickson

This Leo Super New Moon seismic window -only now diminishing in intensity- means business. And not business as usual but playing for very high stakes. But it’s not over until it’s over and that weird sensation of being tumbled out of control in a giant centrifuge will amplify all week as both Awakener Uranus and expansionist Jupiter station to change direction next Monday 12th.

As above, so below. As without, so within. What is playing out in the collective, ”out there”, is being mirrored inside you, in your own unique constellation of stardust. You are being asked to break. Break up. Break down. Break out. It’s the Separation of Worlds, of Time-lines showing up as extreme polarisation.

Outside – the old social and political contracts are being broken, smashed, eroded and deleted wherever you look; the contract between the US President and the nation to be a unifying force ;the contract between world powers to allow free trade; the contract between the United Kingdom Parliament and the people; the contract between the UK and Europe; the contract between North Korea and the US; and the contract between the nuclear powers-US, Russia and China.

Inside- the old is deleting but the new is still emerging into form -you are literally between worlds , between the known and unknown and that’s a space that can feels to the ego like an existential threat to survival. Look more closely within. That edgy sense of chaos and total loss of certainty is your outdated belief systems, mind viruses and negative self-hypnosis being spun away from the centre, revealing an empty space where, if you offer no resistance, you are receptive to the Grace arising now. The sideways elevators of Jupiter and Uranus -the forerunner futurist awakeners-are creating a vector you didn’t realise was there. Whenever these show up, take the ride into radically new, uncharted and visionary territory.

“This is what it feels like to be brilliantly achingly alive. Alive in the shatter. Alive in the empty. This is what it is to belong to things we cannot possibly understand. This is what it is to trust in the terrifying wisdom of our own becoming” Jeanette LeBlanc.

Stay grounded, knowing that this is all happening in perfect timing….. read your August 4-11 Week Ahead sign forecasts at:

New! If you want the inside track on the emerging 2020 5D pathways, my August 5D Report: “The Freedom Codes – the Now and the New “ is only available to subscribers. Sign up at:


A Perfect Storm~Solstice Energies ~ June 19, 2019

Editpr’s Note: What do I like most about this article? At the end, the author state something so very true at this time…removing our attention from all of the “distractions” of the world (geo-political maneuvering) and back onto that which is true and real!

So…it may be wise to stay aware of the outside world, know that that which is in your innermost heart is the truth and reality you seek, and be…



Via A Hare in the Moon Astrology

A heads up !
In my Week Ahead Forecast for June 16-23 posted on Sunday, I predicted “a perfect storm” as a vortex of rare deep space alignments forms around the Solstice.

As above, so below, with bells on ! In the last 3 days the Schumann Resonance -the Earth’s natural heartbeat rhythm -usually at a steady state 7.83 HZ – has risen and risen spiking at an incredible 92 HZ yesterday!

Amplified by this seismic Full Moon window and strong solar winds ,the physical and etheric evidence of the epochal Mercury/Mars/ Saturn /Pluto /Eris alignment is undeniable.

Expect even more spikes with the July 2nd solar eclipse les than 2 weeks away.

Your frequency is being re-tuned to galactic wavelengths-and I mean this literally. Galactic as in wavelengths reaching you direct from the Galactic Centre and the Great Attractor, two of the 3 most powerful complex energy vortices in quantum astronomy and astrology. Both are conduits from the Noosphere: the Great Attractor operates on the Wavelength of the Creator’s Voice and the Galactic Centre is literally our Homing Signal from where new stars and radio waves are still being generated.

This is real, tangible physical and somatic change. This is what embodiment means- undeniable shifts in your personal time-lines and then your bandwidths of experience.

Don’t get caught up in glamorising the dramas of symptom identification: anything from ear ringing, sleep disruption, flatlining, bursts of exhilaration, being tired and wired, aches, pain, time slips, weird dreams, pre-cognitions……..
Instead open to what is coming through you with no preconceptions, get out of your head and into your body, grounding and hydrating.

This is not an illness but the Awakening of your human body’s long dormant extra sensory acuity. It is the beginning of the Great Turning – remember ,you asked for change and transformation and here it is…..

This next phase is going to be everything you’ve deeply longed for but probably nothing like you think it will be. For many of us, this will involve moving familiar missions/roles aside so that a brand new or new-level mission can be birthed from this new space. And in the process, life is rearranging itself… you are withdrawing your focus and attention from the things that used to matter to you, from distractions that you thought were important, in order to redirect all your energy to the New and True.
