
Cynthia is your typical Pisces which will no doubt explain any ideosynchroronicity found in this blog. She settled down her creative and sensitive side as a child in order to learn. Formal education has been extensive and thorough beginning with an associate degree in Medical Technology and ending with a MBA through the University of Georgia.

She’ll tell you about her experiences as a music student and a pre-med student if you want. She is “the scientist who sings”! Travel…ah, travel is a love for Cynthia. As an “Air Force brat”, Cynthia grew up all over the world as a child before settling in the American Southwest. Cynthia likes to travel just about anywhere she can “go see”.

Today, Cynthia’s main focus is on spirituality. She frequents many web pages to learn what the headlines are and then intuits the spiritual reason for the headlines.

242 thoughts on “About

      1. Merry Christmas from Oz. Thanks for your work, it is a favorite site of mine.

        Latest booster numbers here – 5% takeup. 95% are now anti-vax. The tide is turning, slowly.

  1. If you are interested, here is a news website from Israel
    which I find to be balanced and coincides with what
    people understand in Israel (who everybody knows others
    involved in some aspect of the situation there now).
    Just to be aware, when they talk of Zionist, they mean regular
    people who love the land or want to go and live there,
    some who may be liberal, or religious, but not connected with ds.
    (As I wrote you once before, most of the populace havn’t heard
    of that concept).


    1. Thanks…really not going onto the Israeli, or Hamas, or much of the MIddle East thing in this moment! Event(s) are evolving we will all come to BE aware of! I Am a KNOWing observer…💕😊🌹

      1. Fine.

        …But I think it’s easy to say “not going into the Israeli/Hamas thing” – but
        when push comes to shove, sometimes articles/videos will come up – and
        then, to remember BOTH sides of the story should be checked on (not even
        meaning fake videos).

  2. I just received this speech. Wow. Not political. Not religious, as such.
    Just current truths presented wihout emotion, but with conviction
    and facts, This is truth on a platter. How did he succeed with
    this message from every side and angle? It is a TRULY UNIVERSAL
    CURRENT message for all average citizens of the world.
    What a take! Literally stunning.

      1. No validation needed. Sent it because I just thought it was like a work of art of a speech.
        (cant explain).

  3. A little “lightness” –
    Mellow. Tender. This holy melody is dedicated to Ephraim, special
    son of biblical Joseph.


    Haben yakir li Efrayim,
    Im yeled sha’ashu’im—
    Ki-midei dabri bo, zachor ezkerenu od;

    Al-ken, hamu mei’ai lo—
    Rachem arachamenu,
    Ne’um Ado-nai.”

    Is Ephraim a son beloved unto Me?
    Is he a child fondly indulged?
    For as oft I speak of him, I will surely remember him;

    Hence, My entire being yearns for him.
    I will surely have compassion upon him,
    says the LORD.”

  4. Finally I could donate some, because of the Paypal possibility. Thank you Cindy for all you do for us! And uhm… could you add me again to your mailinglist? I don’t receive the mail-notifications anymore and I miss them! Both marjon.10chicchan@zonnet.nl and PAN-Holland.nl please. Thank you and with love from the Netherlands.

  5. It seems the sitemap for the current posts, only comes up if you go into
    The “About” section of the blog.
    If you go into the sitemap at the beginning (top) of the blog, you will only get old (archive) posts.
    (That’s what’s coming up)

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