Jackie Kennedy Onassis Alive and Partying With Her Granddaughter Kayleigh McEnany? Let’s Break the Internet With This! ~ May 9, 2023


Monday, May 8, 2023 20:57

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Well well well, what have we here… more red pilling of America?

Many truthers feel that Kayleigh McEnany is JFK Jr., and Caroline’s daughter…

JFK Jr. alive too!!

15 thoughts on “Jackie Kennedy Onassis Alive and Partying With Her Granddaughter Kayleigh McEnany? Let’s Break the Internet With This! ~ May 9, 2023

  1. Thank U for posting this ! INTUITION IS NEVER EVER WRONG, IS IT?
    JOY ! “All is Calm.”

    1. Thank you. It’s in the air: holding up the Love and Light together .. is John
      returning soon? I believe in synchronicities ! Don’t you?

      1. Absolutely! Someone please explain how the Universe paid me for one of my temp jobs without ever showing up ( decided at the last minute that position was not for me). THAT is how the Universe works! 🌹😊💕🎉

  2. Getting bit bored with old Gitmo lists reading public would know by early 2023.
    That darn carrot keeps being dangled and just as you try and reach it…away it goes up into thin air.

    1. I am beginning to feel that we are on a timeline unlike that of the false 3D. Could it be we are in a “No Time” Timeline?”
      That may be the reason why we are reminded not to be fixated with dates. If
      the world was “evil” during the early Piscean Age, it is certainly worse now
      for 3D dwellers. I do not fully understand ascension per se except for my own individual experiences. I have been feeling the best that I have ever felt which
      lends me to believe in the full flowering of the Golden Age NOW, the beginning of a New Life, the “Molecularized Thoth !!!

      1. Time does seem to be “ standing still” at times, yet causative events on Earth are “event-driven” for the masses.
        Actually, fir those who are ready, the Earth is moving last 3D, past religion, past divine, into Quantum, and most are not aware of this fact! 😊🌹💕

    2. I know…all I can do is offer what is published! Hope these “ old lists” help make one aware of the depth of corruption on this Earth! Of course, I will offer the latest as they become available! Big job changing this Earth! 😊🌹💕

      1. Yes I know its a big dirty evil place. I’ve reedman times on other blogs that this is the most evil planet in the Universe because of beings under the ground! Also these poor children makes me cry every time I read it, can’t bring myself to watch the videos yet I’m sure they must be horrific especially what I read the HRC had been doing…evil POS

      2. Very true, yet We Are DOing this! These moments today are really crazy…hold on tight! Love you…🌹🌹💕

  3. I am going with my gut instinct and I honestly believe truth will prevail.
    I believe in higher forces as well as the earthly forces too.
    Years ago after Princess Diana died I like a lot of British people were in shock..how could it happen she was so loved by the public in this country and worldwide as well. I was working in a shop at the time and it was a Sunday and it was eerie. Although the shop was full of people as always you could have heard a pin drop. Everyone was staring at the Sunday Newspapers. Bassically everyone was in shock and disbelief.
    I think like JFK the Schuman resonnance must have been sky high as we were all connected all thinking about the same thing…the collective consciousness just like when JFK was killed and JFK Jr.
    Years later I remember sitting at home one night and a thought came into my head what if she faked her death and what if JFK faked his death as I’d heard about Witness protection and I very much believe MJ is alive and a whole host of others. As Trump says it will be a bumpy ride and its been very scary but I am beginning to think this is a great time to be alive and boy did any of us ever believe we would be living in these times.
    Love to all.

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