Kp Message 8-15-22… “‘Involvements’ are dropping” ~ August 15, 2022


Editor’s Note: Kp is another of the “spiritual guru” of which I Am aware, and it is quite significant for me regarding his statement in this “NOW” moment to not be so “driven” to post. The reason why I say this is significant is that as a spiritual blogger, I Am finding less and less to post myself on the spiritual side of Earthly life.

Does that mean, I too, will cut back? Probably not, as I see this as my mission…to bring “news” to those not trusting MSM, and to continue providing “spiritual support” for those seeking such in this time of GREAT transformation.

So…thanks for reading my blog, donate as you can at my Paypal link (every little bit helps sustain me during our journey :), and then BE in…

Quantum Joy!


Clearly I am not “pulled into” incessant posting anymore. That phase has ended.

Although I still view certain “intels” and “intellers” from time to time, even those I have a stronger interest in, hold less and less appeal to me.

I began signing up for something today, and quickly “got” the “Higher Inner Intel” to stop. Right in the middle. Before it was finished.

There are many “involvements” that I cannot have now. And I will remain free of any of those with which I feel any encumbrances or any strong resistances. Those are not for me.

I’m seeing more and more clearly that this current planetary 3D network is very much an entrapment matrix.

I also know that there is always a “way out” of any type of “matrix situation” in which we might find ourselves.

There are no “gurus”.

Trust Higher Inner Guidance.

That is what I am doing right now.

That is all.

Aloha, Kp

3 thoughts on “Kp Message 8-15-22… “‘Involvements’ are dropping” ~ August 15, 2022

  1. Well it’s a lot of the same, it’s getting old. Yet it is event based. They can’t make the event happen, so I understand the reruns. This is big stuff. Nothing ever so big I’ve seen in the country or world in my 50 years. I could feel the noose loosen a year ago I felt a bit more free. At least where I live, I did what I wanted. we shall see but I believe in my heart it’s in the bag knowing and following for years now, things in a certain direction unfolding. Discerning from msm confirming the good guys story. Faith all faith.

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