Embodying the Latest 2022 Energies ~ May 12, 2022


How’s everyone doing?

It’s been so energetically intense for week and months straight in 2022, and there’s only about 2 or 3 hours in-between these energy onslaughts where we get brief reprieves before it starts again. It used to be days and weeks, but now it’s only a couple of hours. This is Phase 2 of the Ascension Process in the NEW Divine Mother Feminine energy template of ascending NEW Earth for NEW Humans, with a continual incoming string of more NEW codes and energies that match it for us to embody.

The other day I clairvoyantly Saw these latest NEW higher frequency energies having reached yet another level within our physical and energy bodies that automatically caused some to change rather dramatically again. Be aware that this process will continue to happen over and over because we’re still climbing evolutionary energy stairsteps, we’re just doing so now in a completely NEW and vastly higher level and frequency range within a totally NEW planetary energy template.

After weeks and months this year of doing not much else than embodying one after another of these extra intense incoming NEW higher energies and codes, a few days ago I Saw that my physical spine — that many of our physical spines —have recently reached a higher capability of housing and running an entirely NEW high frequency Triality Light energy through them physically. And if our evolving spines can now do that, then so too can our Central Nervous System (CNS), muscles, bones, consciousness and much more.

This is one big reason why the 2022 embodying has hurt so much more and been so exhausting and debilitating than what we’re used to at old lower levels. I repeat, at old lower levels. 

I know many have believed that this whole process would become easier and faster, and it actually is when perceived from a higher point of view. However, down here in the evolutionary physical trenches, it’s been physically brutal energetically in brand NEW and incredibly higher frequency ways all year so far. And much more is coming as we embody our ways up these NEW higher-level energies week after week and month after month. Remember how I said that in January 2022 I started physically seeing the number combo 12-21 constantly? I’ve never seen the December Winter Solstice be “yelled” at me in any January, so this told me that we will be something very NEW, improved and seriously different energetically in our physical bodies on the physical level come December 21, 2022 Solstice or there abouts. There’s 7 months left between today and then and we’ve got more embodying to accomplish during that time. Rest your body, mind and psyche. Spend as much time as you can in your HighHeart when it all gets too much. We are rapidly becoming an entirely NEW species in all ways.

What I clairvoyantly Saw a few days ago was my spine as Light, not old solid physical 3D frequency bone, or half old and half NEW, but all crystalline Light. Our spines and bones are still physical, but they’re far more Light filled and crystalline today than they ever were during Phase 1 of the Ascension Process. I Saw my spine as crystalline blue Light that radiates that energy outward through my physical body and beyond it. My body, your body, our bodies, spines, bones and more have become so Light filled with higher NEW templates, codes and energies in early 2022, that we radiate the Light that we are beyond the external physical skin layer and energetically affect people, animals, plants, rocks, soil, water, air and reality. We receive and we transmit these higher NEW Light energies and templates because we’ve embodied them and have become them. More of us reached a higher level of embodiment only days or weeks ago which automatically causes humans/humanity and reality/realities to change further every time we do so.

During the hours, days, nights, weeks and months when it reaches the point where it feels to the current you that you absolutely cannot go any further with this level of the Ascension Process, Know that you can and are despite how debilitated and energy sick you feel at the moment. This is Phase 2 Individual Internal Pathpaving. Take extra good care of yourself because of it.

Denise Le Fay

May 12, 2022

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Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2022. All rights reserved. Use or duplication of my articles, posts and other materials is strictly prohibited. 

One thought on “Embodying the Latest 2022 Energies ~ May 12, 2022

  1. HOW much goddamn longer is this going to take? And WHAT and WHEN will we….you know…get REWARDS…..not suffering? how long does it take to ‘activate’ DNA?

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