Soul Contract ~ February 19, 2021

As this is a time of awakening for you, and many other souls your soul memory banks are busy triggering and this reading will trigger some more as keys and codes within you are awakened.

Before you were born, you sat with your higher guides and the intergalactic counsel and those that oversee the incarnations of souls onto this planet, and you drew up a soul contract.

Within this contract, there is a masterplan incorporated. For you came in to serve first and foremost, and you came in to work through certain negative karmic patterns you created with other souls during other lifetimes on planet earth.

However, some souls work cosmically together, and galactically, and they will often incarnate together, to do SPECIFIC work. In your case, this is true. The souls will then agree to meet at certain times during the lifetime, and there will be a sense of familiarity, indeed, recognition, when they meet.

They know each other via the EYES, which are the windows to the soul. Sometimes there will be a sense of déjà vu – we have been here before, or we were working on this before or we loved before, or we were together before.

That is natural. Such souls will meet – there is no way that they not meet. It is all ordained. Some call it destiny. Whatever, if they are meant to meet and work together, they will always be pulled back together, even if one is unawake and the other awake. They will normally trigger something in the other and help them to remember.

The planet earth in truth is an EXPERIMENT and the souls coming here asked that they will experience free will and choice.

In the beginning they remembered who and what they were, at soul level and why they came in, but when Atlantis willfully destroyed itself, and humankind fell into the Seas of Forgetfulness and the Veils of Amnesia came down, they forgot all of this. Even now many souls never wake up, even though repeated wake up calls will be sounded through such a lifetime.

When souls who are contracted to meet, meet, the free will choice, and the way they chose to live their lives, will determine the outcome.

Some will choose not to be together, some will choose to ignore this.

Sometimes they got themselves involved with other soul they were not contracted to meet and get into relationships because of the animal nature and not their higher mind and souls. This often leads to them getting married to souls who are not ordained to be with them.

Yet all serves in the end. If two souls are truly meant to be together, as said before, they will always be pulled back together.

Remember the soul is not attached to the physical form.

Souls can merge without needing the physical body. Indeed, the sexual energy is not attached to the physical form either. It is human beings who have forgotten this truth.

You can choose to be with someone. Or can choose not to.

The Divine Laws however are exact. You sow what you reap. Whatever you choose to do or not do, has repercussions. In comes the Law of Responsibility – taking responsibility for the choices you make, knowing that every choice has a ripple effect.


3 thoughts on “Soul Contract ~ February 19, 2021

  1. I was FORCED to incarnate here. Earth is a prison planet.
    TRY to consider such a….concept, ok?

    1. I did NOT.

      “There are some corners of the universe which have bred the most terrible things! Things which act against everything we believe in. They must be fought!” : The Second Doctor, from “The Moonbase”, 1967.

      According to COBRA, here is what is happening:

      Earth is a GULAG, for the past several thousand years. The Archons, the Lizards, and the Chimera (EVIL spider like beings who make the lizards look like saints in comparison) came to earth, and took over. The good guys, the REAL federation, found earth in a hostage situation…hence why it been taking awhile to fight this.

      The Archons and company set to a reincarnation recycling system. Souls get FORCED to incarnate here, again and again, as humans….rather than on other planets, or as celestial beings…..and this applies to human souls and ALIEN souls (hence why I am here…I STRONGLY feel I am, really, a PLEIADIAN WOMAN who was killed in battle close to earth and got trapped here..and the Archons, to amuse their sorry asses, FORCED me to be born an ugly man….which I will NEVER forgive them for). They do this either by:

      Trickery: That light at the end of the tunnel? Visions of long gone loved ones? THAT is the trap. Think of a fly coming to a bug zapper. Oh, it LOOKS pretty….get to close….ZAP!
      Technology: The Baddies established a ‘veil’ over earth, going up to about 60 miles over the earth’s surface. It’s like big bubble that won’t let anything out.
      Guilt: The Archons and Lizards will try to make you feel guilty for refusing reincarnation….stating stuff like spiritual development, or past life karma, or other bullshit….think of a nagging mother who induces a guilt trip on their grown up children to go to married and have kids for HER benefit, not her own kids’ benefit.

      And, when you get reincarnated, as a ‘bonus gift’ the bad guys ERASE your memory of your past lives….easier to control you that way. You REALLY think reincarnation amnesia is a GOOD THING? I do not see how it contributes to ‘spiritual development? Development and evolution involves LEARNING and EXPERIENCE…….amnesia undoes that……that is like wanting to learn to be a surgeon, and you go to medical school and, upon graduation, the dean injects you with a chemical that erases not only your memory of your medical education and training, but also your entire memory and identity. Then he gives you a hard kick to the ass, sending you landing, face down, in a puddle of mud, or a pile of dog poo, and then he shouts “GOOD LUCK CUTTING PEOPLE OPEN, SUCKER!” and he goes off laughing. See how DUMB that all is? This is why, I feel, infants cry like banishes upon being born….their memories are being sucked away/blocked…and they are aware of it. I call it SOUL RAPE. This is why, I feel, we have so many haunted places. Those ghosts that inhabit these places, rather than ‘go to a better place’ KNOW what’s waiting for them if they ‘go into the light’ they figured this shit out, and are going to STAY in these places until the reincarnation trap is finally put out of action, and I can not blame them.

      Now, you are probably asking WHY the baddies do this. Answer: The Archons, like a vampire, FEED off energy from emotions, negative emotions……..hate, greed, anger, sorrow, and ESPECIALLY fear. This is why they, and their partners, the lizards, the archons and the human stooges known as the cabal make life on earth is miserable as possible….OCCASIONALLY throwing you some meager crumbs, like fancy gadgets that are in fact junk (those smart phones….or dumb phones as I call them, are, in fact, 100 year old technology) chemical NASA rockets, a black guy as president, vaccines for engineered diseases, etc. This is to keep the masses THINKING they are both free and advancing…when they are actually standing still and stagnating like old water in a barrel. They also throw distractions…..sports, reality TV, jobs, bills, taxes… ‘keep us busy’. They also FUCKED our DNA, in order to give us short life spans, susceptible to disease, to make us age, and to cut us off from source. Not to mention surround the planet with toplet bombs, which are in the plasma plane, and could do a LOT of damage….far worse than atomic weapons. They also put plasma implants in to cut us form source as well. Making Earth a hostage situation.

      Anyone who thinks this is a fun ‘game’ and the so-called ‘federation’ allows this misery is because we chose to are full of shit and I am telling you so. To anyone who thinks those kids, who are being raped, tortured, maimed, killed and even EATEN because their souls CHOSE this, or that because they are paying for some crime/sin in a past life……

      ……..go fuck yourself. Also, go pleasure yourself with a cheese grater, so you can not reproduce. And speaking of birth control, for you folks who preach this bullshit propaganda, it makes me wish birth control was RETROACTIVE.

      This is no game, this is a WAR, folks. Earth is concentration camp, where the souls who been trapped here have been pretty much turned into cattle for the Archons and their partners in crime. I highly suggest listening to, or reading Cobra’s interviews/blogs.

      I myself plan to meet the good ET’s, get my PROPER BODY, as in gender and genetics, LEAVE Earth, and get back to the stars and find my REAL home world, and my special someone(s) out there, or DIE in the escape attempt.

      In closing: Wake up and smell the mocha. We need DIRECT ET contact, and we need it YESTERDAY! Contact is long overdue.
      And whether or not you can handle it, what you have read is the truth.

      *drops mic and walks off*

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