Cartoon of C…reepy [P]resident-Elect Bejing [B]…iden ~ January 14, 2021

Editor’s note: Yep…I went to a local large retailer for a quick non-mask shipping trip on Sunday, and lookee what I found! A quick snap of this book in the store “as found” is pictured above. Let’s quickly mention that the character featured really doesn’t quite resemble the “current” version of Joe Biden out there…

A coloring book for our Sleepy Uncle Joe for kids to color in…claiming Uncle Joe to be “America’s Sexiest Moderate”? Uncle Joe left the moderate world a long time ago…. and has other “claims to fame” I don’t even want to consider. Is there any reason for the page below from this coloring book?

Why was this coloring book of Creepy President-Elect Joe found in a wheelbarrow of spray fresheners? That much air freshener will NEVER clean up the various criminal and S*atanic messes Joe has made. Just sayin…

See more pages from this coloring book below which causes me to wonder at the mental acuity and reasoning needed to play poker, and chess. Really…this is the guy who will play poker and chess on the world stage with other leaders on Planet Earth?

Just thought I would share this coloring book with you which speaks volumes, please share this broadly, know our future leader (not Joe) has perhaps already been chosen for us leaving us all to BE in…

Quantum Joy!

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