ARE YOU READY? ~ December 7, 2020

Dec 6th,

2020 Planetary Conjunction


Many are asking? Am I ready for the pivotal moment of the Conjunction ❤🙏

The Answer is YES, to know you are perfectly aligned in the NOW moment.

To receive Messages from your Soul Team, to Empower yourself and to have faith in your progress.

For each day is a GIFT, an opportunity to receive. Follow your HEART GUIDANCE for your Soul Family are there. The Heart Purity Vibration is the Vibrational Key dear one. To find a time in your day to create a Sacred Light Space

❤ To focus on your heart and breathe, connect more deeply to your true Essence. For the TRUE YOU resides in your heart. F

ocus on your Empowerment, to draw strength from your CORE LIGHT. To feel the power of your Eternal Flame.

To realise, this is a Personal Mission, a Mission of Expansion and Empowerment. For each day leading to December 21 is a GLOBAL window of expansion.

Leading to the pivotal point of the Jupiter/Saturn Alignment. We see your Multidimensional Light field, as your Physical – Light Template is upgrading.

A multi-facetted Light process aligning your entire Cellular – Light chemistry. Open your HEART to the Universe, the TRUE YOU…the rest will unfold…. A sacred Light Journey ❤🙏


Sending waves of Cosmic Love ❤

The Arcturians & Karen Lithika

By Karen Lithika❤

Thank you Artist

One thought on “ARE YOU READY? ~ December 7, 2020

  1. Hello there!
    I am contacting you because it appears the image you used to illustrate this post was not free to use. It’s an artwork I created and originally uploaded at this URL (although you most likely found it on either Instagram or Pinterest):
    Copyright laws unfortunately require people to seek and obtain permission before using or sharing someone else’s work, as well as crediting them – even on the Internet, and regardless of where the work was found. This particular image is not exception. For this reason, I’m afraid I have to ask you to remove the image from your post.
    Please rest assured that I mean no harm, and I’m certain you had the best of intentions when sharing this. I simply want this image to be removed. Lots of love and happiness to you! 🙏🤍

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