“The Sisterhood of the Rose” ~ November 30, 2020

“Remembrance of the ancient ways

Priestesses and Priests anchoring Love and Light

The initiates of the the Sisterhood of the Rose gather in sacred circles who work for the betterment of mankind. The Priestesses usually formed twelve groups and each group composed of twelve women creating 144.

Now, many sisters and brothers, in larger numbers, are called gather to anchor as much Love and Light to the Planet as possible.

Priestesses and Priests of the Sisterhood of the Rose

Together priestesses and priests anchor Light from their hearts and use their sacred breath and all the combined elements and essences to bring forth Harmonious Light and Love through all realms and planes, activating the key remembrance of our true selves through the planetary grid. Women and men of all races and places gather in these sacred circles across the planet. All the women, along with a masculine counterpart, creating a powerful network of Light, anchoring Pure divine Source Light. The men gather around the women to show support and act as guardians so the priestesses do their sacred work. Sisterhood work involves gathering together in song, fire ceremonies, water ceremonies, support for inner soul journey, Light anchoring meditations and sacred designs of art from the remembrance of Love and Light Within.

Key pieces of art has remained on the planet to remind all of this sacred activation, like the three spirals at Newgrange:

Triskelion – a Celtic symbol consisting of three legs or lines radiating from a center

All women and men on the planet are called to step forth and anchor Love and Light through their own I AM being, recognizing themselves as anchors of the Light. We are all part of the Whole, the sacred breath of the One Source of Life and connected like threads of the Universe. Each one embodying the sacred codes and wisdom, bringing together the larger body of Light that harmonizes all.

Within the one heart of Universal Truth and Love and the sacred life giving presence, that is within all, the Great Motherly and Fatherly Essence brings forth, through the sacred womb and hearts, the Universal embodiment of life itself which activates codes, Wisdom, Inner knowing of Self Empowered Light and Love to the Sacred Sisterhood and Brotherhood.”

Maria Nesa
The Sisterhood of the Rose

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